OUR LADY OF THE MISSION PARISH SUNDAY 19th October 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A/2 Next Sunday is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction: God is Lord of heaven and earth; and we give the Lord glory by acknowledging his rule in every aspect of his creation. Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Tran Mob: 0402 048 502 Assistant Priest: Fr Renald Anthony Mob: 0406 557 320 Pastoral Worker: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355 1st Reading: Isaiah 45:1.4-6 The all-powerful Lord uses the pagan king Cyrus as an instrument to bring about his purpose.. 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Paul greets the Church in Thessalonika and recalls how they recognised the power of the Gospel. Presbytery: Office: 270 Camberwarra Drive Craigie – WA 6025 Ph : 93072776 Fax: 94024319 Secretaries: Christine, Jenni, Lesley Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm Email Address: whitford@optusnet.com.au Parish Website: www.olm.myparish.net.au Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Jesus tells us that we recognise God’s rule over our lives by giving back to God all that belongs to God. Reconciliation: Saturdays1 2 noon – 1pm and 5:30pm-6.00pm Antiphon to the Psalm: Give the Lord glory and honour. Missioncare: Donna Moxey 0434 637 355 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK We love you Lord our God, for you alone are our strength and our salvation. MASS TIMES 20th October – 26th October, 2014 FEAST DAYS 20th Monday October Tuesday 21st October Wednesday 22nd October Thursday 23rd October Friday 24th October Saturday 25th October Sunday 26th October CHAPEL CHAPEL 7am* 7am 7am 7am 7am 9am 9am CHURCH 9am 9am 9am 8:30am/6:30pm 8am/9:30am/ 11am/5.45pm *Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion Fr Joe writes The Most Important Gifts What do you want most from God? What do you think God would most want to give to you? Perhaps the deepest desire of God would be to give you the gift of being conscious of him in your daily life, along with the power to understand his love and to share the gift of that love with others. If you look at the words of Jesus in scripture, these seem to be the gifts God is most desirous of giving to all of us. Are these the gifts that you would most want to receive from God? Let us offer our personal prayer: “Lord, I admit that my desires are not always for those things that are the most important in life. I want to understand what the most important gifts of life are, so that I might desire to receive them from you. Expand the scope of my vision.” HAPPY FEAST DAY TO ALL AND GOD BLESS. LOTS OF LOVE FROM FR JOE AND FR RENALD. SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER 2014 Parish Notices 1. AGM: Our Parish AGM will be held on Tuesday 21st October in the Main Hall. All parishioners are very welcome to come along. Starts at 7.00pm with a meal provided by our Parish Council followed by the AGM. Please RSVP to the Parish Office for catering and setting up purposes. Thanks to everyone that has made contact thus far. 2. Nominate for Parish Council: There are a number of vacancies on the Parish Pastoral Council. If you are considering nominating for a role, the nomination forms and a description of the role are available at the office and on the information desk. 3. All Souls: Our Parish will hold its annual liturgy service at Pinnaroo Crematorium Chapel on Sunday 2 November, starting at 2.30pm. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know, particularly those who have lost a loved one this past year. Note: This is NOT a Mass. 4. Glory Be Bakers & all Parishioners: the 40th Anniversary of our parish is being celebrated on 19th October after 11am mass. We are looking for donations of cakes, biscuits, slices or scones for the day. Cake donations can be left in the back of the church or in the hall, it’s not too late!!! Do come along & join with us in Community Spirit on the oval. 5. OLM Family Parish Halloween Dance: Friday 31st October from 7.30/11pm in the Padbury Catholic School Hall, Cnr Gibson/Hepburn Ave Padbury, BYO alcohol drinks, supper & glasses. Canteen will sell Bottle water, cans of soft drink, chips, tea/coffee with cake. We welcome the D J - Rowan. Please dress up for the night. Bring the family. Tickets - Family $20, Adults $10 & Students $5. Raffle, Door prize, Spot prizes. All funds go towards the building of the Columbarium. Tickets on sale after all Masses. Contact 9403 2763. 6. Parish Feast Day - Family Picnic - Sunday 19th after Oct 11am Mass. Celebrating our 40th Anniversary of the founding of our Parish. Bring your own picnic and celebrate with us on the school oval from 12noon - 3pm. Free entertainment includes - Bouncy Castles, Animal Farm, Pony Rides, Zorb Balls and Gladiator Games. Music and singing from 1.00pm. Free tea and coffee. Gold coin donation for the following - Sausage Sizzle $2, Cold Drinks $1, Satay Sticks $1, Crisps $1. Gold coin donation for Cake, Fairy Floss. Free icy poles for the children. If you have an OLM Parish T-shirt please wear it on the day. OLM Parish T-shirts will also be available for sale on special for $15 on the day. 7. Exam Youth Mass: Please join us in praying for all those who have forthcoming exams, at the 5.45pm Mass on Sunday 19th October. 