Advanced Program Key Assessments and Transition Points Name of Advanced Program: MAED in Elementary Education (P-5), Gifted Education (P-12), Reading and Writing (P-12), Middle Grade Education and Secondary Education (all options) Assessments used in this matrix = a Midpoint Check, a Program Portfolio review, Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)- part of the program portfolio, program Reflection (part of the program portfolio), the Program GPA (≥ 3.0), the Research course grade, a Disposition Reflection (part of the program portfolio), and the Comprehensive Exam. 1. State/Licensure Test (if applicable) 2A Content Knowledge Midpoint check on candidate program progress is performed by the program advisor. NA Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio Candidates must meet all department and EKU Graduate School program exit criteria. Appropriate PRAXIS II exam if required upon exit of program. 12 semester hours of Subject/Content area course work. 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive an assessment of Below Average or higher 2. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores TRANSITION POINT SEVEN – EXIT FROM PROGRAM Candidates must meet all EKU Graduate School and department program entrance criteria. After Program Completion TRANSITION POINT SIX - MIDPOINT CHECK C&I MAED TRANSITION POINT FIVE - ADMISSION INTO THE PROGRAM Key Assessments: An assessment is an evaluated activity or requirement by which a program determines that specific outcomes or standards have been mastered by a candidate. These assessments must be required of all candidates in the program. On-going and administere d via the College of Education On-going and administere d via the College of Education must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “acceptable” or “target” For the Reading and Writing program: EMS875 – portfolio entry – draft case report (diagnosis portion) EMS 868 – portfolio entry – instruction plan EME 877 – portfolio entry – complete case report 2B Pedagogy Knowledge Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio 4. Program GPA ≥ 3.0 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive a “pass” score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio - all Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “satisfactory” or “target” For the Reading and Writing program: EMS875 – portfolio entry – draft case report (diagnosis portion) EMS 868 – portfolio entry – instruction plan EME 877 – portfolio entry – complete case report 4. Program GPA ≥ 3.0 2C Integration of Technology Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive a “pass” score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “acceptable” or “target” For the Reading and Writing program: EMS875 – portfolio entry – draft case report (diagnosis portion) EMS 868 – portfolio entry – instruction plan EME 877 – portfolio entry – complete case report 2D Use of Research in making decisions about student learning Midpoint Check - -Completion of the appropriate Research course with a grade ≥ “C” 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive “pass” score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Grade in appropriate research course ≥ C 3 Candidate Designs Instruction Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive a “pass” score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Portfolio Over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “satisfactory” or “target” For the Reading and Writing program: EMS875 – portfolio entry – draft case report (diagnosis portion) EMS 868 – portfolio entry – instruction plan EME 877 – portfolio entry – complete case report 4A Clinical Practice Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio 4. Program GPA ≥ 3.0 Entries in the Program Portfolio must contain work samples that reflect job-embedded professional experiences. EMS 858 Practicum for Gifted Education - must complete a practicum with a grade of “B” or higher. EME 877 Practicum for Reading Specialist - must complete a practicum with a grade of P. 4B Clinical Practice – quality of diverse placements Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio Entries in the Program Portfolio must contain work samples that reflect job-embedded professional experiences EME 877 Practicum for Reading Specialist - the entire education and local community are invited to participate. EMS 858 Practicum for Gifted and Talented Education - the entire education and local community are invited to participate. 4 C Non-clinical diversity experiences 5A Impact on Student Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio Must take and Pass EPY 839 – Human Development and Learning Must take a pass the Comprehensive Exam – candidate answers must support the program goal of dispositions and diversity 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive a “pass” Learning (assess, analyze, monitor, etc) 5B Creating a positive learning environment 5C Professional Dispositions Midpoint Check of the start of the Advance Program Portfolio Begin Advanced Program Portfolio in the appropriate Curriculum course (ELE 810,EMG 810 or ESE 863) within the first six hours of the program. The KY Professional Code of Ethics is reviewed and signed for understanding. Midpoint Check – Kentucky Professional Code of Ethics signed and in advising file. score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “acceptable” or “target” 1. Comprehensive Exam must receive a “pass” score which ≥ a rating of Below Average 2. