Mr. Tom Gilroy Course Outline Introduction to Sociology Fall 2015

Mr. Tom Gilroy
Introduction to Sociology
Course Outline
Fall 2015
The Semester Overview
Week One: 9/02 – 9/05: Getting to Know You
Wednesday – Syllabus and Expectations
Thursday – Old and New (Old Photos / New Artifacts)
Friday – Goal Setting
Week Two: 9/08 – 9/11:I Got a Name
Tuesday – Chapter One Vocabulary
Wednesday – Origins of Sociology
Thursday – The Theorists Problem Set One (Comte and Spencer)
Friday – September 11th Activity
Week Three: 9/14 - 9/18: Strawberry Fields
Monday – The Theorists Problem Set Two (Marx, Weber, Durkheim)
Tuesday – Symbolic Interactionism
Wednesday – Functional Analysis and Conflict Theory
Thursday – Problem Set Three (Theories)
Friday - Quiz One: Introduction and Theorists
Week Four: 9/21 - 9/25: Suicide is Painless
Monday – Chapter Five Vocabulary
Tuesday – Scientific Method
Wednesday – Emile Durkheim and Suicide
Thursday – Problem Set Two: Scientific Method / Suicide
Friday – Cults Introduction
Week Five: 9/28 – 10/02 – Your Own Personal Jesus
Monday – Heaven’s Gate
Tuesday – Jim Jones
Wednesday – Jim Jones
Thursday – Scientology
Friday – Quiz Two: Scientific Method and Cults
Week Six: 10/5 – 10/9 – 4+20
Monday – Suicide
Tuesday – Suicide Round Table
Wednesday – Culture Vocabulary (Chapter Two)
Thursday – Defining Culture
Friday – Problem Set Three: Culture
Week Seven: 10/12-10/16: Blowin in the Wind
Monday – Discussion One: The Fierce People
Tuesday – Quiz Three: Culture
Wednesday – Socialization Vocabulary (Chapter Three) / Quiz Four: Positivism
Thursday – Discussion Two: Anybody’s Son Will Do
Friday - Human Nature
Week Eight: 10/19-10/23: Italian Restaurant
Monday – Problem Set Four: Socialization into the Self, Mind, and Emotions
Tuesday – Agents of Socialization
Wednesday – Quiz Five: Socialization
Thursday – Societies and Social Networks Vocabulary (Chapter 6)
Friday – The Transformation of Societies
Week Nine: 10/26-10/30: Online
Monday – Problem Set Five: Types of Groups and Group Dynamics
Tuesday – Social Networks
Wednesday – Discussion Three: Hooking Up on the Internet
Thursday – Quiz Six: Societies and Social Networks (Chapter 6)
Friday - Sway Assignment Due
Week Ten: 11/2 – 11/4: I am the Greatest
Monday – Sway Discussion
Tuesday – Mid Term Examination – Day One
Wednesday – Quarter One Make-Ups / Deviance and Social Control Vocabulary (Chapter 8)
Week Eleven: 11/5 – 11/6
Thursday – Sociological Perspective of Deviance
Friday – Problem Set Six: Perspectives on Deviance
Week Twelve: 11/9-11/13 (No School 11/11): Tweeter and the Monkey Man
Monday – Discussion Four: Becoming a Hitman
Tuesday – Reactions to Deviance
Wednesday – No School
Thursday – Discussion Five: Capital Punishment
Friday - Quiz Seven: Deviance
Week Thirteen: 11/16 – 11/20: We are the World
Monday – Global Stratification Vocabulary (Chapter 9)
Tuesday – Defining Global Stratification
Wednesday – Problem Set Seven: Determinants of Stratification
Thursday – Discussion Six: Job on the Line
Friday – Quiz Eight: Global Stratification
Week Fourteen: 11/23-11/25: Handle with Care
Monday – Quiz Nine: Positivism
Tuesday – Freakonomics Assignment Due
Wednesday – Freakonomics Discussion
Week Fifteen: 12/1-12/4: Another Day in Paradise
Tuesday – Social Classes in the United States Vocabulary (Chapter 10)
Wednesday – Defining Social Class
Thursday – Problem Set Eight: Sociological Models of Social Classes
Friday – Discussion Seven: Poverty
Week Sixteen:12/7-12/11: Fancy
Monday – Quiz Ten: Social Class in the United States
Tuesday – Sex and Gender Vocabulary (Chapter 11)
Wednesday – Defining – Biology vs. Culture
Thursday – Gender Inequality
Friday – Problem Set Nine: Gender Inequality
Week Seventeen: 12/14 to 12/18: Eye of the Tiger
Monday – Discussion Eight: Because She Looks Like a Child
Tuesday – Quiz Eleven: Sex and Gender
Wednesday – Battle of the Sexes – Work Session
Thursday – Battle of the Sexes – Trivia and Physical Challenges
Friday – Battle of the Sexes – Iron Chef
Week Nineteen: 12/21-12/22: Christmas Shoes
Monday – The Meaning of the Season – Day One
Tuesday – The Meaning of the Season – Day Two
Week Twenty: 1/4 – 1/8: Black or White
Monday – Race and Ethnicity Vocabulary (Chapter 12)
Tuesday – The Sociological Foundation
Wednesday –Defining our Race / Ethnicity
Thursday – Problem Set Ten: Prejudice and Discrimination
Friday – Prejudice and Discrimination continued
Week Twenty One: 1/11-1/15: Philadelphia
Monday – Discussion Nine: My Secret Life as a Black Man
Tuesday – Quiz Twelve: Race and Ethnicity
Wednesday – Sociological Movie Project Presentations – Day One (Counts as Quiz Thirteen)
Thursday – Sociological Movie Project Presentations – Day Two (Counts as Quiz Thirteen)
Friday - Sociological Movie Project Presentations – Day Three (Counts as Quiz Thirteen)
Week Twenty Two: 1/19 – 1/22: We are the Champions
Tuesday – Final Examination – Work Session
Wednesday – Final Examination – Work Session
Thursday – Final Examination Day One
Friday - Final Examination Day Two