Learning any language other than one`s own will help students

Learning any language other than one’s own will help students develop communication skills.
Children will understand new people and their traditions with the goal of gaining new perspectives on the world.
Mandarin added to the Middle School World Language Program 2016 – 2017
In the fall of 2016, Mandarin will be added as a choice for World Language study for incoming 6th grade students in
our middle schools across the district. Currently the World Language program offers two courses of study: French
and Spanish. As a district, we are excited to announce a program expansion to include Mandarin, recognizing the
utility of a diverse range of language offerings that reflect the global community in which we live and prepare
students for opportunities internationally. This expansion is supported by the WH Board of Education and the
WHPS Executive Team in response to the World Language Curriculum Review. Mandarin as a middle school
language choice will build a vertically articulate sequence from grades 6-12 culminating with opportunities for
advanced language studies and college credit as with French and Spanish offerings. This action increases the
potential for students to reach their highest fluency as evidenced by participation in Advanced Placement courses
as well as in preparation for continued application, study and use at the college level. The inclusion of Mandarin as
a choice for study in middle school is a program enhancement and supports the World Language Mission
Statement by broadening fluency in and an appreciation of other cultures and languages.
Rational for the addition of Mandarin
To support the World Language Mission Statement by including a critical international language as early
as possible to prepare our students to participate proactively as informed global citizens
To support the World Language National Standards by setting high expectations for students to
communicate effectively in the target language, to develop an understanding of the cultures of speakers
of that language and to compare those cultures to their own
To create a pathway that fully prepares our students to reach their highest potential in the language
To enhance our students’ college and career readiness by supporting their depth of world language
proficiency and prepare them to be competitive and successful in rigorous academic measures to include
the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam
To parallel secondary (gr 6-12) world language study pathways existing for French and Spanish language
Implementation Schedule
2016-2017 add Mandarin Grade 6
2017-2018 add Mandarin 7 and continue offering Mandarin 6
2018-2019 add Mandarin 8 and continue offering Mandarin 7
Beginning Mandarin students will become proficient in basic Mandarin pronunciation and writing of simple
sentences using characters. Students will understand the difference between Mandarin written language and all
other world languages. Students will study assigned vocabulary and basic sentence structure using the verb “to
be”. Students will speak and write in basic Mandarin word order (subject-time-adverb-verb-object), using
characters, pinyin and tone. Students will become proficient in culturally appropriate introductory conversations
and in asking basic survival questions. Students will complete in-class speaking and listening activities and will work
cooperatively to write simple sentences.
Upcoming Events
World Language teacher visitations to 5th grade classrooms to discuss the options in 6th grade
Middle School Parent Curriculum Evenings to discuss middle school World Language pathways
Selection Letter sent home from middle schools
We are excited that the Board and the District recognize and are taking steps to support and enhance the World
Language Program. This is good news for the department and our collective efforts to broaden student
appreciation of other cultures and fluency in multiple languages.