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 3. In the portfolio - All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “acceptable” or “target” 1. Portfolio over-all score and all subsection scores must ≥80%. 2. In the portfolio All Experienced Teacher Standards must be effectively addressed. Effectively addressed = “acceptable” or “target” 3. Program GPA ≥ 3.0 4. Disposition Reflection 6A Self-Assessment and Professional Growth Plan Begin Advanced Program Portfolio in the appropriate Curriculum course (ELE 810,EMG 810 or ESE 863) within the first six hours of the program – the Profession Improvement Plan is developed and assessed for quality by the course instructor. Midpoint Check on completion and quality of PIP (part of the program portfolio) The candidate’s PIP and written reflection is assessed as part of the portfolio assessment process. See the Advanced Program Portfolio Analytic Guide. Upon application for a degree – the EKU Institutional Research Office collects information from candidates. 6B Survey of Graduate/Employment Performance/Satisfaction Advanced Program Key Assessments and Transition Points Flow Chart Name of Advanced Program: MAED in Elementary Education (P-5), Gifted Education (P-12), Reading and Writing (P-12), Middle Grade Education and Secondary Education (all options) Assessments used in this matrix = a Midpoint Check, a Program Portfolio review, Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) - part of the program portfolio, program Reflection (part of the program portfolio), the Program GPA (≥ 3.0), the Research course grade, a Disposition Reflection (part of the program portfolio), and the Comprehensive Exam. Each program candidate is required to apply for the program via the *Eastern Kentucky University Graduate School. They must meet all admission requirements for “Clear” admission by the second registration. **Each candidate must also meet all department program requirements to become admitted into this program. Transition #5: Admission Candidates are asked to take the curriculum course during the first 6 hours of their programs as the program portfolio and the disposition reflection process are started in that course. The Professional Improvement Plans (PIP) is developed and assessed in the Curriculum course. The Kentucky Professional Code of Ethics is reviewed and signed for understanding in the Curriculum course. Candidates are also asked to take the research course within the first nine hours of their program. After the candidate completes 12- 15 hours, the program advisor performs a Mid-Point Check. This program assessment check provides information to the advisor and the candidate concerning: admission status, course completion, portfolio progress (PIP and KY Code of Ethics information is complete), and program clarification. If this process finds an area that must be addressed, the candidate is informed and remedial action is requested. Transition #6: Midpoint Check Candidates continue to complete their programs. The program advisor provides assistance to help the candidate’s progression throughout the program and to help each candidate make course selections that will best meet her/his goals and needs. Upon completion of the program, each candidate must meet all program course requirements (30 hours), GPA requirements (program and cumulative GPA of 3.0), and complete a Comprehensive Examination and Program Portfolio Review at satisfactory levels. Transition #7: Exit from Program Assessments used in this matrix = Program Portfolio review, Professional Improvement Plan (PIP)- part of the program portfolio, program Reflection (part of the program portfolio), the Program GPA (≥ 3.0), the Research course grade, a Disposition Reflection (part of the program portfolio), and the Comprehensive Exam. *EKU Graduate School general requirements for “Clear” Admission into a degree program: A. A baccalaureate degree from a regional, accredited institution B. An overall undergraduate grade point average of 2.5 or of 2.75 on the last 60 hours of the baccalaureate program (all hours attempted in the semester in which the 60th hour occurs will be counted) C. Submission of an acceptable official Graduate Record Examination score or an approved alternative examination. D. A department may waive the requirements for clear admission stipulated in B and C for applicants having earned a graduate degree from a regional, accredited institution. E. Individual programs may have additional or higher criteria for clear admission. **Department of Curriculum and Instruction requirements for “Clear” Admission into a degree program: A. Meet the general requirements of the EKU Graduate School B. Submission of an acceptable official Graduate Record Examination (GRE). As an alternative to the GRE, the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or a passing score on the Kentucky PRAXIS II examination can be used. a. GRE ≥ a combined Verbal and Quantitative of 700 and 300 on each sub-score b. MAT ≥ 388 c. Kentucky PRAXIS II score must be verified as a “pass” score by the College of Education Certification Office. C. The candidate must have completed an initial teaching certification program that best applies to the MAED program – Elementary, Middle Grade or Secondary Education.