張詠翔助理教授 實驗 (研究) 室名稱:共同科館 812 聯絡電話:02-2771-2171 #3932 e-mail:shawnchang@ntut.edu.tw 專長 1. 實驗語音學/聲韻學 2. 語料庫語言學 3. 第二語言語音訓練 1. 近年重要論文及著述 (a) 期刊論文 "IPA illustration of Q’anjob’al", Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers, 1-23, 2010/09/15 (b) 研討會論文 "Variability in Cross-Dialect Perception of the Mandarin Alveolar-Retroflex Contrast",International Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China,香港,2013/12/2 "Effects of input pitch height on L1 vs. L2 reproduction of Mandarin tones", 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012/10/18 "Using map tasks to investigate the effect of contrastive focus on the Mandarin alveolar-retroflex contrast", 6th Speech Prosody Conference, Shanghai, 2012/06/22 "Are rhotics perceived as a single category?", Linguistics Society of America Meeting , Portland, OR, 2012/01/5 "The role of vowel transitions in the perception of Mandarin sibilants", 162nd Meeting for the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, California, 2011/10/31 附件 "A corpus study of retroflex realizations in Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin", 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong, 2011/08/17 "Distinction between Mandarin Tones 2 and 3 for L1 and L2 Listeners", The 25th annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Eugene, Oregon, 2011/06/17 "The effects of prosodic strengthening on alveolar-retroflex contrasts in Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin", Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference , Champaign, IL, 2010/10/21 "Acoustic investigation of lexical stress in Taiwan Mandarin", Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics, Hsinchu, 2010/08/02 "Lip rounding as an enhancing gesture in Taiwan Mandarin retroflexes", Illinois Language and Linguistics Society 2, Champaign, IL, 2010/05/28 "Perceptual training on learning of English vowel contrasts" , 2nd SLATE Graduate Research Symposium, Champaign, IL, 2010/05/06 "Training Mandarin Speakers to Identify English Vowels", American Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA, 2010/03/06 "Lip Rounding in Taiwan Mandarin Retroflex Sibilants", Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 2010/01/07