ACADEMIC STAFF PROFESSIONAL PROFILE FORM 1. Personal Data Insert picture here Name: Wilson M. Thagana Title/Qualifications: PhD Department/Unit/Section: Agricultural Science and Technology (AST) Contact Address: Kenyatta University, 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya Position: Senior Lecturer Area of Specialization: Plant Breeding & Biotechnology Research Interests: Application of biotechnological tools in crop improvement, Breeding for drought and salinity tolerance 2. Conference Presentations S/N o Presente r Title of Paper presented 1 Thagana , W.M. Efficacy 2 Thagana , W.M. 3 Thagana , W.M. Thagana 4 City/Country a 1st School of Agriculture Biennial Local and International Conference sponsored Commercial by Rooting powder KU/AGRA/DAAD/Uo N, Kenyatta University, on Roses Nairobi, Kenya Effects of 1st School of Agriculture Biennial Withholding International Irrigation Water Conference sponsored by after Complete KU/AGRA/DAAD/Uo Heading on Seed N, Kenyatta University(KU), Quality Traits in Nairobi, Kenya Mwea Targeted of Plant KARI-Thika/Kenya Date of Conferenc e 1st -5th December, 2014 Fundin g (US$) - 1st -5th December, 2014 - 1/11/13 - 13th -17th - Breeding Effect of Seed 11th African crop 1 , W.M. 5 Thagana , W.M. 6 Thagana , W.M. 7 Thagana , W.M. Size on Germination and Early Growth of Jojoba in Semiarid Areas of Kenya Effect of Withholding Irrigation Water after Complete Heading on Rice Yield and Components in Mwea, Kenya Characterization of Arabusta (Coffea arabica L. x Coffea canephora Pierre) Coffee and it’s Parental Genotypes using Molecular Markers Effect of Science Society Conference. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe-Uganda. October 2013. 11th African crop Science Society Conference. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe-Uganda. 13th -17th October 2013. - 11th African crop Science Society Conference. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe-Uganda. 13th -17th October 2013. - 11th African crop Science Society Genotype, Plant Conference. Imperial Spacing and Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe-Uganda. Weeding Regimes 13th -17th October 2013. - 28/1/13 1/02/13 - on Weed Density and Yields of Upland Rice in Uganda. 8 Thagana , W.M. Arusha/Tanzania Enhancing Cassava Productivity Through plant Host Resistance Breeding Against Cassava Mosaic 2 Disease and Cassava Brown Streak Disease using Genetic Engineering Marker and Assisted Selection-a Kenyan project 9 Thagana W.M. 10 Thagana , W.M. 11 Thagana , W.M. 12 Thagana , Characterization of Sweet Potato [Ipomea batatas (L)] Landraces using Morphological and DNA markers in East Kamagak Location of Rachuonyo District. Occurrence of seed abortion and numerical components of seed yield of soyabean (Glycine max L. Merr.) in three contrasting environments. Commercializatio n and Utilization of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis [Link] Schneider)as a basis for Industrialization and Income Generation in ASALs Selection and characterization Bondo University College (BUC), Bondo, Kenya. 4th-7th December 2012. - El Minia/Egypt 25th-29th March, 2012 925 UniBRAIN/PanAAC Fair, Hilton Hotel,, Nairobi 26th-27th November, 2010 - Nairobi/ Kenya 7th-9th April, 2010 300 3 W.M. 13 Thagana , W.M. 14 Thagana , W.M. 15 Thagana , W.M. 16 Thagana , W.M. 17 Thagana , W.M. of superior bushes of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis [Link] Schneider) for ASALs in Kenya. Chickpea - a promising new food legume crop for drought prone cool areas of Kenya. Comparison of phenotypic characters of mutant lines of rapeseed (Brassica napus L ) with the original parents. In vitro embryo culture and immature seed germination techniques for rapid generation advance in soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. Variability in M2 generations and characteristics of selected advanced mutant lines of rapeseed. Characterization and genetic relationships of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Cape Town/ South Africa 2009 - Nairobi/ Kenya 2008 - Nairobi/K enya 2006 - Nairobi/ Kenya 2006 - Entebbe/ Uganda 2005 - 4 18 Thagana , W.M. 19 Thagana , W.M. 20 Thagana , W.M. 21 Riungu, T.C./ Thagana , W.M. 22 Thagana , W.M. 23 Thagana , W.M. accessions. Effect of irradiation on M1 generations of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Introduction and status of Jojoba Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider production in Kenya. Genotypeenvironment interactions and stability estimates for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) varieties grown in diverse environments in Kenya. Holistic approach in the dissemination of technologies in Lare division, Nakuru district The status of Kenya in the Global production and supply of oilseed and oilseed products. Characteristics of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) varieties grown in Entebbe/ Uganda 2005 - Nairobi/ Kenya 2004 - Johannesburg/ South Africa. 