2015-2016 ACADEMIC INNOVATION: FUNDING APPLICATION Project title: Short project title (maximum 100 characters): Abstract (maximum 650 characters; approximately 100 words): Which strategic priority does this initiative support? (mark all that apply with an “X”) 1.1 Increase retention and degree completion 1.5 Foster and support innovation in program development and excellence in teaching and pedagogy 2.4 3.2 Foster undergraduate research Contribute to cultural and economic vitality, locally and globally, by fostering creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship Maximize the opportunities for students, faculty and staff to contribute to community both inside and outside of the university 5.2 Foster a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness 3.1 Which direct entry undergraduate degree program(s) does your initiative impact? (mark all that apply with an “X”) Bachelor of Agriculture (International Food Business) Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) & Pre Vet Studies Bachelor of Community Design Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion) Bachelor of Computer Science Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology) Bachelor of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science (Nursing) Bachelor of Health Science Bachelor of Science (Recreation) Bachelor of Informatics Bachelor of Science (Recreation) combined with Bachelor of Management Bachelor of Management Other (please specify): Team lead (identify only one team lead): Other team members: Faculties/Departments/Units involved in project: Amount of funding requested (maximum $10K): Have you prepared an Excel budget to submit with this application? Yes No NOTE: If several applications are submitted from a single faculty the Dean will be asked to rank them. 1 2015-2016 ACADEMIC INNOVATION: DETAILED PROPOSAL Provide a detailed proposal (maximum 4 pages) by filling in answers to the questions below. 1. What are your objectives with this initiative? (e.g., to increase retention, to introduce an interdisciplinary required module, etc.) 2. How does your initiative fit within your unit’s academic plans? 3. Describe your planned academic initiative. Please be clear and precise. 4. How will students benefit? 5. How do you plan to test the effectiveness of your suggested initiative? 6. What evaluation metric(s) will your use? (e.g., higher GPA, improved retention, etc.) 7. In what ways is your initiative innovative? 8. Please provide a proposed timeline for planning and implementation of your initiative. Include details of any fiscal support already approved by your unit. 9. What external stakeholder groups will be involved (if any)? What will be their role in the initiative? 10. How do you plan to report within Dalhousie on the results of your initiative? Please be as specific as possible. 11. Please explain any prior experience you (the project leader) have with academic planning and evaluation. Applications are to be submitted by the Dean’s office as confirmation of approval of the application. Please submit electronically to Alicia Kirk (Alicia.kirk@dal.ca). Application deadline: November 1, 2015 2