HSB4M0 - Pages

Lorne Park Secondary School
Social Science Department
Challenge & Change in Society – HSB 4M0
Final Summative Evaluation – Mock Exam
Teacher: J. Schikschneit
# of Pages: 9
Name: ____________________________________
Section A: Multiple Choice (25 marks)
Section B: Short Answer (28 marks)
Section C: Essay Outline (30 marks)
TOTAL: 83 marks
1. Read all instructions and questions carefully before answering.
2. Complete Section A: Multiple Choice on the scantron card using a pencil.
3. Ensure your name is on the exam and please use blue or black ink pen.
Section A: Multiple Choice
Match the best choice/most correct answer from the multiple choice questions to the
scantron card. Make sure you print your name and class code on the scantron card and
use a pencil.
1. A human culture consists of the ways of living of a group of people, including their:
A) Competition, diffusion and experiments
B) Anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists
C) Traditions, inventions and conventions
D) Ideals, goals and accomplishments
2. Anthropologists use the term “fictive kinship” to describe:
A) The practice of acknowledging as kin people who are not biologically related
B) The process of participant-observation
C) The role pets play in the family unit
D) The blended family
3. The human mind functions on the principle of “binary opposites” according to:
A) Functionalists
B) Institutionalists
C) Cultural materialists
D) Structuralists
4. Psychologists were shocked by the Kitty Genovese case because:
A) She was brutally raped and murdered in such a public space
B) Over 35 people witnessed her murder but no one made any attempt to
prevent it
C) Only 3 calls came to the police alerting them on her attack
D) Only 1 person assisted her while she was being attacked
5. Game theory was developed by:
A) John West
B) John Nash
C) Benjamin Spock
D) Sigmund Freud
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6. Within the Canadian Criminal Justice System, a fundamental component of modern
imprisonment is:
A) Retribution
B) Corporal punishment
C) Capital punishment
D) Rehabilitation
7. A team of psychologists are called in to analyze serial murders Paul Bernardo and
Karla Homolka. They find the following traits: an absence of empathy toward others,
habitual pattern of rule breaking and a lack of feeling of guilt for their actions. What type
of mental disorder are Paul and Karla suffering from?
A) Neurosis
B) Anti-social personality disorder
C) Schizophrenia
D) Psychoses
8. “During the 1960s, a national liberation movement sprang up in Quebec, calling for
an independent province. One of its means of action was terrorism. In October 1970, a
Quebec minister and a British diplomat were abducted” (CBC 2007). According to
Durkheim and Marx, these alienated individuals part of the FLQ would be known as:
A) Anomies
B) Anarchists
C) Proletariats
D) Bourgeoisies
9. Reviewing the images above, which demographic era is best represented?
A) Echo Boom
B) Baby Boom
C) Baby Bust
D) Echo Bust
10. A couple is considered to be infertile when they have been trying to conceive
without success for over:
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 1 year
D) 2 years
11. According to the Infertility Awareness Association of Canada 2001, it is estimated
that there are this number of infertile couples in Canada:
A) 1 in five couples are infertile
B) 1 in seven couples are infertile
C) 1 in ten couples are infertile
D) 1 in twelve couples are infertile
12. The developed world is defined by the United Nations as:
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A) North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand
B) Australia, Europe, North America, Japan
C) Japan, India, Australia, North America, Europe
D) Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, North America, Europe
13. The group that have the highest fertility rate of any population with reliable records
are the:
A) Somalians
B) Native Americans
C) Hutterites
D) Mennonites
14. A 1998 study co-authored by Dr. Fretts showed among women who lived to age
100, this percentage had given birth in their forties:
A) 40%
B) 20%
C) 10%
D) 5%
15. As of 1992 statistics, the percentage of Ontario families that match the traditional
nuclear family with father as sole breadwinner and mother at home is:
A) 50%
B) 25%
C) 16%
D) 8%
16. According to Erik Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development, the adolescence
stage is a struggle between:
A) Generativity and stagnation
B) Inferiority and industry
C) Intimacy and isolation
D) Identity and role confusion
17. According to sociologists, people demonstrate the condition of “technosis” when
A) Adapt to a new technology very quickly
B) Create and enjoy virtual realities
C) Have an attachment to technology to the point of addiction
D) Embrace new technologies without regard to consequences
18. Anthropologists use the term “subsistence arts” to refer to:
A) Tools, techniques and cultural knowledge used to produce goods required for
B) Modern methods of plant cultivation
C) Traditional practices of hunter-gatherers
D) Efficient methods for resource production in agricultural societies
19. The “Baby M Case” was a landmark case demonstrating:
A) The first successful IVF in Canada
B) The ethical issues of surrogacy
C) The need to increase the availability of reproductive technologies to infertile
D) The high cost of international adoptions
20. Mr. Schikschneit takes his two HSB 4M0 classes to Toronto to witness a feminist
rally at Queen’s Park. During one of the speeches, a feminist speaker argued, “We as
women believe that our under-valued domestic work has led all Canadian industries to
pay women lower wages.” According to feminist theories, which school of thought has
the speaker represented?
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A) Marxian Feminism
B) Socialist Feminism
C) Liberal Feminism
D) Radical Feminism
21. ____________ is defined as the dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature
arrival of the future; people need to learn how to control the rate of change in their own
A) Technology
B) Technological determinism
C) Social change theory
D) Future shock
22. A group of psychologists are looking to study the effects of teenage drinking on the
human brain. What type of field work would they be doing?
A) Structured surveys
B) Snowball sampling
C) Unstructured interviews
D) Controlled Experiments
23. According to cultural materialists, what is the third level of society?
A) Superstructure
B) Structure
C) Infrastructure
D) Construction
24. According to cell phone definitions given in class, what is the person in the above
photo doing?
A) Making an SMS
B) Making an MMS
C) Making an SSM
D) Making an MSM
25. In which decade was the development of the birth control pill?
A) 1950s
B) 1960s
C) 1970s
D) 1980s
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Section B: Short Answer (28 marks)
Question 1 Part A: Define 10 out of the 14 social science terms. (10 marks)
Net migration
Population pyramid
Generation X
Alternative environmental paradigm
Political activism
Cognitive consistency
Natural decrease
Part B: Additionally, out of the 10 you have chosen, pick 5 to explain the significance
of the term to the social sciences. Use point form for your answers. (5 Marks)
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2. List and explain four aspects of social change that sociologists study. (8 marks)
3. List and explain the importance of five ethical considerations when conducting social
science research. (5 marks)
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Section C: Essay Outline (30 marks)
Issue: How do you believe your life as an echo boomer is and will be affected by the
baby boom generation? Support your essay with knowledge gained from course
material and class discussions.
Consider the themes of the disciplines of social science.
Below, create an essay outline (in point form) that includes a thesis statement, main
arguments with specific examples to back up the main arguments and a concluding
statement relating back to your thesis statement. Finally, write a formal conclusion in
full sentences.
Section C: Essay Outline - (In point-form)
Thesis & Importance:
Main Argument 1:
Relation of Argument 1 to Thesis:
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Main Argument 2:
Relation of Argument 2 to Thesis:
Main Argument 3:
Relation of Argument 3 to Thesis:
Formal Conclusion: (Full Sentences)
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