rti monthly meeting minutes

RTI Grade Level Team Meetings
K-4 Belfast Central School
February - June 2014
February RTI Meetings:
Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist
 Reviewed current RTI policy, pyramid, student data form and tier breakdown
 Review of individual student folders
 Review of current practices among elementary teachers
 Discussion of uniform procedure for tracking tiers/students
March RTI Meetings:
Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist
 Review of individual student data and current interventions
 Assigned tier to each student
 Discussion of classified students that remain under RTI
 Identified error in Belfast’s RTI guidance
April RTI Meetings:
Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist
 Handed out corrected RTI guidance
 Introduced individual tracking sheets for students
 Filled out tracking sheets for each student
 Discussion of students that have moved tiers
 Identified an area of intervention that is not currently covered by staff, Kelly to talk to
Administration about issue
May RTI Meetings:
Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist, School Psychologist and
 Principal joined RTI meeting to share scheduling issues so late in year to cover additional
 Discussion of RTI progress and teacher concerns
 Teachers gave thoughts for upcoming school year
 Decided on colored sticker system to attach to outside of folders to track moving of tiers
 Team agreed to meet end of June to review individual student data and prepare for next
school year
June RTI Meetings:
Grades K, 1/2 , 3/4 included myself, teachers, Reading Specialist and School Psychologist
 Extended team meetings reviewed individual student data
 Tracking sheets and color coding updated to reflect tiers for next school year
 Folders prepared with appropriate material to hand over to next school year’s teacher