Belief Systems

Belief Systems
Buddhism is a belief system that originated in India. It has a
variety of traditions, mostly based on techniques attributed to
the Buddha. Buddha’s real name was Siddhartha Gautama. They
called him Buddha, which means the “awakened one”. The
Buddha was thought to be alive and teaching in the eastern part
of India between the 6th and 4th BCE.
The two major branches of Buddhism are known as Theravada,
(the “School of the Elders”) and Mahayana (the “Great Vehicle”).
Buddhism is most popular in Asia. Buddhism is said to be one of
the fastest growing religions in the world. Between 350 to 750
million people rely on this belief system.
Confucianism is a belief system based on the teachings of a
Chinese philosopher named Confucius. Confucius was born 551
B.C. He was born in Zou Lu state China. This was a time of
conflict with three noble families fighting for power, which
caused lots of sorrow and despair.
Confucian philosophy is based on the idea of Ren “humanism” or
“benevolence”, the basis of excellent character. Other key beliefs
were: zhong (loyalty to ones true nature”) shu (reciprocity) and
xiao (filial piety).
The Confuscian philosophy proposes that there are five main
relationships in society: (1) ruler and subject. (2) father and
son, (3) elder brother and younger brother, (4) husband and
wife, and (5) friend and friend. All these relationships (expect
“friend and friend”) involve one person who is superior and one
who is subordinate. Subordinates are expected to obey their
superiors, and superiors are expected to treat subordinates in a
loving respectful way. The role of the family was to educate and
train children to make sure they would be useful and productive
members of society.
According to Confucius, the ideal society consisted of
responsible members for the society who elect good leaders who
encourage friendship and harmony. In this society all people,
young and old are valued and make meaningful contributions.
Confucius also believed that the old, weak or sick should be
taken care of by the state.
Confucius is considered to be an important thinker because his
ideas provided the foundation for the Chinese government for
over 2000 years. The Chinese believed that this form of
government was superior to all other types in the world.
The ideas of Confucianism are still relevant today. The idea that
leaders should not act in their own self-interest and work hard
to benefit society is an important principle relevant to modern
democracies. His belief that the state should help people who
are old, weak or sick is similar to the modern idea of the “social
safety net” – where the government provides help to people in
Daoism is a belief system that reminds people that they are part
of nature. Daoism is based on the teaching of a man called Laozi
who was a Chinese philosopher who was born in east Asia.
Daoists worship eight immortals who are believed to hold
supernatural powers that can give or take away life. The eight
immortals are Immortal Woman He, Royal Uncle Cao, IronCrutch Li, Lan Caihe, Lu Dongbin, Philosopher Han Xiang, Elder
Zhang Guo, and Han Zhongli. Sometimes they are known as the
“Eight Genies”.
Daoism also has been called the “other way” or “other path”,
because it is considered to be an alternative to Confucianism.
Today Daoism is one of five religions officially recognised by the
People’s Republic of China. Daoism means living in harmony
with nature.
Daoism has many rituals, which consist of slaughtering fruits
and animals, including pigs and ducks. They also have different
dances, which include lion dances and dragons’ dances. There is
another ritual that consists of burning pictures to see if they will
reappear in a spiritual world.