
Pupil Premium Funding
The school receives Pupil premium funding in addition to its budget allocation each year
based on the number of children who are:
Eligible for Free School meals
Have been eligible for Free School Meals at any time during their time at Primary
Children of services personnel
Or who have been in or in Looked After Care
This money is allocated to help raise the standards of attainment and thus raise the life
chances of the children who attract the funding.
Pupil Premium Expenditure and Impact
Total allocated for academic year 14/15- £224,222
5-20% of leadership wages to reflect time allocated for intervention, monitoring
and evaluation and leading the Disadvantaged Pupils team. This also includes
mentoring staff in these areas.
Additional teaching staff to ensure smaller classes to increase individualised
support for learning and to raise attainment for all children entitled to PP funding at
all levels of ability.
Maintaining increased teaching Assistant support to carry out intervention
programmes and support personalised learning across the school, including hearing
individual children read on a regular basis across the school, providing homework
clubs in Y6 and facilitating children without ICT at home to access ipads and laptops
outside of the school day e.g accessing Mathletics .
Support for individual pupils, were necessary, to raise academic standards and
ensure the children’s individual welfare is high.
Continuing the previously funded role of Parent Support Adviser to work
with families on areas such as raising attendance, reducing persistent
absentees, nurturing groups, parenting skills and supporting children’s
education at home.
 Continuing to employ a Support Worker to work with identified children to
raise self-esteem and improve their attitude towards learning and school
life through group work, coaching, sport, individual support and through
structured play during lunchtimes and playtimes.
 To employ a SEND lead support worker and SEND/BESD consultant to
support Teachers and Teaching Assistants with strategies and interventions
for vulnerable children and their families through such areas as counselling,
raising self-esteem, de-escalating anti-social behaviour (Team teach),
therapeutic story writing , ensuring the environment supports all children’s
learning and monitoring provision
Walking bus places for pupil premium children before and after school to ensure
the children arrive at school and home safely and on time and raising attendance.
After school/ Breakfast provision for pupil premium and LAC children to ensure all
children can access quality play and curriculum support after and before school.
Purchase of school jumpers and book bags to:
 ensure all children are dressed appropriately and neatly in the Rossmere
school uniform and to raise their awareness of a school identity and a sense
of pride in themselves and their school helping to raise their expectations
and aspirations of themselves.
 to raise the importance of reading at home and to ensure books are looked
after and respected
Administration costs for additional monitoring etc.
Additional experienced teaching staff to work 1:1 or with a small group for
interventions to ensure progress, particularly in Year 6 where children are streamed
for the core subjects with 2 additional teachers 3x a week.
Music tuition to ensure all children entitled to PP can access instrumental tuition
such as keyboards and brass instruments
Educational visits subsidised across the school to widen children’s experiences,
knowledge and skills in different curriculum areas and enrich the curriculum.
Paying for children in Y6 to attend the residential visit to Robin Wood outdoor
education centre. This ensures all children gain life experiences they may not
otherwise gain
Purchasing of additional resources for individual children for interventions and to
support their welfare e.g providing breakfast at school, additional clothing,
To subsidise additional Educational Psychology time bought into school for children
entitled to PP who have additional mental health needs
To subsidise pupil travel, to therapy/ appointments etc.
Purchasing additional Ipads to ensure all children entitled to PP funding can access
ICT at school during at outside school hours.
Training staff to deliver outdoor learning across the school in the Forest School
opened in Summer 2015. This enables the pupils to learn through first-hand
experience of the natural world, increasing their team and co-operation skills,
building their resilience and helping raise standards across the curriculum.
Total expenditure
Impact upon raising standards for disadvantaged pupils 2014/15
The disadvantaged children at Rossmere School continue to be supported well through good,
personalised learning, widening of life experiences and a clear value system that encourages and
supports them to become good citizens.
Pupil Premium funding has contributed towards an improvement in results as set out below and
continued good behaviour across the school, with exemplary behaviour evident in many classes.
Attendance for disadvantaged children has risen slightly from 94.21% to 94.31% and actions for
further improvement are being funded by Pupil Premium money in 2015/16 to increase this to in
line with national averages for all children.