8. The Bridge: Embrace your inner childishness! We are heading over to Joondalup to Darklight (U2 / 92 Winton Road, Joondalup) on 24th October at 7.30pm. Join us in a battle of laser tag. May the most skilled win…Contact Persia for more information. Please call the Parish Office on 9307 2776 for Persia’s contact information. 9. Healing Mass: Saturday 25th October at 8.30am. If you are suffering from any kind of sickness, physical, emotional or spiritual, please do come to receive the sacrament of Healing of the Sick. All others are welcome to join in prayer for God’s healing power bestows on our loved ones, who are not well. 10. Just Faith Magazine: The new Spring Edition of the parish magazine “Just Faith’ is now out – please take a copy home with you. 11. Chairs for Sale: Blue Boardroom chairs. Donations over $15; all proceeds to our Parish Youth fundraising. 12. Helping Hands: Helping Hands for students in Years 5 & 6 resumes next Friday 24th October from 5-6pm in the Parish Hall. Contact Lisa for more details. 13. OUR LADY’S MONTH – Join us in praying the Rosary for the last two weeks of October for our two Parish priests, Father Joe and Father Renald. Please write your name and preferred days on the board situated on the table at the entrance of our church. Thank you for your participation. 14. Pssst! Want to know a Secret? It is Fr Joe’s birthday on Thursday 23rd October! Many Happy Returns Fr Joe 15. 15. 18+ Dinner: this month’s dinner is at Eagle Falls Spur Steak and Grill in Wanneroo on 30th Oct. RSVP to Collette by 29th Oct. See you there! 16. Vietnam Pilgrimage, February 1 2015: Singapore Airlines to Hanoi, inc 3 day cruise on Halong Bay, so beautiful! If interested, come along to the parish hall Saturday Nov 1st at 1030am & hear more. Contact Jo. Please call the Parish Office on 9307 2776 for Jo’s contact details. 17. Stewardship Meeting: Wednesday 22nd October @ 7.30pm Info @ 9403 2763 18. Seniors Family Group Luncheon: We welcome new comers, singles & couples, so please join our friendly group for a meal at the Woodvale Tavern, 143 Trappers Drive, Woodvale on Fri 31st October at 12noon. Enq: Theresa 0407 442 817. Stewardship Corner The bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Jesus not only calls people to him but also forms them and sends them out in his service. Being sent on a mission is a consequence of being a disciple.” General Notices 1. Your Bible Questions Answered: “Where did the chapter and verse numbers of the Bible originate? Were they in the original manuscripts?” “For the answer, or to submit your own Bible question, or for the October edition of “At home with your Bible.” visit www.thebiblicalfoundation.org.au. 2. Personal Advocacy Needs You! Enabling people with intellectual disabilities to lead full and valued lives. To find out more visit www.paswa.org.au or contact office on 9275 5388 or robyn@paswa.org.au 3. Praying our Experiences – October theme: What does it mean to lead others? Friday 31st Oct 10.3012noon (repeated 6.30-8.00pm) at Mary MacKillop Centre, South Perth. Contact 9334 0999 or enquiries@sosjwa.org.au. 4. WA Young Salesian Summer Camp: 5th-9th January 2015. Coming soon – watch this space. 5. Fundraising Dance for Personal Advocacy Service: Saturday 1st November, 7pm- Midnight at Herb Graham Rec Centre, Mirrabooka. $20/pp. Further info contact Greg D’Souza 0438 107178 or www.paswa.org.au/news/ 6. Caritas Australia: would like to express their heartfelt thanks for the support given towards Project Compassion 2014. The grand total donated by the Parish was $21,951.20 NEWSLETTER NOTICES DEADLINE: Every Wednesday at 12pm Noon. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Wednesday 9.30am - 7pm & Friday 9.30am - 7pm. PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our Parish’s Book of the sick. You are most welcome to add names to this book in the foyer of the Church. Please cross out when our prayers are no longer needed. BAPTISM: We welcome Alexander and Nicolas into God’s family this weekend. DEATH & ANNIVERSARY: ALL our loved ones who have gone before us, all who we love and miss them dearly. Especially Anthony Seow, Grace Seow, Pauline Henderson, Sr Rita Bowden, Maria & Jan Serparavich, Lewine Hancock, Eva La Pouche, Mick Ward, Joseph Pham Van Hinh, Joseph Lopez, Maria Dam Thi Khinh, Garielle Lawless, Giuliano Furlan, Giuseppa Pisano, Billy Harrison, Huynh Van Nhan, Do Thi Thu Giang, Veronica Garratt, David Anderson, Nora Boyle, Douglas D'Cruze, Charles Rankin, Ersilia Tomeo, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Chau Thi Nham, Margaret Leo, John Selvadurai, Aurelio Dingli, Kevin Broderick, Helen Meyer, Margeret Fletcher, Arthur Gormley, Gwendoline Lewis, Arleen Lewis and Sr Scholastica.