1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Supporting Information Potential Impacts of Clean Air Act Regulations on Nitrogen Fate and Transport in the Neuse River Basin: A Modeling Investigation using CMAQ and SWAT Mark Gabriel1*, Chris Knightes1, Robin Dennis2, Ellen Cooter2 (1) USEPA/Office of Research and Development(ORD)/National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)/Ecosystem Research Division (ERD), 960 College Station Rd., Athens, GA, 30605, USA (2) USEPA/ORD/NERL/Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division (AMAD), 109 T W Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711, USA *Corresponding Author- email: gabriel.mark@epa.gov, phone: 706-355-8349, fax: 706-3558326 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S1 32 SWAT Model Parameterization, Calibration and Validation 33 34 Following SWAT data entry, we performed parameter sensitivity analysis. The most 35 sensitive model parameters for flow and nutrient loading (e.g., runoff curve number, soil water 36 evaporation and nitrogen percolation constants, etc.) were identified with an automated 37 sensitivity analysis procedure in SWAT. This sensitivity analysis was performed for the sub- 38 watersheds that contained the outlet for the entire watershed. Latin Hypercube (LH) sampling 39 and the one-factor-at-a-time (OAT) method was applied [1] to determine parameter sensitivity. 40 Following simulation, the overall effect of each parameter was ranked. The top 10 th percentile of 41 all parameters for both categories (flow, nutrients) was used for the next step, calibration and 42 validation. Model calibration was performed using SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty Fitting 43 version 2) within the SWAT-CUP program (Calibration and Uncertainty Program, version 2.1.3) 44 [2]. SUFI-2 is an automated calibration procedure that accounts for sources of uncertainty 45 associated with driving variables, the conceptual model, parameters and measured data. 46 Representative combinations of parameters were obtained through LH sampling [3]. For a full 47 description of the SWAT-CUP and SUFI-2 programs, refer to Abbaspour (2009) [2]. National 48 Climatic Data Center (NCDC, http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html: Accessed 1/18/2013) 49 precipitation and temperature data was used in model calibration. Wet deposited nitrogen data 50 used for calibration was obtained from National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP, 51 http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/: Accessed 1/18/2013) and dry deposited nitrogen data from CASTNet 52 (http://epa.gov/castnet/javaweb/index.html: Accessed 1/18/2013) model estimates. Calibrations 53 were first performed for average monthly flow and then for monthly nitrate loading (kg). For all 54 cases, the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency test (NS) was chosen as the calibration objective function S2 55 because of the large literature base interpreting values for the NS function from a hydrologic 56 modeling perspective. NS values ≥ 0.5 are considered satisfactory [4-7] although marginal 57 simulations may have NS values as low as 0.36 [8]. Two supporting measures used to evaluate 58 model calibration and validation results were the regression coefficient (r2) and percent bias 59 (PBIAS). The following periods were used for nitrate and flow calibration and validation for 60 both watersheds: 2001-2006 (calibration) and 2007-2009 (validation). SWAT was run on a daily 61 time step and results are displayed annually. All SWAT calibration and validation runs contained 62 a three-year spin up (1998 to 2001). Table S1 shows calibration and validation results for both 63 watersheds. As is commonly observed, results for nitrogen calibration are weaker than flow [5, 64 9-12], which is likely due to several inter-related issues stemming from uncertainties or 65 inaccuracies in observed data to misrepresentation of actual agricultural/landuse practices. Errors 66 can also occur with imperfect weather data and NLCD inaccuracies. When calibrating on a load 67 basis, uncertainties associated with flow will in some capacity cascade into load calibration. The 68 discrepancy between the observed and simulated data for nitrate is also likely an artifact of 69 observed data development since a large portion of the observed data was developed from 70 statistical regression [13-14]. The bias percentages are within the acceptable range of ±75% for 71 nutrient calibration [11]. Using the SWAT-Check program we confirmed there were no mass 72 balance issues for flow, nitrogen and plant growth. 73 74 Description of SWAT Model Nitrogen Transport 75 76 SWAT simulates nitrogen cycles in the soil profile and groundwater [15]. Within both 77 media, nitrogen is highly reactive and exists in many forms. Nitrogen may be added to soil S3 78 through fertilizer and manure application, atmospheric deposition (dry and wet) and biological 79 fixation [16]. Nitrogen may be removed from soil through plant uptake, soil erosion, leaching, 80 volatilization and denitrification [16]. In SWAT, nitrogen is divided into organic and inorganic 81 forms. There are three organic forms (fresh, active, and stable). Fresh organic nitrogen is 82 associated with crop residue and microbial biomass, and the active and stable organic nitrogen 83 pools are associated with the soil humus. The fresh component is much more bioavailable than 84 humus. Organic nitrogen associated with humus is partitioned into active and stable pools to 85 account for variations in availability of humic substances to mineralization. Humus is a complex 86 mixture of organic substances that have been significantly modified from their original form over 87 time, and also contains other substances that have been synthesized by soil organisms [16]. 88 Inorganic nitrogen may be transported with runoff, enter lateral flow or percolate through soil. 89 Inorganic nitrogen entering shallow groundwater in recharge from soil percolation may remain in 90 groundwater, move into the main river or stream channel, the soil zone in response to water 91 deficiencies or move from the shallow soils to deep groundwater. For low-lying areas, 92 groundwater flow is the primary transport pathway and plays an important role in the delivery of 93 inorganic nitrogen to the main channel or to the soil zone [16]. 94 95 96 97 98 99 S4 100 Table S1: Calibration and validation results for flow (m3/s, monthly average) and nitrate load 101 (kg/month) 102 Little River Calibration Validation † PBIAS PBIAS† NS* r2 NS* r2 (%) % Nahunta Calibration Validation † PBIAS PBIAS† NS* r2 NS* r2 % % Flow 0.77 0.77 -11.5 0.70 0.72 18.49 0.79 0.80 -11.3 0.40 0.56 7.78 Nitrate load 0.24 0.35 -35.3 0.47 0.54 -16.8 0.15 0.32 21.6 0.03 0.26 -26.0 103 *Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency test 104 †Percent bias 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 S5 135 References: 136 (1) Van Griensven, A., Meixner, T., Grunwald, S., Bishop, T., Di Luzio, A., Srinivasan, R. 137 A. 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