File - Olympia Marine Corps League Detachment 482

The Straight Skinny
Detachment #482
July 2013
Vol. 12 #4
Olympia, WA
Commandant: John Moysiuk (360) 584-8373, Sr. Vice Commandant: Jim Sims (360) 432-8195, Jr. Vice
Commandant: Gary Waer (360)705-1049, Sergeant At Arms: Chuck Lang (360) 264-4190, Paymaster: John Britcher
(360) 888-4475, Judge Advocate: Bill Watkins, Adjutant: John Moysiuk (360)584-8373, Chaplain: Dave Grundl
(360) 786-8052, PAO/Editor: Ken Clark (253) 964-8326, Quartermaster: Gary Waer (360)705-1049. COMMITTEE
CHAIRMEN: BOY SCOUTS – John Sager, COLOR GUARD – Russ Russell and Gilman Pelkey, PARADE MARSHAL –
Russ Russell, ROSE PROGRAM – Russ Russell, AWARDS COMMITTEE – Tim Collins, FUNERAL COMMITTEE - Jim
McCallum, Dept. of WA Representatives to the WA Veterans Legislative Coalition: Primary – Dick Marcelynas,
Secondary – Ev Brown, Toys For Tots – John Moysiuk, Web Sergeant – Dave Ball.
The Chaplain's Corner
Dear Marines,
How many times while traveling down the highway in your vehicle have you had to stop and change direction
because of a detour sign? While watching the news a few weeks ago, we saw the story about a truck that clipped
a bridge on I-5 that tore out a section of the bridge causing it to collapse. Quickly law enforcement stopped and
diverted traffic around the bridge so drivers traveling that route would not suffer injury or loss of life.
While thinking about this article, the thought occurred to me that when we travel on the road of life, God has
posted many detour signs that protect us from harm, danger and the loss of life. Sometimes God puts obstacles in
our life that prevent us from doing what we want even though it seems right at the time. Later we realize that His
will was wiser than ours. Often, however, we make decisions according to our will and we reap the consequences
that could have been prevented.
God's word the Bible is a good source and guideline for making right decisions in our life. His word is written for
our good to help us make good decisions on which road to take. God uses His word and the Holy Spirit to speak to
our consciousness in making these decisions. It is my hope today that each of you will read the Bible and get to
know what God has to say. God only wants the best for all of us.
Your Chaplain,
David Grundl
Semper Fi
Muster Minutes
Minutes of July 6, 2013:
Senior Vice Commandant Jim Sims opened the meeting at 0830. Sergeant At Arms Chuck Lang secured the
quarters and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain Dave Grundl offered an opening prayer.
New Members and Guests. Jack Baldwin's guest Larry Weeks of last month's muster became the newest member
of the Detachment; WELCOME ABOARD LARRY! Our guest speaker Cal Taylor, who retired as a Lt. Colonel after 26
years in the Air Force, came to speak about Marine Corps General Jack Randolph Cram, a decorated pilot of WWII
and Korea with local roots.
Report of the Paymaster. Paymaster John Britcher reported that we are solvent but hurting. We have $256 in the
uniform account, $1752 in savings, and a grand total of $2661.94. Ev Brown moved to approve the report of the
Paymaster. Chuck Lang seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Paymaster Britcher added that he has
Detachment coins to sell to help swell our coffers.
Previous Minutes. Ev Brown moved that the minutes of June 1, 2013 be approved. Chuck Lang seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
Report of the Parade Marshal. Sr. Vice Commandant Sims thanked Russ Russell and the parade attendees of the
Tumwater Parade on Independence Day for their good work, earning two more awards for the Detachment. Sims
presented Russ with a lighted sculpture with the Marine Corps emblem in recognition of his hard work arranging
the parades. Russ listed the upcoming parades: Saturday July 13th at 1100 at McCleary, for which we will also
need a four man color guard; Saturday July 27th at 1100 at the Oregon Trail Days in Tenino; and Saturday August
17th at 1000 at Rainier. Russ passed around sign-up sheets.
Honor Guard Report. Russ Russell reported that, along with needing 4 Honor Guard members for the McCleary
Parade, he will need a team for the funeral of Tracey Lundquist's father on July 20th in Aberdeen at 1300 in the
Fern Hill cemetery. (Tracey describes her father's life following these minutes)
Report from the VLC. Jim Sims reported that the Special Session is done. We now have a new Veteran in the
Legislature, Dick Muri of Pierce County. His presence will be good for Vets in the future.
