Crookfur Primary Parent Council Telephone: 0141 570 7120 Website: Email: MINUTES DATE: LOCATION: CHAIR: 3rd September 2015 at 1900 hrs Crookfur Primary School – ICT Suite Mr Alistair Gibb (Vice Chair) The School Boards (Scotland Act) Act 1988 and subsequently the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) PURPOSE OF PARENT COUNCIL: Act 2006 established partnership bodies of parents, school staff and co-opted members involved in the running of the school. They have a number of specific statutory rights and obligations. The main function is to promote contact and the exchange of information between the school, parents and the wider community. They should help to improve parents’ understanding of what the school is trying to achieve and they should carry out all their functions with a view to raising the standard of education at the school. IN ATTENDANCE Mr Glen Cartwright Mr Neil Lovatt Ms Gail Mainland Ms Lyndsey Davidson Ms Cathy Wilkie-Thomson Ms Adele Thomson Mrs Fiona Loudon PM Mr Alistair Gibb PM Ms Denny Henderson PM Ms Anchal Goyal PM Ms Shabana Hussain PM Ms Heather Wilson PM Mrs Claire Jamieson HT - Advisor to Parent Council (CM – Co-opted Member Teacher) SM – Staff Member 1. HT – Head Teacher PM PM PM PM SM ADHT ADHT – Acting Deputy Head CHAIR’S WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS Mr Gibb opened the meeting by welcoming all to the new school year and thanked everyone for their attendance. Mrs Davidson agreed to record the meeting minutes. 2. APOLOGIES Ms Laura Baillie Ms P Meneely Ms W Durie Mr B Murphy PM CM PM PM Cllr C Gilbert Ms Nabila Irshad Ms J white Ms N McGee CM PM SM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st May 2015 were approved. 3. STANDING ITEMS 4.1 Parent Council Communications Ms Durie had circulated the communications by e mail in advance of the meeting. - Minutes form the latest Parent Council Chairs meeting along with the final National Parent Forum of Scotland Update. The final report following on from the focus group on Curriculum for Excellence NPFS focus group 29-4-15 was shared 8th June 2015. Ms Durie is liaising with Iain McIntosh (Chair at Eastwood High School) to arrange a training session on benefits of parents council membership with our cluster of parent councils. Potential location is Eastwood high school. Action: Ms Durie to provide a further update at the next meeting. - SPTC: Internet Safety - email received from SPTC requesting input from parent councils across the authority on a presentation regarding child internet safety which they have been invited to deliver in October. This was discussed and concluded that whilst it is on our agenda for the upcoming school year to deliver a workshop on internet safety, we have not worked on this topic in depth to date. Action: Ms Durie to feedback to SPTC that we do not have current expertise to provide input. At this year’s meet the teacher afternoons, it was confirmed there will be an internet safety workshop for parents. Mrs Loudon suggested a help sheet written “by parents for parents” could be prepared on Internet Safety at home. It was suggested that ideas/tips and what parents do at home could be collated through the “Crookfur in a Minute” newsletter. It was confirmed by Ms Wilson that the pupils are taught internet safety throughout the year groups and a suggestion was made that the P7 group provide a presentation on what they have learnt to the parent council. Action: Internet safety at home hints and tips feedback request to be added to “what you are asking for” section in “Crookfur in a minute” newsletter. The email address for feedback and questions is also to be emphasised especially with the new pupils that have joined the school. 4.2 Matters Arising Ms Wilkie-Thomson confirmed she will continue to attend the Equality Group Meetings. She expects three meetings this year. Ms Mainland requested further feedback on what the fundraising money was spent on last school term and Mrs Loudon confirmed the PSA meeting was on 10th Sep 2015 and feedback would be provided after that meeting. Action: Priority list for fundraising. Think about ideas/discuss with other parents and add to “Crookfur in a Minute” to request feedback and ideas from parents. . 4.3 Parent Council Forum It was agreed to defer to the next meeting. 4.4 Issued Raised by Parents None Action: Note to add to “Crookfur in a Minute” regarding the new Pedestrian crossing at the roundabout. General feedback is that this is working well and those coming to the school from Leslie Avenue have noted an improvement. A further note should be added as a reminder to drivers to adhere to rules of Zebra Crossing even whilst lollipop lady on duty. 4. P1 and Nursery Reps Reps for the nursery and P1 are required and potentially P4/P6. Mrs Loudon requested communication from the parent council to recruit our new reps. It was agreed that this will be achieved through “Crookfur in a minute”. Mrs Henderson was unsure if the nursery parents received the newsletter and Mrs Loudon is to check if they do as they should be on the distribution list. Action Add request for reps to “Crookfur in a minute” and check distribution list. To be confirmed if all current members of parent council are continuing this year. 5. School Plan The project to support learning Maths and problem solving that was piloted with last year’s P5 and continued with this year’s P6’s is now being rolled out through the school, and this will be continued in the next academic year. Reading comprehension is also being further developed across the school. Mrs Loudon shared extracts from the school improvement plan in which parental input is being sought. Ideas on how parental input could be improved was discussed and it was agreed that it would be a talk point for the parent council stand at the parents evening in October. Action: Mrs Loudon confirmed she would pull together some ideas for the parent council stand for reps to discuss and gain ideas from parents. Mr Lovett confirmed he will draw up a rota for reps to volunteer a timeslot. 6. Online Safety See section 4.1 7. AOCOB Election of office bearers There was a request for a volunteer for the new secretary. Ms Davidson agreed that she would be happy to share the minute taking with another. No further volunteers currently will be deferred to the next meeting. Work relevant learning from 3-18 An extract was shared by Mrs Loudon from a Scottish Government publication ( re Education working for all. Focusing on tools to develop the young workforce throughout the curriculum from early years and not a one week focus. To achieve this it will be vital to have parental involvement. Action Review the document prior to the next meeting for discussion. Meeting Attendance Rota Mr Gibb confirmed a rota for attendance at external meetings will be set up and all agreed. 8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on the 22nd October 2015 at 7pm in the ICT suite at Crookfur Primary School. On behalf of: Mr Alistair Gibb Vice Chair, Crookfur Primary Parent Council