Chapter 5 Student Handout Notes

Chapter 5: The Structure of Matter Unit Notes
Integrated Science I
Name: __________________________
Date: ______________ Block: _____
Chapter 5:
The Structure of Matter
I can use the periodic table to predict the charge of an ion
I can write the formula for a binary ionic compound
I can name binary ionic compounds if given a chemical formula
I can use prefixes to name covalent compounds
I can write the molecular formula given the name of a covalent compound
I can explain the crystal lattice structure of an ionic compound is built in alternating charges
I know an ionic bond results in gained or lost electrons
I know a covalent bond results in shared electrons
I can identify the reactants and products if given a chemical equation
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
I can balance a chemical equation
I can write a simple equation from a word description of compound
 When elements ______________, _________________________ are formed!
o Ex) Sodium is a shiny, soft, slivery metal that reacts violently with water
o Ex) Chlorine is a poisonous greenish-yellow gas
o Together, they combine to make ordinary table salt
 Chemical Formulas
o Shows what ______________ are in a ___________________________
o Shows the exact ________________ of _________ of each ________________
 _______________ (written below) = how many atoms of the element
o Ex) H20 has two hydrogen atoms for every 1
oxygen atom
 When Do Elements Form Compounds?
o Elements form compounds when the
compound is __________ stable than the
_________________ atom(s)
 Ex) ______________________ remain individual elements because they
are __________________________ with __________________________
 Ex) Other elements combine to __________________________________
o Atoms are __________________________ when their outer energy level is filled
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
o Atoms __________, __________,
or _____________ for a total of
____________ electrons in the
outer energy level, this is called
the _______________________
o Two types of compounds:
 _____________________
 _____________________
 Type 1: Ionic Bond (Formed between a metal and gas)
o Ionic Compounds are formed from the attraction of ______________ and
__________________ ions
o Positive ions are ________________ on the ________________ of periodic table
o Negative ions are _______________ on the ________________ of periodic table
o _______________________ are taken from another element to fill outer energy
level (_____ electrons needed)
 What does it look like when magnesium and chlorine bond?
o Step 1: Identify metal (with charge): ______________
o Step 2: Identify nonmetal (with charge): ___________
o Use the crisscross method to balance charges!
o Step 3: Write symbols & charges: _________________
o Step 4: Crisscross and change to subscript:
***Always remember to reduce!
 Ex) What does it look like when calcium and oxygen bond?
o Step 1: Identify metal (with charge): ______________
o Step 2: Identify nonmetal (with charge): ___________
o Use the crisscross method to balance charges!
o Step 3: Write symbols & charges: _________________
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
o Step 4: Crisscross and change to subscript: __________________ (remember to reduce)
 How to Name an Ionic Bond
o Formed between a _________
and ________________
o Step 1: Write the __________
___________ of positive ion
o Step 2: Write the _________
name of ______________ ion
o Step 3: Add ending ________
to the end of ___________ ion
o __________________ are not
part of the name!
 Ex) Use your periodic table to write
the name for the following binary ionic bonds:
1. NaCl
2. BeO
 Ionic Numbers
o REMEMBER: Pure elements have ____________ numbers of _____________ and
 Ex) Sodium has ______ protons (+) and ______ electrons (-)
 This makes its ________________________ because the + and – balance
o In an ionic bond, an element _________ or _________ electrons from its outer
energy level, which makes their charge ____________________
o Ex) Sodium has 1 electron its outer energy level, which is _______ when it bonds
with chlorine.
 Now Sodium has _______ protons (+) and ________ electrons (-)
 This makes its charge _______ because there are more _____ charges
o Ionic numbers follow trends/patterns like ___________ numbers
____________ lose electrons
become ________________
__________ gain electrons
become ________________
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
 What do Ionic Bonds Look Like?
o Crystal lattice structure: alternating positive and
negative ions in ionic compounds make a crystal
lattice structure.
o These compounds are brittle solids. The
smallest ratio of positive and negative ions
make up the formula of the compound
 Type 2: Covalent Bonds
(Formed between 2 gasses)
o Covalent bond is formed when atoms _______________ electrons
o Formed between ________________________
o A ________________ is formed from the sharing of electrons in a covalent bond
o Some can form more than one compound with each other
 Example: nitrogen and oxygen can form:
 ______________, _______________, ______________, ______________
 How to Name a Covalent Bond
o Use Greek prefixes for the __________ and ____________ element
 DO NOT use prefix for _____________ element if it is mono
o Ex) CO2 =
o Ex) N2O4 =
 Covalent Bond Practice
o N 2O =
o NO =
o NO2 =
o N2O5 =
 Remember the Law of Conservation of Energy/Mass!
o The Law of Conservation of mass and energy states that ______________ can
______________________________!! It simply ________________ form
o If elements bond together, they _________________, the simply combine
together to _______________________________!
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
 Balancing Chemical Equations
o Chemical Equations – A representative of a chemical reaction that ________
_________________ and _______________to show reactants and products.
 Reactants = _____________________
 Products = ______________________
 Parts of a Chemical Equation
o Use ________________ to represent the
__________________________ of each substance
in a reaction (kind of like the number of ingredients
in a recipe)
o Use ________________ to represent the
__________________________ in a molecule of a particular element
 How to Balance a Chemical Reaction
o Choosing coefficients becomes easier with practice!
 At first it is ___________ and _____________ 
 A four-step process:
 1. Describe the reaction in words in your head
 2. Write the equation using formulas and symbols if it is not
already written that way
 3. Check for balance with numbers under
 4. Add coefficients where needed for balance
 Chemical Equation Practice #1
P + O2  P4O10
 Chemical Equation Practice #2
Al2O3  Al + O2
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter
 Chemical Equation Practice #3
BaCl2 + H2SO4  BaSO4 + HCl
 How can a chemical reaction speed up?
o Factors that cause chemical reactions to happen faster:
 ______________________________ (think about mold)
 ______________________________ because there are more particles
that can react
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
Chapter 5: Structure of Matter