Guest Speaker. Our guest speaker Cal Taylor, spoke of a local pilot who became a general in the USMC, Gen. Jack
Randolph Cram. Cram was the first manager of the Olympia airport. He enlisted in the MC Reserve in 1929 and
was the first pilot for the State in 1933. He managed the airport from '35 to '38, then joined the Civil Aeronautics
Administration to help develop training programs which eventually turned out thousands of pilots for WWII. In
1941 he went active, and he deployed to the Pacific in '42. He was awarded the Navy Cross for using a huge
transport plane to torpedo a Japanese troop ship during the battle for Guadalcanal. He also won the Medal of
Honor for shooting down 26 enemy fighters. Cram went on to fight in Korea as well, taking over Marine Aircraft
Control Group 2 in Pohang in 1952. For his service in Korea (Colonel) Cram was awarded the Legion of Merit
medal. General Cram was an illustrious war hero with local roots. Cal Taylor's talk was well received by the
TV Drawing. Gilman Pelkey conducted the drawing in the raffle for the 39" TV he had secured for the Detachment.
He helped the Detachment earn $242 this way; nice job Gilman! The winner was Russ Russell's neighbor Stephen
Parade Update. At the parade in Tumwater on Thursday Ev Brown saw that we need to purchase a speaker
system for the Warrior Wagon so that we can play the Marine Hymn and other marching music at parades. He
reminded the members that for some years Chuck Lang has been loudly urging the crowd along the parade route
to stand for the flag; Ev thought they had become very well trained and routinely stood for the flag at Tumwater.
We had a remarkable number of Scouts and Scout leaders show up, and also two State champion baton twirlers.
John Sager added that we need to purchase more flag holders.
Ken Clark moved that the meeting be closed, and John Sager seconded the motion. There was no dissent.
Following a prayer from Chaplain Dave Grundl and a rousing verse of the Marines Hymn, the Sr. Vice
Commandant closed the meeting at 0910. Our next Breakfast/Muster will be held at 0800 at the VFW at 2902
Martin Way East on August 3rd of 2013.
The following was submitted by Tracey Lundquist in memory of her father, who passed away late last month:
It is the finish, not the start that counts, and John Erak Jr. finished well with all who knew him leaving behind an
irreproachable legacy.
On June 28, 2013, our Lord brought John home. John was an educator, school administrator, legislator,
Aberdeen City Councilman, USN veteran, husband, father, grandpa, uncle, friend and lifetime Harbor resident.
John, the son of John Sr. and Maggie (Grgich) Erak was born on April 7, 1932 in Aberdeen,
Washington. He graduated from Weatherwax High School in 1951, attended Grays Harbor College and later
received a Bachelor of Arts in education from Central Washington University. John’s continuing education
encompassed the University of Washington, the University of Puget Sound and the University of Oregon where he
received his master’s degree and principal credentials.
As an educator, John spent the majority of his teaching career at Cosmopolis and later as the principal of
Wishkah Valley High School. During his 31 years in education, he also held the seat of Grays Harbor County
School Superintendent. John retired in 1988, but still continued to educate our youth through substitute teaching.
John’s love for community service was life-long. The campaign trail began for him in his twenties and
literally continued to the end of his life. During this time, he served as Aberdeen City Councilman as well as State
Representative of the 19th Legislative District. In-between holding elected positions, John stayed politically active
by being a campaign manager for various elections, and by mentoring numerous candidates with their political
John was also actively involved in the Aberdeen Museum, the Aberdeen Lions Club, the Croatian Fraternal
Union of America and was a strong advocate for the South Beach fisherman and businesses of Westport. John
served in the Navy and participated in the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars events. His love for our
country was remarkable. John reflected his patriotism in each letter he faithfully wrote to the newspapers every
Veterans and Memorial Day in support of our veterans of whom he coined as “America’s Treasures.”
John’s effervescent personality set the world on fire. He had a passion for performance and was a strong
supporter of the Driftwood Players where he once received the “Ham Award” for his acting ability. Many Harborites
remember John as a “football star” where he often brought the cheering crowds to their feet.
John loved the old American Standards such as Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Glen Miller, but
particularly, Elvis Presley – who perhaps was the inspiration for him traversing the streets of Grays Harbor during
the 1950s on a Triumph motorcycle while sporting long black sideburns and dark wavy hair. And, nobody stepped
on John’s “new black shoes”…because he “knew Judo!” It was during this time that he met and married Dolores
Moe on August 19, 1956.
John is survived by Dolores Erak of Aberdeen, WA. A son: Ron Erak and his wife Sandra of Kent, WA.
Two daughters: Tracey Erak-Lundquist, Olympia, WA and Kay Merino and husband Doug Merino, Olympia, WA.
One brother: Joseph Erak and his wife Barbara, Seattle, WA. His dear nephew and niece: Tom Erak and Susan Erak,
Seattle, WA. He was Grandpa to nine grandchildren, five great grandchildren and has numerous nieces and
A celebration of John’s life will take place at 1:00 on Saturday, July 20, 2013, at the First Presbyterian
Church, 420 N. Broadway in Aberdeen. Reverend Doug Basler will officiate, and Lt. Governor, Brad Owen, will
deliver the eulogy. The US Navy, the USMC and Washington State Patrol Honor Guard are giving both military and
state honors to John. A reception will follow at the Aberdeen Museum.
A card of condolence with a message or a memory may be sent to the family at
Arrangements are entrusted to Fern Hill Funeral Home, Aberdeen.