General nodes -

Haeran Kang, Kyong-Ho Lee. A semantic approach to
integrating XML schemas using domain ontologies1
sinonīms - pēc nozīmes līdzīgs vai vienāds
holonīms (holonym) – vārds plašākam apzīmējumam, kuram dotais vārds ir daļa
(viss un daļa)
hipernīms (hypernym) – vispārīgāks vārds dotajam vārdam (klase – apakšklase)
WordNet is a lexical database for the English language. It groups English words into
sets of synonyms called synsets, provides short definitions and usage examples, and
records a number of relations among these synonym sets or their members. WordNet
can thus be seen as a combination of dictionary and thesaurus.
All synsets are connected to other synsets by means of semantic relations. These
relations, which are not all shared by all lexical categories, include:
- hypernyms: Y is a hypernym of X if every X is a (kind of) Y (canine is a hypernym
of dog)
- hyponyms: Y is a hyponym of X if every Y is a (kind of) X (dog is a hyponym of
- coordinate terms: Y is a coordinate term of X if X and Y share a hypernym (wolf
is a coordinate term of dog, and dog is a coordinate term of wolf)
- meronym: Y is a meronym of X if Y is a part of X (window is a meronym of
- holonym: Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y (building is a holonym of
- hypernym: the verb Y is a hypernym of the verb X if the activity X is a (kind of) Y
(to perceive is an hypernym of to listen)
- troponym: the verb Y is a troponym of the verb X if the activity Y is doing X in
some manner (to lisp is a troponym of to talk)
- entailment: the verb Y is entailed by X if by doing X you must be doing Y (to sleep
is entailed by to snore)
- coordinate terms: those verbs sharing a common hypernym (to lisp and to yell)
These semantic relations hold among all members of the linked synsets. Individual
synset members (words) can also be connected with lexical relations. For example,
(one sense of) the noun "director" is linked to (one sense of) the verb "direct" from
which it is derived via a "morphosemantic" link.
Computing and Informatics, Vol. 30, 2011, 857–879
The nodes in a schema tree are classified into:
1) general nodes (element and attribute nodes);
2) compositor nodes.
General nodes have labels. Leaf elements and attributes in a schema
correspond to leaf nodes, which have data types as their properties. If one
general node has the other general node as its direct child node, the child
node is an attribute node. Elements with sub-structures are defined as
internal nodes in a schema tree.
Compositor nodes are classified as three types:
1) choice ‘|’;
2) sequence ‘,’;
3) all ‘&’.
An occurrence constraint as a node property has a ‘?’, ‘*’, ‘+’, or a
(minimum value, maximum value) label. If an occurrence range is (0,1),
its label can be omitted. The proposed method integrates input schemas
1. shēma
2. shēma
No WordNet sistēmas
No domēna (problēmu vides) ontoloģijas
Compositor integration
Optimizācijas likumu izmantošana
Pirms optimizācijas
Pēc optimizācijas likumu izmantošanas