A 2 day advanced course will consist of workshops and practical sessions, involving patients in the neurological intensive care or high dependency units. Participants will have opportunities to practice different handling and positioning techniques through a process of assessment, advanced clinical reasoning and self-evaluation .
The course will deepen participants understanding of motor control, motor learning and neural plasticity and develop an understanding of how the critical care environment influences the patient and consider ways of overcoming the challenges of working within this setting.
Suitable for: Q ualified therapists working in critical care at a senior level. Participants should have completed the BBTA introductory module ‘What is normal movement’ to attend. P laces are limited to 9 participants.
Course Leaders: Claire Randall and Rosie Tudor (B7 PT Neurosurgery), Helen
Lindfield (Bobath Tutor), Kyra Hamilton (Band 8a OT Neurology).
Venue: Neurotherapies, Atkinson Morley Wing, St. George’s Hospital.
Dates: 10/11th February 2014
Cost: £180
Information from: Daniela Rianjongdee, Therapies Department, St James Wing,
Blackshaw Rd, SW170QT. 02087254621 Therapies.Courses@stgeorges.nhs.uk
HOW TO PAY: Our preferred method of payment is by Direct Credit to our Bank.
NHS Organisations Citi, GBS Re St George's HC NHST, GBS Cust No: 12274760, U.K.
Direct Credit from within the UK Sort Code: 60-21-29 Bank Account: 58305580 BIC: NWBK
GB 2L.
Direct Credit from outside of the UK IBAN: GB62NWBK6021 2958 305580
Credit/Debit Cards By telephone to +44 (0)20 8725 2981/1632
Cheque Send to the address above to Daniela Rianjongdee made payable to "St
George's Healthcare NHS Trust" (FPX) identifying the course
All payments should be referenced FPX Therapies
St Georges Healthcare Trust Therapies Department
Course Title
Please fill in the information below to apply for a place on the course:
Delegate Name
Telephone; Work
Email address
Payment Method
BACs direct payment, cheque and credit card payment over the phone.
(Please make sure reference number FPX
Therapies Courses is attached to all payments)
To enable us to invoice your organisation please provide the following details
Organisation name
Contact Person
Purchase Order
Invoice amount
(If not for full amount delegate must send cheque for the difference payable to St
Georges NHS Healthcare Trust (FPX)
Cancellation: Substitution of delegates may be made at any time without cost by emailing the course organiser. Cancellations must be received in writing. A refund of the course fee less a
£25 processing fee will be made if you cancel your place more than 4 weeks prior to the date of the course. We regret that no refunds can be made after this date. Full refunds will be given if the organisers cancel the course.