The Fourth Strategy of IT in Education – Enhancing Schools’ WiFi Infrastructure Explanatory Notes for Expression of Interest(EOI) Form 1. This document attempts to provide general information for schools (except those joining the Support Scheme for e-Learning in Schools) to submit the EOI Form for the Fourth Strategy of IT in Education – Enhancing Schools’ WiFi Infrastructure. Making reference to this will save time and effort to provide succinct information for the submission. 2. Schools are required to submit the completed EOI Form together with the soft copy. The information submitted will be served as an internal reference by EDB in enhancing schools’ WiFi infrastructure. General 3. Our intention is not to overload schools in preparing the EOI form. As such, schools may consider using point form in the relevant parts of the EOI form. 4. At places where evidences are needed, e.g. Parts 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 5.3, please simply extract from relevant readily available documents, such as notes of meeting, summary of survey findings, teaching schedule, etc. WiFi infrastructure enhancement plan 5. Schools are required to indicate on the form the preferred school year, from 2015/16 to 2017/18 the latest, for enhancing their WiFi infrastructure. Schools should take into consideration of their contexts and schedule of e-learning implementation. If accepted by EDB, schools should complete their enhancement work and will start receiving enhanced Composite IT Grant (CITG) in the chosen school year. 6. For schools choosing to upgrade their WiFi infrastructure in 2015/16 school year and accepted by EDB, they are advised to have early 1 planning on their construction work. A checklist and sample user requirement specifications will be provided in the website for schools’ reference in conducting the procurement exercises for WiFi services. 7. For schools choosing to upgrade their WiFi infrastructure in 2016/17 school year or beyond, they are also required to provide the required information as far as possible. Schools intending to change their schedules after submitting the EOI form should seek agreement from the EDB in writing with explanations. We will handle the request in view of school contexts. Three-year School Development Plan 8. If there are any major concerns in your current Three year School Development Plan that are related to e-learning, please list them out and also provide the URL of the School Development Plan as uploaded on school’s website. Schedule for using e-textbooks / e-learning resources 9. One of the objectives of the WiFi infrastructure enhancement is to support schools that will use one or more than one e-textbooks or set of curriculum-based e-learning resources in classroom learning and teaching. 10. Schools should provide a coherent and progressive schedule of using e-textbooks (for specific subject(s)/Key Learning Area (s)) and e-learning resources. 11. Schools should also provide, if any, specific strategies of integrating IT in the subjects and levels, e.g. some curriculum alignment with the use of IT / e-pedagogy. Teachers’ readiness and professional development 12. Teachers’ readiness and professional development are considered essential to the successful and sustainable implementation of e-learning through the use of e-textbooks and e-learning resources. 2 13. In assessing teachers’ readiness to deploy e-learning, schools may consider making reference to the proportion of learning and teaching materials in electronic forms deployed by a teacher in his/her teaching practice and/or interest of the teacher in professional development in e-learning in recent years. To illustrate, schools may perceive a teacher to be ready in e-learning if his/her students would normally use say, at least 50% learning and teaching materials in electronic form or he/she has spent significant CPD hours on e-learning. 14. Schools are required to briefly outline teachers’ readiness in terms of their practices and experiences in adopting e-learning. 15. Schools have to commit their participation in the professional development programmes by specifying the respective numbers of principal / vice-principals, middle managers and teachers who are going to enroll in the programmes. 16. Schools shall keep track on the progress of professional development of principal / vice-principals, middle managers and teachers to ensure their readiness to deploy e-learning. Engagement of stakeholders 17. The support from major stakeholders including the school management, teachers and parents is a critical success factor for whole-school adoption of e-learning. To capture schools’ engagement of various stakeholders during 2012/13 – 2014/15 school years, we are looking forward to illustrations of the process of engagement and the outcome (e.g. survey data) of such engagement. All these have to be supported with evidence. 18. With regard to engagement of school management, schools may provide extract of the minutes of meeting(s) of School Management Committee / Incorporated Management Committee (the process) and the endorsement, plans or actions made (the outcome). 3 19. For teachers, schools may provide a description on whether and how teachers have been engaged or consulted on the use of IT in learning and teaching (the process) and what consensus has been made (the outcome). 20. As to parents, schools may provide a description on whether and how parents of the school’s have been engaged or consulted on the school’s IT in Education development (the process) and how the issues of concern have been addressed (the outcome). Plan for buildup of mobile learning environment 21. Schools are required to provide information on the existing infrastructure in the school, namely (i) the number of registered classrooms with WiFi connectivity supporting concurrent use by at least half of the class size at any one point of time; and (ii) the number of mobile computing devices, including notebook computers, tablets, etc. that can be connected to the Internet via WiFi, owned by the school for use by students. 22. Schools should indicate whether subscription mode in enhancing the WiFi infrastructure will be adopted. 23. Schools have to provide a description and evidence of the school policy / plan in managing the increasing number of mobile computing devices in the school. 4