
Algebra 2 2013-2014
Miss Martens – Rm 2404 • (812) 376-4431 ex. 2404
MyBigCampus: @KMartens6
Course Description: This course adds to the algebra learned in Algebra 1. This class is for students
who will not study advanced math, science, or technology in college. Topics include absolute value,
quadratic, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions. This course also covers algebraic
functions, sequences and series. Students apply the math to real situations.
Expectations: All students are expected to abide by all policies stated in the CNHS Student
Handbook; choosing otherwise will result in the consequences also detailed in the CNHS Handbook.
Additionally, students are expected to be R4 everyday:
1. Be Ready – on time, prepared with materials, homework completed, positive attitude,
2. Be Respectful – listen to others, follow directions, appropriate language, cell phones away,
3. Be Responsible – own your learning, hold yourself accountable for your actions, organized,
4. Be Responsive – always TRY!, engaged, participate, contribute to class/partnership/group,
 3-ring binder
 pencil & eraser
 notebook or loose-leaf paper (in binder)
 TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator**
**NOTE: Please see attached letter concerning
calculators and how to rent one, if needed.
Grading Policy: A total-point system will be used for calculating nine weeks grades. Grades are made
up of three main tasks: assignments, projects, & assessments. Assignments can be in-class or
homework, individual or partner/group. Projects can consist of a mix of independent and
group/partner work; these may also incorporate class presentations. Assessments include quizzes and
tests which may incorporate writing aspects. Additionally, extra credit will be available at various
times throughout each nine weeks.
Semester grades are made up of final grades of the two nine weeks plus the final exam score. Each
nine weeks grade will be worth 3/7 of the semester grade and the final will be worth the last 1/7.
The following scale will be used to calculate nine weeks & semester grades:
100-98 A+
89-88 B+
79-78 C+
69-68 D+
59 and below F
97-93 A
87-83 B
77-73 C
67-63 D
92-90 A82-80 B72-70 C62-60 D-
Test Corrections & Re-Take Tests: ALL students are required to correct their tests as an assignment.
Students then may elect to take a different version of the same test to earn a higher grade. The
amount of points possible to earn back will be based on the original test score as well as scores on
assignments and homework (i.e., a higher homework score will result in a higher number of points
able to be earned on the re-test). Re-takes must be completed during students’ resource time and
turned in within 48 hours of test corrections being due. After the 48-hour window, re-takes will not
be accepted. (**If a student does not have resource, prior arrangements must be made with Miss
Homework Policy: Homework assignments will be given over each section. Each section’s
homework will be assessed based on completion. Late homework is accepted with a score reduction.
Homework quizzes may be given on occasion as an alternative homework grade.
Make-Up Work: Students are responsible to talk to classmates and Miss Martens to get make up
work from excused absences as well as any and all notes from the lesson. Students have the number
of days absent to turn in any make-up work.
Cell Phone Policy: Students are expected to be respectful to their classmates, teacher, and
themselves by keeping their phones out of sight and on silent during class time. Phones are a
distraction during class time and, out of respect to classmates and Miss Martens, are not to be used.
Continued use during class time will result in consequences including, but not limited to, detention,
phone call and/or conference with parent/guardian, etc.
Tardy Policy: Class activities will begin when the bell rings to start class. It is important to be in class
on time. The CNHS Handbook policy regarding tardies will be utilized:
1st tardy: Warning
2nd tardy: Teacher conference
3rd tardy: Detention
4th tardy: Discipline referral to dean*
*Further consequences outlined on p. 140 of handbook
Help Sessions: Students seeking help can meet with Miss Martens during her 3rd period resource
time or her 4th period prep time. Miss Martens will also be available on Mondays and Wednesdays
after school until 4:30pm in her classroom (2404) for any student seeking help on assignments. Any
changes or additional dates/times/locations will be announced in advance.
Final Thoughts: This is going to be a great year! If you are R4 every day and always seeking to Be a
Multiplier of the Bull Dog Way, then you will maximize your learning and success in this class!
Please sign and return this portion to Miss Martens. Please contact Miss Martens with any questions.
Student Contract: I have read and understand what is expected of me in Miss Martens’s Algebra 2
class. I agree to continually strive to be R4 and a MULTIPLIER of the Bull Dog Way. I agree to put
forth my best effort every day.
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian Contract: I have read and understand what is expected of my student in Miss
Martens’s Algebra 2 class. I agree to continually help my student to be R4 and a MULTIPLIER of
the Bull Dog Way. I agree to put forth my best effort to ensure my student puts forth theirs.
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________