RTI Grade Level Team Meetings K-4 Belfast Central School February - June 2014 February RTI Meetings: Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist Reviewed current RTI policy, pyramid, student data form and tier breakdown explanation Review of individual student folders Review of current practices among elementary teachers Discussion of uniform procedure for tracking tiers/students March RTI Meetings: Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist Review of individual student data and current interventions Assigned tier to each student Discussion of classified students that remain under RTI Identified error in Belfast’s RTI guidance April RTI Meetings: Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist Handed out corrected RTI guidance Introduced individual tracking sheets for students Filled out tracking sheets for each student Discussion of students that have moved tiers Identified an area of intervention that is not currently covered by staff, Kelly to talk to Administration about issue May RTI Meetings: Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist, School Psychologist and Principal Principal joined RTI meeting to share scheduling issues so late in year to cover additional needs Discussion of RTI progress and teacher concerns Teachers gave thoughts for upcoming school year Decided on colored sticker system to attach to outside of folders to track moving of tiers Team agreed to meet end of June to review individual student data and prepare for next school year June RTI Meetings: Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist Extended team meetings reviewed individual student data Tracking sheets and color coding updated to reflect tiers for next school year Folders prepared with appropriate material to hand over to next school year’s teacher