NordDRG update proposal template 2015

NordDRG update proposal template
New Issue
Tracker: Case
Subject: [Title]: Short description of problem and/or proposed change
National ID: If exists, for example NPK/CPK ID
Initiated: yyyy-mm-dd
Initiator: Name and institute of original proposal
Description of the background and reasons for the need of changes.
Organization – yyyy-mm-dd
Report of the analysis should include effects on cost mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient (V%)
and the number of cases in the groups proposed to be changed. Both new and old groups have to be analyzed
based on available data. Analysis can include comparison of alternative models.
If the analysis is complex it should end with a summary.
Large tables can be attached as an Excel file that should be named “Appendix” plus the ID of the case.
Organization – yyyy-mm-dd
The suggestion for a change, based on the analysis above, is described in text format.
Include also proposed technical changes according to the NCC Excel template. This Excel file should
be named “Suggestion” plus the ID of the case.
Decided changes
Organization – yyyy-mm-dd
National organizations may decide to introduce the change in their own version.
Otherwise the organization is NCC.
DRG change
Description of the movements of cases between new and existing groups
Technical change
Technical description in text format.
There must also be technical changes according to the NCC Excel template. This Excel file should be
named “Decision” plus the ID of the case.
Status: Active
Priority: Major/Minor/Error correction
Assignee: [Person responsible at National organization]: Name
Target version: Update proposal for NordDRG [year] discussed at spring meeting [year]
Initiator: Country of origin
MDC: [Major Diagnosis Category]
Target grouper: [version]
Parent task: the task to which the case relates to (for example Delivery of major/minor update proposals)
Start date: [Sent to NordDRG Forum]: yyyy-mm-dd
Target year: yyyy
Owner / responsible: National organizations/ Nordic Casemix Centre/Board/Datawell
Files: choose file/files to be attached to issue
Watchers: Person/persons will be notified when changes to the issue are made