Edition 2 2015 - Voluntary Action Rotherham

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Rotherham Volunteer Centre Newsletter
Edition 2 2015 – 30th June 2015
For the latest volunteering news, support and
Volunteer Walk 2.6.15:
Count Me In 2/Too Volunteers Month 2015 kicked off with a walk from Rotherham Minster through
the town centre and on up to Clifton Park, concluding with an Afternoon Tea in the Garden
House. The sun shone (eventually) and we couldn’t have been more thrilled with the turn out; 109
individuals registered as part of the event and 28 different organisations were represented. A huge
thank you to everyone who took part/supported the event in some way; you were all
wonderful! Watch this space for Volunteer Walk 2016!!
New Health Volunteer Ambassador Opportunity:
Are you passionate about supporting people to access services? Do you believe in our health service
and want to protect it? Are you embarking on/retiring from a career in health and social care? Do
you want to support yourself and others to feel better sooner by accessing the right treatment
options at the right time? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we’d love to hear from
you. This role comprises of lots of different tasks; completed as a team: from supporting local
events, engaging members of the public in community venues, giving short talks,
delivering/displaying campaign literature in community venues, using social media to pass on the
message and much much more; so lots of ways of getting involved depending on your interests, skills
and time.
To find out more about this role please contact Alison Thorp on 01709 834462 or email:
Rotherham Community Achievement Awards Opens for Nominations
Organised by Voluntary Action Rotherham on behalf of the Rotherham Partnership, the Community
Achievement Awards are held annually to celebrate the work of individuals and projects in the
voluntary and community sector that have made a significant difference to the communities of
Opportunity for your group to have a free stall at Rotherham Show
Once again Voluntary Action Rotherham is offering its members the opportunity to have a FREE stall
in their Marquee at this year’s Rotherham Show.
FREE Health Training Wed 29th July 5-7pm @ VAR:
The training will focus on the current health campaign ‘Choosing the Right Care, First Time’; the idea
being to increase knowledge of what to do when health treatment is required, reducing unnecessary
trips to A&E and increasing confidence in the use of other more appropriate treatment options such
as self-care, Pharmacy First and NHS 111. The ultimate aim of the campaign is to support people to
feel better as quickly as possible, rather than prolong feeling unwell because they aren’t aware of
the options available to them. A certificate of attendance will be issued and volunteer expenses
reimbursed where appropriate.
To book your free place or to find out more about the health ambassador project, please contact
Alison Thorp on 01709 834462 or email: alison.thorp@varotherham.org.uk
Project Planning
14th July 2015 - Project planning will give you all the skills you need to effectively identify your aims
and objectives, create a detailed…
Volunteers and the Law
28th July 2015 - Do you manage volunteers? Are you aware of the current legislation around
volunteers? This full day workshop will give you…
Fundraising and Events
4th August 2015 - This session will cover all aspects of planning and delivering a successful
fundraising event or campaign, including health and safety…
Staff – Volunteer Relationships
18th August 2015 - This is a brand new course from Rotherham Volunteer Centre and explores staffvolunteer relationships.... Read more...
Diversity Awareness
8th September 2015 - This training will cover various aspects of diversity awareness, such as what
we mean by ’Equality’ and ’Diversity’, understanding how…
Just about managing?
22nd September 2015 - This half day workshop is suitable for new trustees/management committee
members and managers who want to explore how to make… Read more...
Makaton Training
24th September 2015 - Makaton is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols
are used with speech, in spoken word order. DREAM will be hosting Makaton training which consists
of 4 sessions each lasting 3 hours. Please note that you must be able to attend all 4 sessions or we
will not be able to offer you a place. Read more...
Did you know… your volunteer opportunities expire after a period of time. When your volunteer
role expires, we will contact you and ask if you want to extend this role i.e. continue to advertise it
for you on the do-it website. It’s really important that you let us know either way, otherwise your
volunteer roles will be left expired and will no longer be promoted on the do-it website.
If you’re not sure what we are promoting for you, or want to check the status of your volunteer
roles, then please contact us – 01709 834451.
Good Practice Development
Rotherham Volunteer Coordinator Network Extended Meeting 14th July
9am-12Noon. Hosted by Action Housing:
Members of this proactive and supportive group will look back on the Volunteer Walk and other
events planned as part of Count Me In Too/2 to consider what worked and what might have worked
better. Claire Tester from the RMBC Directions team will also join us to showcase some of the free
learning opportunities available to members of the group and their wider team. New members
always welcome and cake provided!
To book your free place please contact Alison Thorp on 01709 834462 or email:
The Gift of Time
he Volunteer’s Walk which recently kicked off Rotherham Volunteer Month reminded me that sometimes we forget
r underestimate the gift (and it is a gift, given all the other things you guys juggle in an average day) of time for our
olunteers. Aside from the recent walk, when was the last time you spent some quality time with the volunteers who
upport you and your team? We are all so consumed in the day to day that it’s very easy for months to slip by before
ou realise you’ve not spoken to a member of your team for a while. I think I was so consumed with all the logistics of
he walk, whether people would turn up and whether it would rain that I was in danger of missing the really good
tuff – the opportunity to spend time with my volunteers. For example, one volunteer manager said how lovely it was
imply to walk down into town with her volunteers, exploring town with all its changes and how a short walk had
nspired one volunteer to join a gym; how good is that?! She went on to say how much the team had enjoyed
xploring the Minster before the walk; mooching and reminiscing about times gone by. Another volunteer team were
onded by the challenge of keeping their banner erect in gale force winds; it was so lovely to hear lots of laughter and
ow contagious is laughter? Then there was the task of trying to re-group for a compulsory team photo – left a bit,
ight a bit. Finally, there was the gift of tea and cake! Not sure about you but I’m an avid believer that tea works
miracles in most stressful situations and although the event wasn’t stressful as such (well it was, a bit..ok a lot) how
ice was it just to sit and enjoy cake with your volunteers? Priceless. So if I learnt anything from the walk, it’s the
ift of time and never to underestimate the little things; the unexpected outcomes; the surprises which come in small
undles and which make this job so worthwhile.
