DOPAS 2016 Abstract Guidance Johanna Hansen1, Matt White2 1 2 Posiva Oy, Finland Galson Sciences Limited, UK DOPAS 2016 Abstract written guidance: Length 1 page Format: European A4 portrait (DIN 476) Font: Times New Roman 12 pts Margin: left and right 2 cm, top and bottom 2,5 cm Text: Full justify, hyphenation switched off, single spacing, single column Page: No page numbering, no header, footer or company logo Language: English (UK) One line between chapters Title of Abstract: Centred at the top, font 14 pts, bold, first letter of each word in capital Two lines between Title and Authors Authors: Centred, font 12 pts, no bold, First name/s and Family name in full, superscript numbering after name One line between Authors and affiliations Affiliations: Centred, font 12 pts, no bold, superscript numbering before company name Three lines between Affiliations and body text Bullets and numbering (see this guidance) Example text: Fourteen nuclear waste management organisations and research institutes from eight European countries are participating in a technology development project for assessing tunnel plugging and sealing systems in geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste - the DOPAS project ("FullScale Demonstration Of Plugs And Seals"). The project is built around a set of full-scale demonstrations, laboratory experiments, and performance assessment studies and is jointly funded by the Euratom's Seventh Framework Programme and European nuclear waste management organisations. Etc. DOPAS 2016 Extended Abstract Guidance Johanna Hansen1, Matt White2 1 2 Posiva Oy, Finland Galson Sciences Limited, UK Summarise the content of your extended abstract with max ½ page text. Example text: Fourteen nuclear waste management organisations and research institutes from eight European countries are participating in a technology development project for assessing tunnel plugging and sealing systems in geological disposal facilities for radioactive waste - the DOPAS project ("Full-Scale Demonstration Of Plugs And Seals"). The project is built around a set of full-scale demonstrations, laboratory experiments, and performance assessment studies and is jointly funded by the Euratom's Seventh Framework Programme and European nuclear waste management organisations. This four year project is running from September 2012 to August 2016, and is being coordinated by Posiva Oy, the nuclear waste management company in Finland. 1 Guidance for extended abstract Optimum length 4-6 pages Format: European A4 portrait (DIN 476) Font: Times New Roman 12 pts Margin: left and right 2 cm, top and bottom 2,5 cm Text: Full justify, hyphenation switched off, single spacing, single column Page: No page numbering, no header, footer or company logo Language: English (UK) One line between chapters Title of Extended Abstract: Centred at the top, font 14 pts, bold, first letter of each word in capital Two lines between Title and Authors Authors: Centred, font 12 pts, no bold, First name/s and Family name in full, superscript numbering after name One line between Authors and affiliations Affiliations: Centred, font 12 pts, no bold, superscript numbering before company name Three lines between affiliations and summary Summary max. half page and indent 1 cm right and left One line between summary and the first heading You may use headings and subheadings with numbers (max three levels) One line before and after heading Bullets and numbering (see this guidance) 1.1 Structure of the Extended Abstract The following main chapters/headings are preferred, but can be modified, combined or separated in subchapters 1. Introduction or background 2. Scope and objectives 3. Methods or work procedure 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Conclusions 7. Acknowledgements 8. References 1.1.1 Guidance for pictures Photos and pictures and tables can be added directly to the word as can be seen in Figure 1, but please note that originals may be requested to ensure the high enough resolution. Figures and tables should be readable when printed in black and white. Figure 1-1. DOPAS logo as example how to add a picture © DOPAS Consortium 2 Schedule for submitting the Abstract and Extended abstract Table 2-1. An example about table, where table heading is above Call for abstracts starts June 2015. Deadline for abstracts Final programme available Registration opens Author notification Extended abstract submission DOPAS 2016 Seminar Proceedings published 3 30th November 2015. 28th February 2016. August 2015. 31st January 2016. 31st March 2016 25th- 27th May 2016. 31st August 2016. Contact info and submit address Please follow the information on the DOPAS 2016 homepage You may submit your abstract by email to address You may also contact DOPAS coordinator