Imperialism Notes Template

Roots of Western Imperialism
1870-1914: Age of Imperialism (one country takes control of another country). Merchants exploring and
trading with a new area. Mother country would develop that area for own gain. Europe, US, and Japan
were the dominant.
Types of Control
____________________-set up by large groups of people from one country living together in a new place
______________________-loyal officials ruled over the indigenous people
______________________________-local ruler kept title but pledged alliance to conquering country.
Countries set up __________________________________________-an area of interest for that country.
National Rivals
Nations believed they would be _________________________________________. Large
________________________ became important. Imperialism would lead to world conflict.
Economic Motives
Industrialism created the need for ______________________________. Countries did not want to
depend on other nations, imperialism became even stronger. Nations would conquer or develop other
nations for raw materials. They also sought _______________________________________________
Cultural Motives
Industrialized nations had a duty to spread ____________________________________ around the world.
The White Man’s Burden
A poem by _________________________________ used to sum up western attitude towards nonwesterners. It was their __________________________________ to impose their values and religion on
other people.
Missionaries were sent all over the world to spread ___________________________. They helped build
schools, and many had medical training and helped established hospitals.
European Claims in North Africa: France
1830-France occupied the _________________________________________________. Algerians
resisted French rule for the next 60 years.
1881-France took over Tunis. Became a _____________________________________. Under French
control until 1956
1854-Egypt allowed French company to build the _____________________________ connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Egypt bought almost half the stock in the company putting Egypt in
debt. To avoid bankruptcy, sold stock to England in 1875. England now had a
_____________________________________ and controlled this area for decades.
Fashoda Crisis
The French and the English wanted control over the __________________________ (Egyptian colony)
on the Upper Nile River. The English wanted to build dams and control the water flow in the lower Nile.
1881-Revolution broke out in the Sudan. Muslim leader, __________________________________, led
a revolt against Egyptian rule. Called himself Al-madhi-“The Expected One.” The British invaded
Sudan to put down rebellion. The British won easily.
The French also decided to get involved. Marching 3,000 miles from the Congo, France and England met
at _____________________________. The French could not defeat the British and gave the Sudan to
England. The became known as the ____________________________________________.
European Claims in Sub-Saharan Africa
Europe had already carved up Africa by 1900 for ___________________________________: each
interested European country competing for its own interests.
West Africa
Major center of the__________________________________________. Abolished in early 1800’s, slave
centers turned to others forms of trade-_________________________________________. Europeans
began to push inland to gain control of the sources of the products.
The French defeated ________________________________ and captured ________________________
British moved from Gold Coast and met resistance from the Ashanti. England eventually controlled all
of Ashanti Territory.
Competition for Central and East Africa
1869-New York Herald hired Henry Stanley to find ___________________________________missionary disappeared in Central Africa
1871-found him. “____________________________________.”
Stanley wrote many newspaper articles about his adventure, gaining interest from
_____________________________________________ of Belgium. Leopold colonized area known as
the Congo. Sold rights to businesses to take raw materials. Took huge amounts of Congo’s natural
rubber. Leopold used slave labor.
1908-Leopold turned colony over to Belgium government.
Europe colonized East Africa. Famine made the local tribes too weak to resist colonization.
Competition for Southern Africa
Colonization began in 1652. Dutch sailors found ___________________________________-supply
station to East Indies. Grew into a colony called Cape Colony. Early 1800’sthe British took it from the
The Boers
When British took control, people left the colony. A massive migration-_______________________occurred. Descendants of the original Dutch settlers called Boers. Spoke Afrikaan. As Boers migrated
came into contact with Zulu Nation. Lead by ___________________________________, the Zulus held
off the Boers for many years. The British joined the Boers and defeated the Zulu Nation.
Cecil Rhodes
_____________________________________ were discovered in Orange Free State and Gold in
Transvaal-population rush to Southern Africa. Rhodes arrived in Cape Colony in 1870, Hoped climate
would help tuberculosis. He moved to Orange Free State and within 20 years completely controlled
South African diamond production. Later organized colony of
Boer War
1895-Rhodes sponsored a rebel group to overthrow ___________________________________. It failed
1899-_________________________________ broke out. British vs the Boers.
1902-British won and now mined for gold and diamonds. Boers were allowed to keep using Afrikaan and
keep their farms
1910-united all Boer colonies with Cape Colony-Union of South Africa. Beginnings of Apartheid.
Effect of Imperialism on Africa
Europeans controlled all levels of Government. Europeans believed Africans could not rule themselves.
Benefits: New crops, farming methods, medicine, roads and railroads, and communication.
Many Africans did not give up their culture and resisted European ways. They did not give in to the
greed and selfishness of Europe.
Expansion in Asia: British Imperialism in India
Mid 1800’s British East India Company controlled much of India.
1857-Indian soldiers _______________________________. England took direct control of Indian policy
in over half the country, rest split into states. Indian prince head of each state.
Princes who allied with England rewarded. England built an _____________________________ and
moved into India. The British built schools and educated people of India
India Nationalism
Movement for self-rule began in late 1800’s. 2 fronts: Gradual independence and right now
Japanese Response to Imperialism
At first Japan resisted Western influences. But began to expand and industrialize
Meiji Restoration
1868-Sumarais overthrew the Tokugawa Shoguns and returned the emperor to power. The Samurai
wanted a government that resembled a more western style. Japanese were allowed to choose their type of
work, and everyone required to go to school.
1899-Adopted new Constitution giving limited voting rights and setting up 2 house National Assembly
called a diet. Real power lay with a small group of leaders loyal to the emperor.