Lecture Supplement - North Central State College

Lecture Supplement
BIO147 Basic Anatomy & Physiology III
Summer 2011
Dr. Coovert
Office: 336-HS
Office Phone with Voicemail: 419-755-4534, cell 419-564-5929
E-Mail: dcoovert@ncstatecollege.edu
1. How to contact your instructor:
a. Always feel free to contact me. My Summer office hours are Tuesday- Thur 4-5PM
b. If you are going to miss a quiz or an exam, contacting me becomes even more
important. Never just wait until the next class session.
c. If I am not in my office, you can reach me either by e-mail or phone. If you use e-mail
it is CRITICAL to have BIO147 in the subject line. Make sure you type your full name at
the bottom of the message. It is best to use your NC State e-mail account, but it is not
required. If you call me on the phone and I am not available always leave a message.
Please leave your full name and phone number in the message. First try my office, then
cell phone number. Again, always leave a message with a return phone number. I get a
number of dropped calls on my cell phone. Be sure to call back if the call is dropped.
2. How to be successful and even get a higher grade that originally expected:
a. Always come to class, be there on time, do not leave early, and listen and pay
attention. Be an active participant. If something is not clear, ask. If you missed
something, ask.
b. Review some of your class notes each and everyday. It is most important to review
the current set of notes the same day as the class. The first note reviews can be as
simple as reading through them. To be more efficient, read them out loud. After the
first couple of readings, begin to look away from the notes and say the information out
loud or write it down from memory. Everyday review the current week’s notes and on a
rotating basis go through the older notes.
c. Use the blank on the left side of your note handout to add clarification to material you
do not understand, list helpful memory reminder words or phrases, or expanded notes
from readings in your text.
d. Use a highlighter of various colors as you review your notes. Use a color coding to
identify the material you are having the most trouble remembering. As you review your
notes you can go through just the colors giving you continued trouble. This is a great
targeted review right before a quiz or test.
e. Read your text when something in the notes is not clear or is confusing. After you
have reviewed your notes, go to the text and look over the figures that relate to the
lecture topics. Look over the text pages prior to the lecture presentation.
f. If you study better in a group, form a study group. The purpose of the group session is
to ask each other questions or to take turns explaining the material. Everyone has to be
prepared prior to the group session if it is to be effective.
g. Get help when your efforts are not producing results. Ask help from other
classmates, see your instructor, go to the Student Success Center, use the Bio tutor.
h. Outside factors will have an impact on your success in this course. Control the
negative impact factors as best you can. Try to stay in control rather than the factors
controlling you. Have back up plans when needed. Special services are available
through the Office of Disability and Personal Counseling (419-755-4727) to help you be
successful. Confidential and professional off-campus personal counseling is available at
no charge. Consider making use of this service when negative outside factors are taking
over or getting out of control.
i. Keep a positive attitude.
j. Use your lab grades to pull up your lecture and overall course grade. The laboratory
grades are actually the easiest scores to obtain if you put in the time in the lab. Dry-lab
studying at home is not as effective since you do not have access to the models and
specimens. Digital pictures can be a help. If you do not have a digital camera, contact
other students who will e-mail you their lab pictures. Do not miss any labs.
k. Do not over rely on solely on Study Reviews and Pre-Quizzes. The danger of these
study aids is narrowly targeting your studying. Everything is potential test material.
l. Keep up with the Study Questions and Objectives Worksheets. Work on these and
review them each day.
m. Use your textbook. Write in it and mark it up. If you keep it new looking, you are not
getting your money’s worth out of it.
3. Lecture Quizzes:
a. On each lecture quiz one wrong answer will be dropped in determining your score.
The highest possible grade is 100%.
b. The lowest quiz grade of the quarter will be dropped.
c. The first quiz missed because of an absence or coming to class late will become the
dropped quiz. This first missed quiz cannot be made-up. Exceptions will be extremely
rare and would involve knowing well ahead of time that a quiz will be missed. Examples
would include a previously scheduled surgery, jury duty or mandatory military training.
d. If you come to class late on the day of a quiz (or exam), you will not normally have an
extension of time to complete the testing.
e. If for as valid reason, a second quiz is missed it is critical to contact the instructor no
later than midnight of the day of the quiz. No one question adjustment will be given
for any make-up quiz.
f. When taking a quiz, turn in both an answer sheet and quiz paper with your name on
them. If anything is missing a grade of zero will be recorded.
g. Take Home Quiz:
1) The due date for a Take Home Quiz will be included on the quiz.
2) Rules for take home quizzes will be included on the quiz.
4. Lecture Exams:
a. It is very difficult to pass the course if any of the exams are missed and recorded as
zero grades.
b. If an exam is missed, it is critical to contact the instructor no later than midnight of
the day of the test.
5. Classroom demeanor :
a. At this level of your education you are expected to be courteous of others.
1) Please refrain from using foul language
2) Please refrain from talking in class. If you have a question, ask me! Chatter
with your neighbor is highly distracting to those around you, and you cannot
comprehend what I am saying if you are talking at the same time.
3) Food and drink are not permitted EXCEPT: If you bring a sealing container for
liquids. Food should be of the silent variety. No crunchy foods: potato chips
chewing on hard candy etc.
b. Cell Phones:
1) Please try to remember to turn your cell phone off or to vibrate. It is
not the end of the world if you forget.
2) If you must take a call, please quietly leave the classroom.
3) Do Not text during class. It is highly distracting to those around you,
and highly irritating to the instructor. You may be asked to leave.
6. Attendance Sign In:
a. Make sure you sign the attendance sheet for each lecture session. You may not sign
for someone else. If the sheet is not signed, you were not present.
7. Lab and Lab Quizzes:
a. Never miss a lab session. If you miss a lab and there are multiple lab sections, attend
one of the other sections during the same week. If you are registered in the last lab of
the week, you will not have this option available to you unless you know ahead of time
that you will be unable to meet during your regular lab time. Attending a different lab
section should be a rare event and not be a permanent schedule change.
b. If you miss a scheduled lab quiz, you should contact your instructor no later than
midnight the day of the quiz. If you plan to attend another lab section during that same
week, let the instructor know. If you cannot attend another lab section, then
arrangements must be made to take a make-up no later than your next scheduled lab
session. All lab quizzes must be taken. Make-up quizzes will not have the Bonus
Question”. If the number of missed lab quizzes becomes excessive, 10% (or more) will
be deducted from the score.
8. Above all, have fun and learn a lot!