LEADS Student Travel Funds Instructions for Submitting Requests for Reimbursement Please submit requests for reimbursement to the LEADS Project Manager no later than two weeks upon completion of trip: Philippe Latour leads@mcgill.ca (514) 398-2009 Mailing address for supporting documents Attention: Philippe Latour ROOM 614, EDUCATION BUILDING, MCGILL UNIVERSITY 3700 McTAVISH MONTREAL, QC H3A1Y2 Requests for reimbursement must include ALL components of travel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Email received from LEADS Project Manager confirming travel award Proof of Successful Completion of Travel Registration/Tuition Fees Travel & Ground Transportation Accommodations Meals Please note that under SSHRC regulations, we are unable to reimburse the cost of alcoholic beverages. A reference list of eligible Tri-Council travel expenses can be found at: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/FinancialAdminGuideGuideAdminFinancier/FundsUse-UtilisationSubventions_eng.asp For more information, please refer to the McGill Request for Reimbursement CHECKLIST at: http://kb.mcgill.ca/kb/?ArticleId=3939&source=Article&c=12&cid=6#tab:homeTab:crumb:7:artI d:3939 September 25, 2013 For McGill Students 1. Send email to LEADS Project Manager stating “Request for Reimbursement” in subject line. Email must include the following information: a. McGill ID b. Purpose of trip i. Travel category (Internship, Summer School/Related Workshops, or Academic Conference/Conference Workshops) ii. Full name of research institution/partner organization or academic conference and acronym (if applicable) iii. Dates and destination c. Expense summary table: LINE ITEM DETAILED DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING VENDOR NAME) DATE OF PURCHASE - - AMOUNT (CURRENCY OF ORIGINAL RECEIPT) TRAVEL LOCAL TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS MEALS TUITION FEES/CONFERENCE REGISTRATION TOTAL 2. Submit supporting documents (see list below) to LEADS Project Manager (keep photocopies of all original documents and receipts for your own records). If you have access to a scanner, please include a scanned copy of your original supporting documents in your email to the LEADS Project Manager. September 25, 2013 For non-McGill students 1. Visitor Claimant Signature Form Request for Expense Reimbursement: https://www.mcgill.ca/financialservices/files/financialservices/claimant_signature_form_20 140521.pdf a. Print form b. Complete ONLY the following sections: i. Claimant’s Mailing Address ii. Reimbursement to be issued in: (CAD/USD/Other) 1. for Other currency, fill in banking information for wire transfer c. Sign and date Visitor Claimant Form d. Scan and email to LEADS Project Manager 2. Send email to LEADS Project Manager stating “Request for Reimbursement” in subject line. Email must include the following information: a. Full name, telephone, email address and mailing address b. Scanned copy of Visitor Claimant Signature Form c. Purpose of trip i. Travel category (Internship, Summer School/Related Workshops, or Academic Conference/Conference Workshops) ii. Full name of research institution/partner organization or academic conference and acronym (if applicable) iii. Dates and destination d. Expense summary table: LINE ITEM DETAILED DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING VENDOR NAME) DATE OF PURCHASE - - AMOUNT (CURRENCY OF ORIGINAL RECEIPT) TRAVEL GROUND TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATIONS MEALS TUITION FEES/CONFERENCE REGISTRATION TOTAL September 25, 2013 3. Send by mail the required supporting documents (see list below) to LEADS Project Manager (keep photocopies of all original documents and receipts for your own records). If you have access to a scanner, please include a scanned copy of your original supporting documents in your email to the LEADS Project Manager. Required Supporting Documents 1. Email received from LEADS Project Manager confirming successful receipt of travel award 2. Proof of successful completion of travel a. Internships i. Email from co-investigator/partner representative stating successful completion of internship ii. 200 word synopsis of internship experience iii. 1 page final report plus photos b. Summer School/Related Workshops i. Certificate from institution stating successful completion of summer school (or related workshop, if available) ii. 200 word synopsis of summer school/workshop experience iii. 1 page final report plus photos c. Academic Conference/Conference Workshop i. Conference agenda/program – can be printout of just the page in program where student’s name appears ii. Conference badge iii. Final draft of paper/poster presented 3. Original receipts (no receipts = no reimbursement!): I. Registration/Tuition Fees a. Original receipt of summer school/workshop tuition fees or academic conference registration II. Travel & Local Transportation a. Original travel ticket receipt or e-ticket, showing zero balance or the total amount paid (including taxes) linked to a credit card i. Reservation confirmation not acceptable b. All original boarding passes c. Original receipts for taxi and/or other transportation (credit card slips are not acceptable) d. For use of own vehicle, can either expense gasoline (with receipt) OR mileage September 25, 2013 i. For mileage, include google map with start and end address for each trip, as well as details of vehicle used III. Accommodations a. Original itemized hotel invoices i. Invoice must indicate “paid” or zero balance, otherwise must be supplemented with credit card slip/copy of credit card statement (with some digits of credit card number blackened out), or debit card slip/copy of bank statement (with some digits of account number blackened out) ii. Reservation confirmation not acceptable iii. Hotel invoice must be made out to the name of person submitting the expense report – if sharing a room, be sure that invoice has only one name on it (arrange privately to divide expenses) iv. Phone, internet, pay-per-view and other assorted charges/services ineligible for reimbursement b. If staying at private residence in lieu of hotel, can expense up to $20/night CAD IV. Meals a. Best practice according to McGill policy is to submit original meal receipts, however LEADS generally reimburses meals (without receipts) as per McGill’s per diem rates: i. Within Canada (maximum $54/day CAD) breakfast $10 lunch $16 dinner $28 ii. Outside Canada (maximum $70/day CAD) breakfast $12 lunch $21 dinner $37 b. If meals already paid for or included in another expense (e.g. breakfast included in hotel charge; lunch included in conference registration fee), these meals cannot be expensed again under per diem rates September 25, 2013