Key Stage 1 Results for Disadvantaged Children -2014/15
Level 2+
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
Level 2b+
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
Level 3
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
Disadvantaged children in Rossmere at KS1:
attained above disadvantaged children nationally in all subjects and at all levels (national
2014 data)
Attained above all children nationally (disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged together) in
writing at level 2+ and all subjects at level 2b+
Attained below all children nationally (disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged together) at
the higher level (level 3 in all subjects) and this is an area for improvement in 2015/16 to
ensure all our children reach their full potential
Key Stage 2 Results for Disadvantaged Children -2014/15
and spelling
and spelling
Level 4+
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
Level 5
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
2 levels progress
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
School results-disadvantaged children
National results – all children (2015 provisional data)
National results – disadvantaged children (2104 data)
Disadvantaged children in Rossmere at KS2:
attained above disadvantaged children nationally in all subjects except maths at level 4+and
in reading and grammar, punctuation and spelling at level 5 (national 2014 data)
attained in line with all children nationally in reading at level 4+
Made more progress in maths, reading, and writing than disadvantaged children nationally
(national 2014 data)
Made more progress in reading and writing than all children nationally (2015 national data)
Maths is an area for improvement at KS2 in 2015/16 for Disadvantaged children, to raise the
standards of attainment to in line with all children nationally
Anticipated Pupil Premium Spend 2015-16
Total allocated for September 2015-March 2016 £136,838
5-20% of leadership wages to reflect time allocated for intervention ( for example spelling
interventions and Maths Recovery), monitoring and evaluation and leading the
Disadvantaged Pupils team. This also includes mentoring staff in these areas.
Additional teaching staff to ensure smaller classes to increase individualised support for
learning and to raise attainment for all children entitled to PP funding at all levels of
Maintaining increased teaching Assistant support to carry out intervention programmes
and support personalised learning across the school, including hearing individual children
read on a regular basis across the school, providing homework clubs in Y6 and facilitating
children without ICT at home to access ipads and laptops outside of the school day e.g
accessing Mathletics .
Support for individual pupils, were necessary, to raise academic standards and ensure the
children’s individual welfare is high.
 Continuing the previously funded role of Parent Support Adviser to work with
families on areas such as raising attendance, reducing persistent absentees,
nurturing groups, parenting skills and supporting children’s education at home.
 To employ a Youth Coach to organise lunchtime activities such as sport and
structured play for KS2 children to improve their co-operation, team work and
behaviour and therefore welfare.
 To employ a SEND lead support worker and SEND/BESD consultant to support
Teachers and Teaching Assistants with strategies and interventions for vulnerable
children and their families through such areas as counselling, raising self-esteem,
de-escalating anti-social behaviour (Team teach), therapeutic story writing ,
ensuring the environment supports all children’s learning and monitoring
To purchase the services of OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) to deliver CPD to staff and
to support an Action Plan to increase children’s ability to play during play and lunchtimes
to help improve children’s social skills, team work, independence and to learn through
To pay for Support Staff attendance at OPAL PD day September 1st 2015.
Walking bus places for pupil premium children before and after school to ensure the
children arrive at school and home safely and on time and raising attendance.
After school/ Breakfast provision for pupil premium and LAC children to ensure all children
can access quality play and curriculum support after and before school.
Purchase of school jumpers and book bags to:
 ensure all children are dressed appropriately and neatly in the Rossmere school
uniform and to raise their awareness of a school identity and a sense of pride in
themselves and their school helping to raise their expectations and aspirations of
 to raise the importance of reading at home and to ensure books are looked after
and respected
Administration costs for additional monitoring etc.
Additional experienced teaching staff to work 1:1 or with a small group for interventions
to ensure progress, particularly in Year 6 where children are streamed for the core
subjects with 2 additional teachers 3x a week.
Music tuition to ensure all children entitled to PP can access instrumental tuition such as
keyboards and brass instruments
Educational visits subsidised across the school to widen children’s experiences, knowledge
and skills in different curriculum areas and enrich the curriculum.
Paying for children in Y6 to attend the residential visit to Robin Wood outdoor education
centre. This ensures all children gain life experiences they may not otherwise gain
Purchasing of additional resources for individual children for interventions and to support
their welfare e.g providing breakfast at school, additional clothing,
To subsidise additional Educational Psychology time bought into school for children
entitled to PP who have additional mental health needs
To subsidise pupil travel, to therapy/ appointments etc.
To further train teachers and support staff to become Forest School accredited
practitioners enabling the pupils to learn through first-hand experience of the natural
world, increasing their team and co-operation skills, building their resilience and helping
raise standards across the curriculum.
Total expenditure