Cross Reference with CCN from previous catalog Old ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART Old 103 106 154 156 158 160 204 206 254 NEW CCN UNDERSTANDING Photography Intermediate Photography Digital Photography I Elements of Photoshop for Photogr. Basic Videomaking Digital Darkroom Introduction to Color Photography Intermediate Black & White Photo Digital Photography II AVIA AVIA AVIA AVIA AVIA AVIA AVIA 150 151 152 240 241 242 New CCN Private Pilot Ground School Private Pilot Flight Train (Fixed Wing) Private Pilot Flight Train (Rotary Wing) Instrument Pilot Commerical Pilot Professional Pilot OLD BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM BADM 140 175 176 225 250 260 275 277 OLD BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS 132 220 240 270 271 273 275 276 Old PHOT 113 Understanding Photography PHOT 116 Inter Black - White Photo PHOT 154 Exploring Digital Photography PHOT 156 Elmnts of Phtshp for Phtgrphrs FILM 111 Basic Videomaking PHOT 160 Digital Darkroom PHOT 255 Introduction to Color Photo PHOT 213 Intermediate Photography PHOT 254 Inter Digital Photography PRIN. OF MARKETING PRIN of MANAGEMENT HUMAN RELATIONS IN BUS TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS PLANNING PRIN. OF FINANCE BUSINESS INTERNSIP PRIN. OF RETAILING Leadership E-Commerce CUSTOMER SERVICE MGT BUSINESS SIMULATION BUSINESS LAW Quantitative Business Applications Fundamentals of MIS MIS Internship CJ CJ 100 Reserve and Auxiliary Officers Training CJ 220 Corrections CJ 225 Criminal Law AVFT AVFT AVFT AVFT AVFT AVFT 131 132 133 254 255 256 Private Pilot Ground School Private Pilot Fixed Private Pilot Rotary Instrument Pilot Commerical Pilot Professional Pilot NEW CCN BMKT 225 Marketing BMGT 235 Management BMGT 237 Human Relations in Business BMGT 282 Organizational Training & Dev BGEN 280 Business Planning BFIN 260 Principles of Finance BGEN 298 Internship BMKT 244 Retail/Distributorship NEW CCN BGEN BMIS BMGT BGEN BGEN BMGT BMIS BMIS 110 220 245 299 235 240 270 298 Applied Business Leadership Intro to E-Commerce Customer Service Management Capstone Business Law Business Research Methods MIS Foundations for Business Internship New CCN CJLE 200 Reserve Officer Training CJUS 220 Introduction to Corrections CJUS 200 Principles of Criminal Law CJ CJ CJ CJ 230 231 271 275 Police Organization and Behavior Criminal Procedure Seminar Criminal Justice Internship OLD CMPA CMPA 131 Business Software OLD ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE ECE 101 102 127 128 130 150 231 235 241 247 252 253 257 258 OLD NR NR NR NR EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC EDEC SURV 141 142 152 155 163 270 271 272 108 245 130 210 135 249 281 235 260 230 252 250 295 295 Introduction to EC Education EC Developmental themes Health Safety Nutrition in EC Meeting the Needs of Families Lang and Lit for Young Childrn Infant/Toddler Dev&Group Care EC Curr Dsgn & Implementation I Creative Art for Develop Child Administration of E C Programs Positive Child Guidance Music & Movemnt Young Children Math & Science Curric for EC EC Fieldwork/Practicum: I EC Fieldwork/Practicum: II New CCN SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY 135 233 290 245 Intro Field Srvy GPS Intro to GIS Natrl Res Assess Undergraduate Research GPS Mapping NEW CCN BMKT 130 Search Engine Marketing BMGT 210 Sml Business Entrepreneurship New CCN SOCI 105 Introduction to Criminal Justice SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV NEW CCN Field Surveying/Global Positioning System Introduction to Geographic Information Sy Projects in GIS GPS Mapping Old SOCI Police Organization Criminal Evidence & Procedure Intro to Judicial Function Internship BMIS 211 Intro to Bus Decision Support NR changed to SRVY 151 233 234 235 230 231 271 298 NEW CCN Introduction to Early Childhood Edu. Early Childood Developmental Themes Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Ec Child, Family and Community Relations Language and Literature for Young Chil Infant and Toddler Dev.& Program Pl. Curriculum Development for Young Chil Creative Art for the Developing Child Administration of Early Childhood Prog Guidance of Young Children Music and Movement for Young Chil Math and Science for Early Childhood Field Practicum I Field Practicum II OLD SMALL BUSINES MANAGEMENT SBM 140 Search Engine Marketing SBM 150 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Old CJUS CJUS CJUS CJUS Surveying I Surveying II Surveying Graphics Surveying Calculations Land Survey Systems Computer Aided Drafting Introduction to GPS Land Surveying I CJUS 121 Intro to Criminal Justice New CCN SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY 241 242 152 255 262 268 246 270 Intro to Srvyg Land Srvyrs I Intro to Srvyg Land Srvyrs II Surveying Graphics Surveying Calculations (= 355) Pub Land Srvy Syst (= 362) CAD for Surveying Profession Intro to GPS for Surveyors Legal Princ in Surveying I SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV SURV Old 273.1 Land Surveying II 273.2 Projects in GPS 273.3 Route Surveying 274 Land Surveying III 275 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 276 Introduction to Geog Info Systems 277 Projects in GIS 278 Surveying Laws, Planning, and Desgn 279 Land Surveying Computers THTR THTR 228 Acting for Film SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY SRVY 271 247 273 298 275 283 290 265 280 Legal Princ in Surveying II Survey-grade GPS Cntrl, Anlys Route Surveying OJT: Land Surveying III Analyt Phot/ Rem Sens (= 375) GIS for Survey Analysis Undergraduate Research Surveying Laws & Land Division Land Surveying Computers NEW CCN FILM 254 Acting for Film