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Travel Choices Fact Sheet
Question index:
What is Travel Choices?
What is the purpose/why is it needed?
What does Travel Choices offer?
Engagement to date (September 2015)
Tools and channels
What will Travel Choices do for business?
How long will it operate for?
What should businesses do?
What should commuters do?
What should freight and servicing companies do?
Where do people go for more information about CBD changes?
What is Travel Choices?
Travel Choices is a free, dedicated business resource, established by Transport for NSW to assist
businesses in managing the impacts of major construction in the CBD and helping to shape long
term, sustainable travel behaviour.
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What is the purpose/why is it needed?
In the next 10 years an extra one million people will call Sydney home. To cope with this
extraordinary growth, Sydney’s transport network is undergoing major changes. The benefits will be
considerable but there will be significant disruption during construction. Transport for NSW
recognises that this disruption will be challenging for businesses and is determined to keep Sydney
moving during this period. The goal of the program is to motivate behaviour change amongst car
driving commuters. Removing 5 to 15 per cent of peak drivers to off-peak times or shifting them to
perimeter roads will alleviate pressures on CBD roads and in turn support network flow and
economic prosperity.
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What does Travel Choices offer?
Businesses employing over 500 staff are entitled to help from a dedicated specialist travel advisor
who provides bespoke solutions to manage the impacts of the construction. Employers of 500 staff
or less can register for an interactive workshop which pinpoints how their business will be affected
by the changes to the transport network. The workshop enables businesses to identify measures to
ensure they are resilient to the changes. Further, ongoing engagement is then provided by the Travel
Choices team.
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What does Travel Choices offer ? (cont.)
Travel Choices are also proactively engaging with business intermediaries (peak bodies) who,
through their membership, have access to a large number of businesses across the city. Business
intermediaries promote the Travel Choices messaging and advice through newsletters and updates
to their membership.
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Engagement to date (September 2015)
Over 26 business intermediaries and 95 CBD employers with a combined reach of over 63,550
employees have been engaged with the need for change and respective travel choices. Over 760
unique travel surveys have been completed recording the current behaviour of commuters and
documenting their propensity for behaviour change to: remode, retime, reroute, or reduce travel
through the CBD.
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Tools and channels
Dedicated Travel Choices education and planning tools have been developed to enable business to
effectively support staff, customers and freight personnel in addressing the changes ahead.
Businesses have access to a suite of tools through a dedicated web portal which hosts a business
handbook, a travel action plan, a travel impact assessment form, and registration to workshops.
Businesses receiving site specific support also receive additional tools such as a travel survey that
enables targeted communication to specific travel users and bespoke ‘precinct travel’ maps. Details
can be found at the Travel Choices page on the MySydney website.
There will also be drop in sessions across the city; locations will be advertised on the Travel Choices
page on the MySydney website
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What will Travel Choices do for business?
Travel Choices is a supportive programme designed to give businesses the help they need to adapt
their travel plans through construction work as part of the Tomorrow’s Sydney initiative.
Businesses are being encouraged to plan ahead and consider how staff and suppliers travelling to
and from the CBD can reduce vehicle travel through the four R’s: Reroute, Remode, Retime or
Reduce the number of journeys made in the CBD at peak times).
Travel Choices will provide bespoke travel advice to the biggest businesses in the CBD, as well as
workshops for those employing fewer than 500 staff members and drop-in sessions for all. The
information and help provided will enable businesses to consider how their travel behaviour can
best be adapted through the four Rs (Retime, Reroute, Remode, or Reduce) approach according to
their business need.
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How long will it operate for?
Travel Choices is a three year commitment by Transport for NSW to develop sustainable strategies
for equipping business with information, tools and practical solutions to construction impacts in the
Sydney CBD and to assist Transport for NSW in creating a sustainable traffic management outcome
for Sydney.
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What should businesses do?
Businesses should encourage management, staff and suppliers to plan ahead and test their new
journeys before the changes come into effect. To start planning simply log onto the Travel Choices
page on the MySydney website to access free support materials and sign up for workshops and news
bulletins, or phone the Travel Choices team on 1800 632 500.
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What should commuters do?
Commuters are encouraged to plan ahead and consider their travel to and from the CBD through the
four R’s: Reroute, Remode, Retime or Reduce. Commuters should make use of real-time apps so
they ‘know before they go’ and plan ahead. Information on apps can be accessed at
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What should freight and servicing companies do?
Freight and servicing companies can get specialist help and advice from the Transport for NSW
Freight Team; companies can contact the Freight Team at
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Where do people go for more information about CBD changes?
Businesses should log onto the Travel Choices page on the MySydney website for further
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