Ohio State Baseball Club Constitution ARTICLE I This constitution is

Ohio State Baseball Club
This constitution is to recognize the Baseball Club at the Ohio State University as a
university organization.
The Baseball Club at the Ohio State University was formed to create a competitive outlet
for those interested in playing baseball. Our objective is to establish a level of
competition as high as can be attained at the club level.
Membership is available to any Ohio State student, undergraduate or graduate, who
maintains the grade point average necessary to compete in club sports at the Ohio State
University. This club will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national
origin, or sexual preference. To be recognized as a full member of the Baseball Club at
the Ohio State University, one must first make the team during tryouts, then pay the
yearly dues established by the Club President and Treasurer.
Tryouts will be held every autumn towards the beginning of Autumn Quarter.
The Baseball Club at Ohio State University will have three officers: President, Vice
President, and Treasurer. The President responsibilities include, but are not limited to,
overseeing the organization, administering the proper paperwork due to the university,
appointing a head coach for the traveling team, organizing the league, appointing captains
for each league team, organizing a schedule for the league, and maintaining the integrity
of the club. The Vice President’s duties are to assist the President in administering the
club. The Treasurer’s duties include, but are not limited to, collecting dues, maintaining
the club budget, and making necessary purchases for the club. The President will make
all executive decisions concerning the club unless the Vice President and Treasurer
object. In this case, the Vice President and Treasurer may override the President’s
For the 2011-2012 school year, the officers will be as follows: President-Justin Johnson,
Vice President- Thomas Balla, Treasurer- Christopher Keltner. Following this season,
the President will appoint a new president at the conclusion of each school year. The new
president must be approved by at least one other member, the Vice President or the
Treasurer. The new President will then appoint a new Vice President and new Treasurer.
Any club officer can be impeached if a club member can collect a petition of signatures
from at least twenty club members. In this case, the officer will be removed from office,
and an emergency club meeting will be called where at least twenty club members must
be present. Nominations will be held for filling the vacant seat, and an election will
follow. Whoever receives the most votes wins the election. The person impeached from
office is subsequently ineligible to hold office for the Baseball Club.
The yearly dues will be set and collected at a time determined by the club officers. The
Club Treasurer will set the amount of yearly dues. No one is allowed to participate in a
Baseball Club game until they have paid their dues. Violation of this may result in
termination from the program. A player’s money may be refunded until they have
participated in a game. Once they have played in a game, their dues are non-refundable.
The Club Treasurer is in charge of all fundraising.
The Club President is in charge of appointing a Club Advisor. The Club Advisor must be
a member of the Ohio State University faculty or staff. The Advisor’s duties include, but
are not limited to, signing any paperwork required by the university and attending any
informational meetings the university requires. The Advisor is free to observe practices
and games, but is not required to do so.
The Club President is in charge of appointing a Head Coach for the traveling team. The
Head Coach may be a Club Member, or someone outside the Club. The Club President
may also be the Head Coach. The Head Coach will not be paid. The Head Coach will be
allowed to participate in traveling team games. The Head Coach of the traveling team can
be replaced if three-fourths of the traveling team votes to remove him. In this case,
nominations will be held and an election will follow. Whoever receives the most votes
from traveling team members, will become the new Head Coach.
The Club President in conjunction with the Club Treasurer will make travel
arrangements. Each player who participates in a road game is responsible for their own
expenses unless explicitly stated otherwise. The Baseball Club is not responsible for any
lost items on road trips. Any player who damages their room, or is arrested on a road trip
may be removed from the organization. The Club President should make every
accommodation to make sure that every traveling team member has a means of
transportation to road games, but not every traveling team member is guaranteed a means
of transportation to road games.
An amendment may be proposed by any club member. To get it ratified, a member must
have a signed petition with at least twenty signatures of club members. If all three club
officers approve, the amendment is ratified. Any of the three club officers has the right to
veto it. If vetoed, the club member can press for a club meeting. At least twenty club
members must show, and an election will be held. A simple majority is all that is required
for an amendment to be ratified.
Members can address grievances by directly contacting the Club President. A club
member can also contact the Baseball Club Coordinator with the university. A club
member may also contact the head of Club Sports at the Ohio State University. A web
page on the internet may be maintained, although all material on it must be approved by
the Club President and the university.
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for
reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
If a member conducts themselves in such a manner deemed detrimental to advancing the
purpose of this organization or is in violation of the OSU Student Code of Conduct, they
can be removed through a majority vote of the other voting membership or unanimous
vote of the officers, with the consultation of the advisor.
Addendum I
Thomas Balla, Christopher Keltner, and Justin Johnson are the individuals that comprise
the Board of Trustees. Therefore, they reserve the right to veto any decision made by the
current head coach.
Justin Johnson
Chad Lowe
President, Baseball Club
Faculty Advisor