2002 - Egerton university/ Kenya 2001 - Nairobi/ Kenya 2000 - Maputo/ Mozambique 1999 - 5 24 Thagana , W.M. 25 Thagana , W.M. Kenya. Yield performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes on selfing and outcrossing. The effect of seed size on germination of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the laboratory. Nairobi/ Kenya 1998 - Nairobi/ Kenya 1996 - 3. Research S/ No 1 Researcher Year 2014Thagana, 15 W. M. Title Donor Funding (US$) 16,666 Nutrition-sensitive Kenyatta University Intervention with Vice Chancellors’ African Leafy Research Vegetables to Grant Call Improve Nutrition 2013 Status of School Going Children in Kenya 2 Thagana, W.M. 201215 EAAPP Enhancing Cassava Productivity Through Host Plant Resistance Breeding Against 6 264,677 Cassava Mosaic Disease and Cassava Brown Streak Disease 3 Thagana, W.M. 201112 4 Thagana, W.M. 20082010 5 Thagana, W.M. 200809 6 Thagana, W.M. Thagana, W.M. 19932010 19831993 7 Characterization of Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas [L.] Lam) Landraces Using Morphological and DNA Markers in East Kamagak Location of Rachuonyo District Enhancing Chickpea Productivity and Production in Drought-Prone Areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia Commercialization and utilization of Jojoba in ASALS Breeding Oilseed Crops Maize and Sorghum Variety Performance Trials NCST 2,169 Bill & Melinda Gates 106,830 KAPP 100,000 KARI - SRD/MoA - 4. Funded projects S/ No 1 Research er Thagana, W. M. Year 201415 Title Granting Body Nutritionsensitive 7 Kenyatta University Vice Chancellors’ Funding (US$) 16,666 Intervention with African Research Grant Call 2013 Leafy Vegetables to Improve Nutrition Status of School Going Children in Kenya 2 Thagana, W.M. 201215 Enhancing EAAPP 264,677 NCST 2,169 Cassava Productivity Through Host Plant Resistance Breeding Against Cassava Mosaic Disease and Cassava Brown Streak Disease 3 Thagana, W.M. 201112 Characterizatio n of Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas [L.] Lam) Landraces Using Morphological and DNA Markers in East Kamagak 8 4 Thagana, W.M. 20082010 5 Thagana, W.M. 200809 Location of Rachuonyo District Enhancing Bill & Melinda Chickpea Gates Productivity and Production in DroughtProne Areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia Commercializat KAPP ion and utilization of Jojoba in ASALS 106,830 100,000 5. Publications S/No. Author Year Title Journal 1 Thagana, W.M. 2014 African Journal of Food Science 2 Thagana, W.M. 2014 Beverage Quality and Biochemical Attributes of Arabusta (C. arabica x C canephora P.) and their Parental Genotypes Genetic Characterization of Arabusta Coffee Hybrids and Their Parental Genotypes using Molecular Markers 3 Thagana, W.M. 2013 Seed Abortion and Numerical Components of Seed Yield of Soyabean (Glycine max L. J. Agri. Sci. 9 ISBN/ISSN Reference No. 8(9): 456464 (2014) 15(1&2): Plant Cell Biotechnology 31-42 (2014) and Molecular Biology 4(1): 1-5 (2013) 4 Momo, J.A. and Thagana, W.M. 2013 5 Thagana, W.M. 2013 6 Thagana, W.M. 2011 7 Thagana, W.M. Thagana, W.M. 2010 9 Thagana, W.M., C.M. Ndirangu, E.O. Omolo and T.C. Riungu. 2007 10 Muriithi, W.T., Indra, S. H.,Yeung, E.C. & Thorpe, T.A.. 1993 8 2009 Merr.) in Three Contrasting Agroecologies Effect of withholding Irrigation Water after complete Heading on Rice Yield and Components in Mwea-Kenya Variability in M2 Generations and Characteristics of Advanced Mutant lines of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Agricultural Biotechnology Heterosis in hybrids derived from cultivars and mutant lines of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Performance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ) hybrids and parental mutant lines in three environments. Plantlet regeneration in Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii Sarg.): Morphogenesis 10 J. Agri. Sci. 4(2): 69-75 (2013) J. Agri. Sci. 4(2): 83-86 (2013) Odel Module - Odel Module - PhD thesis - Egerton journal In Press Forest Ecology and Management 57: 141160. 11 Thagana, W.M. 1992 and Histology. Plantlet Regeneration and Bud Developmental Anatomy of Pinus roxburghii, Sarg. MSc Thesis - 6. Consultancy and community service S/No. Consultant (s) Year Thagana W. M. Consulting Person/ Body/ Organization Ministry of Agriculture 1 2 Thagana W. M. Ministry of Agriculture 2009Todate 3 Thagana W. M. Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) 2009Todate 2010Todate 7. Affiliation to Professional Bodies S/No Name of professional body 11 Title Consultancy Service Member of the National Committee on International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). Member of the National Variety Release Committee (NVRC). Member of the National Performance Trials Committee (NPTC). Payment (US$) - - - 1 2 Member, Plant Breeders’ Association of Kenya (PBAK), 2003-Todate Member of East African Seed committee (EASCOM) 8. National and International awards and Recognitions S/No Name of award or Recognition 1 Awarded US $1,704 to attend Guelph East Africa Workshop, Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2 Awarded US $120 for Best idea on water harvesting 3 Financial support to 4 attend EASCOM AGM Entebbe, Uganda Fellowship-chickpea breeding and seed production. 