Developing Volunteering Opportunities
Introducing the Bowen Garden at Sitwell Junior School…
A transformation of green space from an overgrown garden to a wildlife and child friendly space for
the whole community to enjoy, in memory of former teacher Sarah Bowen who sadly passed away.
This transformation was the result of a partnership project between Irwin Mitchell Solicitors,
Voluntary Action Rotherham, led by members of the PTA and teaching staff at Sitwell Junior School.
In the space of one year with support from Voluntary Action Rotherham, the school
secured a £10,000 grant from Awards for All and were introduced to Irwin Mitchell
Solicitors, who provided a ten strong team, to clear the overgrown garden and make way for
a new pond and wildlife area, with help from Tim Jones, local gardener John Day, teachers,
children and local residents.
Chair of Sitwell Junior School PTA – Tim Jones said:
‘ There is still lots do, but now we have a foundation to work with; a safe space for
Vocational, educational and recreational use, all in memory of Sarah Bowen’
Alison Gregory from Irwin Mitchell Solicitors said:
“The project to create such a fantastic garden at Sitwell Junior School was an amazing one to be part
of. The progress and transformation has been absolutely incredible.
“We were delighted to be a part of the project and continue to support the work of volunteers in the
Rotherham area. Without the dedication of volunteers, who are driven to give back to their local
communities, many of these kinds of projects would not be possible.”
The photos don’t do the garden justice. There are planters and areas where the children have
started to grow their own plants and they already have their very own resident hedgehog living on
(Tim Jones PTA and local
The new pond
The new Wildlife Trail
Gardener John Day)
Policy, Response and Campaigning
What does the general election mean for volunteering?
The results are in! NCVO has been considering what the new government has in store for
volunteering. In his Letter to the Sector, Sir Stuart Etherington wrote about the limitations of
government influence and emphasised the need of the voluntary sector to shape its own future. Our
Head of Policy, Karl Wilding commented about the post-election opportunities in store for
volunteering in his blog.
The Conservative policy on Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) (see p45 of the Conservative
manifesto) will continue to be a key area of interest. NCVO welcomed the announcement because of
the role it may play in encouraging culture change. In my blog post, I made the case for putting party
politics to one side and focusing on the potential benefits of ESV can bring. We now need to direct
our attention to how policies will be implemented and what support and resources there will be to
support them.
Students encouraged to add volunteering to UCAS form
New guidance on UCAS applications, produced the Charities Aid Foundation and supported by UCAS,
encourages students to include volunteering and social action to support applications to university.
Strategic Development of Volunteering
Tell us about your experience of employer supported volunteering
Take the NCVO’s short survey if you or your organisation has engaged in employer supported
volunteering. This is where employees are nominated by employers to volunteer. The survey is part
of a project commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Good practice in jointly working with volunteers
When working with other organisations, responsibilities for managing volunteering activity can
become unclear. Barnardo’s Cymru has developed guidance, based on its own needs and
experience, and with reference to the Investing in Volunteers standard. Click here for more info
Volunteering for disabled people, for changing needs, sustainable
A few recent volunteering-related reports and projects: The Disability Action Alliance has developed
a volunteering charter, Responding to changing volunteering landscape, Volunteering in sustainable
development. Click here for more info
Best of the Web
Development needs for volunteer management
NCVO is running a survey for people who are involved in supporting and managing volunteers, at all
levels, to help NCVO understand learning and development needs and improve the services offered.
Click here for more info
New £20m local sustainability fund announced
The fund will provide targeted support for organisations with a strong track record of delivering
services which are experiencing current challenges, but which, with targeted support, could secure a
strong future. Full details of the Local Sustainability Fund and how to apply
Does your organisation carry out DBS (previously CRB) checks?
VAR is a registered body authorised to undertake DBS checks on behalf of all organisations. This
means that we have undertaken the relevant training to be able to process applications efficiently
and professionally. All information is handled in a sensitive and confidential manner. We offer
training to organisations to ensure forms are filled in correctly before they are sent to us which
ensures a speedy service for all involved.
Extremely competitive price
Our DBS checks include a small administration fee which is dependent on the type of check required
or the organisation asking for it. There are no hidden or extra charges for returned or reissued
Speedy and efficient service
We don’t wait to send them out in bulk, and applications can be processed the same day if they are
correctly filled in. Current turnaround time can be as little as 2 weeks.* (*Dependent on the DBS)
Simple, hassle-free sign up process
No commitment upon sign up, or minimum/maximum applications to meet. Full guidance provided
every step of the way, including on eligible positions.
Please contact Allison Carr (allison.carr@varotherham.org.uk) or 01709 834460 for an information
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volunteering news, issues and items for the next issue:
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