
實驗 (研究) 室名稱:共同科館 812
聯絡電話:02-2771-2171 #3932
1. 實驗語音學/聲韻學
2. 語料庫語言學
3. 第二語言語音訓練
1. 近年重要論文及著述
(a) 期刊論文
"IPA illustration of Q’anjob’al", Studies in the Linguistic Sciences:
Illinois Working Papers, 1-23, 2010/09/15
(b) 研討會論文
"Variability in Cross-Dialect Perception of the Mandarin
Alveolar-Retroflex Contrast",International Conference on Phonetics of
the Languages in China,香港,2013/12/2
"Effects of input pitch height on L1 vs. L2 reproduction of Mandarin
tones", 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum, Pittsburgh, PA,
"Using map tasks to investigate the effect of contrastive focus on the
Mandarin alveolar-retroflex contrast", 6th Speech Prosody Conference,
Shanghai, 2012/06/22
"Are rhotics perceived as a single category?", Linguistics Society of
America Meeting , Portland, OR, 2012/01/5
"The role of vowel transitions in the perception of Mandarin sibilants",
162nd Meeting for the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego,
California, 2011/10/31
"A corpus study of retroflex realizations in Beijing and Taiwan
Mandarin", 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong
Kong, 2011/08/17
"Distinction between Mandarin Tones 2 and 3 for L1 and L2 Listeners",
The 25th annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics,
Eugene, Oregon, 2011/06/17
"The effects of prosodic strengthening on alveolar-retroflex contrasts in
Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin", Mid-Continental Phonetics &
Phonology Conference , Champaign, IL, 2010/10/21
"Acoustic investigation of lexical stress in Taiwan Mandarin", Student
Workshop on East Asian Linguistics, Hsinchu, 2010/08/02
"Lip rounding as an enhancing gesture in Taiwan Mandarin retroflexes",
Illinois Language and Linguistics Society 2, Champaign, IL,
"Perceptual training on learning of English vowel contrasts" , 2nd
SLATE Graduate Research Symposium, Champaign, IL, 2010/05/06
"Training Mandarin Speakers to Identify English Vowels", American
Association for Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA, 2010/03/06
"Lip Rounding in Taiwan Mandarin Retroflex Sibilants", Linguistic
Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 2010/01/07