5 Fellowship-Jojoba breeding and production. 6 Best paper in Horticulture and Industrial Crops (US $ 400) Best paper in Biotechnology (US $ 145) Fellowship-Molecular marker techniques for development of improved crop varieties. Fellowship–Marker Assisted selection and Mutation Breeding. Fellowship-Advances in 7 8 9 10 Awarding Organization/Body Year Kenyatta University/University of Guelph, Canada 23rd-26th February, 2014 Kenyatta University Management 2011 EASCOM of ASARECA 24th-25th February, 2011 6/01-5/02/09 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, India. Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project (KAPP)/Association of the Rajasthan Jojoba Plantation Research Project (AJORP) Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Secretariat 11th KARI Scientific Conference 21/9-30/9/2008 2008 Secretariat 10th KARI Scientific Conference 2006 IAEA/AFRA/ARC-LNR, Roodeplaat, Pretoria, South Africa 14/8-1/9/2006 IAEA/KARI, Njoro, Kenya 3–14 /10/2005 IAEA/KARI, Njoro, Kenya 16/2-27/2/2004 12 Molecular Characterization for Crop Improvement. Awarded US$ 1,000 to attend conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Fellowship-Sunflower breeding. 11 12 International Sunflower Association (ISA) World Bank/Directorate of Oilseed Research (DOR), Hyderabad, India. 9. External Examination (if any) S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Institution External Examiner, MSc Thesis, University of Nairobi. External Examiner, MSc Thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Finalization of Seed and Plant Varieties Act (CAP326) Regulations 2014: Reviewer, AGRA/KU/UON/HAK International Conference 2014: Reviewer, Journal of Applied Biosciences (JABs) Review of Seed and Plant Varieties Act (CAP326) Regulations Reviewer of Papers-Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences Reviewer of Papers-10th KARI Conference 2002 18/9-18/11/96 Year 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2010 2008 10. Supervision of postgraduate students (if any) S/No 1 Name of student Inoti, Shadrack Kinyua Thesis title PhDCharacterization, Propagation and Management of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) in Semi-arid Areas of Voi, Kenya. 13 Status of project(e.g. First year etc) Third year-Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania 2 Sylvia A. Henga 3 Kirui Kipngetich Rickson 4 Onyango Rosally Anyango 5 Jobson Aruna Momo 6 James M. Gimase 7 Anyang Robert Tabot PhD-Finger Printing and Relating Juvenile Characters of Rice to Yield and its Components MSc-Evaluation of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum Genotypes for Fusarium Wilt Resistance and Its’ Management by Fungicides. MScCharacterization of Virus-free Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas [L.] Lam) Landraces Using Morphological and SSR Markers in East Kamagak LocationRachuonyo District. MSc-Effect of Withholding Irrigation Water at Different Levels After Complete Heading on Rice Yield and Seed Quality. MSc-Genetic Diversity of Arabusta Coffee (Coffea arabica L. x Coffea canephora Pierre) and their Parental Genotypes. MSc-Effects of Varietal 14 First Year- Kenyatta University Final year (Thesis submitted), Egerton University Graduated 4th July 2014, Kenyatta University Graduated 4th July 2014, Kenyatta University Graduated 4th July 2014, Kenya University Completed, Kenya University 8 Ochieng Alfred Odhiambo 9 Wanyama Patrick Wanjala Differences, Plant Spacing, and Yields of Upland Rice in Uganda. MSc-Cytoplasmic Genes and Their Influence in the Productivity of Dry bean (Phaseolous vulgaris). MSc-Path and Second year, Kenya University Second year, Kenya University Stability Analyses of Yield and Yield Components of Soyabean (Glycine max. L Merr.) Varieties Intercropped with Maize 10 Tabitha Kariithi MSc-Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Amaranthus Species in 15 Second year, Kenyatta University Kiambu County 11. Patents (if any) S/No 1 Partner in official release of Sunflower hybrid-Kenya Almasi in 2008. 2 Partner in release of sunflower variety-KAJ 001 in 2010. 3 Partner in release of sunflower variety-KAJ 037 in 2010. 12. Administrative positions held to date (1) Departmental Examination Coordinator, Agricultural Science and Technology (AST)-30th June, 2011 to 30th October 2013. (2) Chairman, Plant Breeders’ Association of Kenya (PBAK), 2009-Todate. (3) Member of the Project Steering Committee (PSC)-JICA supported Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)-Rice project. 16