MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Program Quality Assurance Services COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Charter School or District: Freetown-Lakeville CPR Onsite Year: 2010-2011 Program Area: Special Education All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report dated 09/27/2011. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: 09/26/2012 Summary of Required Corrective Action Plans in this Report Criterion SE 20 Criterion Title Least restrictive program selected SE 22 IEP implementation and availability SE 46 SE 54 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education Professional development CR 7A School year schedules SE 47 CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Criterion CR 7B Criterion Title Structured learning time CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct CR 16 CR 18 Notice to students 16 or over leaving school without a high school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion Responsibilities of the school principal CR 24 Curriculum review CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation CPR Rating Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Partially Implemented COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: A review of student records, documentation and interviews indicate that the program selected is not always the least restrictive environment for students at the high school, as some special education students do not have an opportunity to participate in general education classes. Co-taught classes are presented as general education classes in inclusive settings on IEP service delivery grids; however, these are self-contained special education classes and have as many as nine of the 12 students in the class on IEPs. Description of Corrective Action: 1. In the Spring of 2011 plans were developed and implemented for September 2011 to change the grouping structures of the high school programs by eliminating level 2 courses for Grade 9 in English, Science and History. This change has provided students with the opportunity to participate in co-taught/co-supported classes that are least restrictive and have a higher ratio of general education students to special education students. 2. Professional development was provided to staff in the spring and summer of 2011 that would be teaching these co-taught classes. The focus of the professional development was "Co-Teaching and Differentiated Instruction. 3. Continued professional development is being provided for staff in September, October and November 2011 as follow-up along with consultation. 4. In November 2011 the Administrative Team will meet to develop the next phase of this plan in order to restructure groupings for all grades and subject areas to be implemented for the 2012-2013 school year. 5. In February 2012 Administrators and staff will meet to begin to build a schedule for the 2012-2013 school year that will provide all students with access to least restrictive learning environments. 6. Professional development in co-teaching and differentiated instruction for new teams of teachers will be implemented in the Spring and Summer of 2012. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Anne St. Pierre, Director of Special Education Completion: Jill Proulx, High School Principal 09/26/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Class Schedules Class lists for all subject/grades showing balance of IEP and non IEP students. Training agendas, materials and attendance for workshop on co-teaching and differentiated instruction. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: In the Spring of each school year the principal, guidance department and special education coordinator will meet to review enrollment in co-taught and co-supported classes to ensure a balance of students. This process will be repeated during the summer as schedule changes take place and prior to the start of each semester. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 20 Least restrictive program selected Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district initiated a plan to educate students in grade nine in the least restrictive MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 3 setting beginning September 2011 by enrolling students in team taught inclusion classes that have a balance of special education and general education students. Plans were submitted to provide students in grades 10-12 with similar classes by the 2012-2013 school year. Training was provided in co-teaching and differentiating instruction for the grade nine teaching teams and will continue to be provided for the remaining teaching teams through the spring and summer of 2012. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 13, 2012 submit a report of the training in inclusion practices including: (1) sign-in sheets (indicating the role of staff); (2) training materials; (3) name of instructor; (4) dates of trainings. Submit a schedule that will ensure that remaining high school staff receive training this school year. Also submit the class lists for grade 9 inclusion classes using students' initials and indicating the ratio of special education and general education students. By April 8, 2012 submit an update of the progress of training high school staff in inclusion practices. Include the following: 1) sign-in sheets (2) name of instructor; (3) dates of trainings. By June 8, 2012 submit an update on the efforts taken thus far to establish less restrictive special education programs and practices at the high school. Submit a list of the inclusion classes (including subjects and grades) that will be available at the high school during the 2012-2013 school year. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 04/08/2012 06/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 4 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: SE 22 IEP implementation and availability Department CPR Findings: See SE 20. Description of Corrective Action: See SE 20 Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Anne St.Pierre, Director of Special Education Jill Proulx, Building Principal Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: See SE 20 Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: See SE 20 CPR Rating: Partially Implemented Expected Date of Completion: 09/26/2012 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 22 IEP implementation and Status Date: 11/03/2011 availability Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See SE 20. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See SE 20. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 04/08/2012 06/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 5 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 46 Procedures for suspension of students with disabilities Partially Implemented when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Department CPR Findings: Documentation indicates that student handbooks and codes of conduct do not include procedures regarding placement in an interim alternative educational setting. Description of Corrective Action: Information will be added to the parent/student handbook as an Addendum (10/2011). Parents will be notified via email and/or "one call now" that this information has been added to their handbook. Building Principal, Special Education Coordinator will be provided training on discipline of students with special education needs (1/2012). Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Anne St. Pierre, Director of Special Education Completion: Region Building Principals 09/26/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Addendum to current handbook (2011-2012) Information fully incorporated into the 2012-2013 parent/student handbook. Agenda, Attendance and materials from training regarding discipline of students with special education needs. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Building Principal and Special Education Director will meet annually (spring of prior school year, which is when Principal's meet with their advisory council to review their handbook) to review and check that necessary special education regulations are in parent/student handbook. Building Principal (or designee) and Director of Special Education provide oversight of suspensions by maintaining suspension log. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 46 Procedures for suspension of Status Date: 11/03/2011 students with disabilities when suspensions exceed 10 consecutive school days or a pattern has developed for suspensions exceeding 10 cumulative days; responsibilities of the Team; responsibilities of the district Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: In October 2011 the district issued an addendum to student handbooks that includes the procedures regarding placement in an interim alternative educational setting. Staff training in these procedures will be provided by January 2012. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 13, 2012 submit a copy of the addendum to the student handbooks that includes the procedures regarding placement in an interim alternative educational setting. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 6 Submit the following as evidence of training: (1) agenda; (2) signed attendance sheet (including the role of staff and indicating those responsible for discipline); (3) training materials; (4) date of training(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 47 Procedural requirements applied to students not yet Partially Implemented determined to be eligible for special education Department CPR Findings: Documentation indicates that student handbooks and codes of conduct do not contain the procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined to be eligible for special education. Description of Corrective Action: Information will be added to the parent/student handbook as an Addendum (10/2011). Parents will be notified via email and/or "one call now" that this information has been added to their handbook. Building Principal, Special Education Coordinator will be provided training on discipline of students with special education needs (1/2012). Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Anne St. Pierre, Director of Special Education Completion: Region Building Principals 09/26/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Addendum to current handbook (2011-2012) Information fully incorporated into the 2012-2013 parent/student handbook. Agenda, Attendance and materials from training regarding discipline of students with special education needs. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Building Principal and Special Education Director will meet annually (spring of prior school year, which is when Principal's meet with their advisory council to review their handbook) to review and check that necessary special education regulations are in parent/student handbook. Building Principal (or designee) and Director of Special Education provide oversight of suspensions by maintaining suspension log. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved SE 47 Procedural requirements applied to Status Date: 11/03/2011 students not yet determined to be eligible for special education Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: In October 2011 the district issued an addendum to student handbooks that includes the procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined eligible for special education. Training in these procedures for staff responsible for discipline will be provided by January 2012. Department Order of Corrective Action: MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 7 Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 13, 2012 submit a copy of the addendum to the student handbooks that includes the procedural requirements applied to students not yet determined eligible for special education. Submit the following as evidence of training: (1) agenda; (2) signed attendance sheet (including the role of staff and indicating those responsible for discipline); (3) training materials; (4) date of training(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 8 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: SE 54 Professional development Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Interviews and documentation indicate that not all staff have been trained in analyzing and accommodating diverse learning styles of all students in order to achieve an objective of inclusion in the regular classroom of students with diverse learning styles. Description of Corrective Action: The following initiatives have taken place or will be scheduled in order to provide staff with training in analyzing and accommodating the diverse learning styles of all students. 1. Spring and Summer 2011 grades 7, 8, 9 staff (general ed and special ed) participated in training on Co-Teaching and Differentiated Instruction. Training provided by Dr. Cathy Porcaro of Educational Performance Systems. 2. September/October/November staff in grades 7,8,9 participate in continued training in co-teaching and differentiated instruction. 3. Special Education and General Education staff in Grades K-6 are participating in year round training in the areas of progress monitoring, data analysis, and instructional strategies in order to meet the needs of students in ELA. 4. Early Childhood staff are participating in year long professional development covering the following topics: Language and Learning in the E.C. Setting, Dynamic Assessment and Effective Data, Visual Supports, Encourage Peer Interaction in E.C. Settings, Screening Tools, Curriculum Evaluation. 5. Staff (teachers and para's) working with students on the spectrum are provided monthly consultation and direct training by Dr. Karyn Blane and staff from the Bradley ABA Program. 6. Para professionals (grades K-12) participated in initial training (overview) regarding special needs learners on September 6, 2011. Follow up sessions are planned for November 2011 and January 2012. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Anne St. Pierre, Director of Special Education Completion: Jessica Huizenga, Assistant Superintendent 09/26/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Agendas, Attendance and Materials from trainings. Copies of teacher schedules showing new classroom structure and routines that support differentiated instruction. Copies of lesson plans that demonstrate implementation of differentiated instruction, small group learning and varied assessments. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Gather feedback from staff on trainings and supports provided during the 2011-2012 school year in order to plan for 2012-2013. Administrative team to review district mission and action plan annually to identify areas of need and plan continued professional development. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: SE 54 Professional development Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district submitted a plan for training all staff in analyzing and accommodating diverse learning styles of all students in order to achieve an objective of inclusion in the regular MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 9 classroom of students with diverse learning styles. Although the plan does not include training for teachers in grades 10-12, the information submitted for SE 20 indicated that this training will take place this school year. (See SE 20) Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 13, 2012 submit a report of the training in inclusion practices including: (1) sign-in sheets (indicating the role of staff); (2) training materials; (3) name of instructor; (4) dates of trainings. By April 8, 2012 submit an update on the progress of staff training for the remaining staff in inclusion practices. Include the following: 1) sign-in sheets; (2) name of instructor; (3) dates of trainings Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 04/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 10 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7A School year schedules Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: See CR 7B. Description of Corrective Action: The Apponequet Regional High School schedule was re-done for the 2011-2012 school year to meet the time on learning requirements for the DESE. Unstructured Study Halls were eliminated, and the handbook was revised which changed the policy for Senior Privileges as addressed in the CPR. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent/Jessica Huizenga Completion: Building Principals 09/01/2011 Superintendent Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Student Learning Time Worksheet Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Annually, the Superintendent and leadership team will conduct an evaluation of all school schedules and use the provided Superintendent and Student learning time worksheets to ensure district compliance. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7A School year schedules Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: See CR 7B. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See CR 7B. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 7B Structured learning time Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Documentation and interviews indicate that students at Apponequet Regional High School do not receive the required 990 hours of structured learning time when they are scheduled for non-directed studies. Students in grade 12, furthermore, are allowed to report to school late or to leave early when they have a study scheduled at the beginning or end of the school day. Description of Corrective Action: MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 11 At the High School we do not have an independent study or school to work program. It was our hope and our proposal that with a static last block in our schedule we could begin to implement these types of programs. This component of our schedule was not approved for the 2011-2012 school year. We also hope to eventually fund a coordinator for community service, dual enrollment, internships, etc. We do have technology assisted learning through VHS, and an academic options block which provides students opportunities for intervention. This is advertised to students and parents through guidance and the school newsletter, school committee meetings, school council meetings. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent/Jessica Huizenga Completion: Building Principal 09/01/2011 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: An invitation to the community for an information session on May 4th, 2011, A reminder for a community Q and A to discuss a number of issues regarding structured learning time, Talking points for the Oct 4th, 2011 meeting, The notice for grade specific assemblies on Sept. 8th 2011, Descriptors of Academic Options and Laker Block taken from the faculty handbook. These new periods offer academic intervention and mentoring opportunities for students. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Each year, the Apponequet Regional High School Leadership team will conduct a program evaluation and review of these programs, and structured learning time. Minutes and Agendas will be kept, along with a final report to the Superintendent. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 7B Structured learning time Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: According to the information submitted for CR 7A, the Apponequet Regional High School schedule was revised for the 2011-2012 school year to meet the time on learning requirements. Non-structured study halls were eliminated and the handbook was revised to indicate that students in grade 12 will no longer be allowed to report to school late or to leave early when they have a study scheduled at the beginning or end of the school day. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a copy of the revised student handbook and faculty handbook. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 12 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of conduct Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Documentation indicates that student handbooks and codes of conduct are missing appropriate procedures for the discipline of students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans, a citation referencing M.G.L. c. 76, s. 5 affirming the school?s non-tolerance for harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion or sexual orientation, and disciplinary measures the school may impose if it determines that discrimination has occurred. The Apponequet High School Handbook is missing the school's procedure for accepting, investigating, and resolving complaints alleging discrimination.   The handbooks and codes of conduct contain language for the discipline of students with special education needs that is not consistent with IDEA 2004. Procedures do not include information regarding placement in an interim alternative educational setting and do not include procedures for students not yet determined eligible for special education. Description of Corrective Action: Handbooks were amended to include appropriate procedures for the discipline of students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans, a citation referencing M.G.L. c. 76, s. 5 affirming the school's non-tolerance for harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion or sexual orientation, and disciplinary measures the school may impose if it determines that discrimination has occurred. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Jessica Huizenga/Assistant Superintendent Completion: Building Principal 09/01/2011 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Handbook Examples: Page 13 and Page. 38 regarding 504's, Pg. 41 regarding discrimination and harassment, Pg. 18 bullying and harassment information. p. 37 grievance procedure for violations for Title VI and Title IX or 504. We have Building Base support teams forms and reports forms and CAP. BBST purpose and protocols meetings sign in sheet. Staff meeting agendas and sign in sheets, which review and explain these policies and procedures will serve as evidence. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: School-Based Leadership team and School Council will conduct an annual review and submit a report to the Superintendent ensuring compliance to these requirements. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 10A Student handbooks and codes of Status Date: 11/03/2011 conduct Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district indicated that student handbooks have been revised and now contain the required information. The district also proposed training staff on the procedures regarding the discipline of students with special education needs that is consistent with IDEA 2004, including procedures regarding placement in an interim alternative educational setting and procedures for students not yet determined eligible for special education in their corrective action for SE 46 and SE 47. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 13 By January 13, 2012, submit copies of revised handbooks. Also submit the following as evidence of training: (1) agenda; (2) signed attendance sheet (including the role of staff); (3) training materials; (4) date of training(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 14 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 16 Notice to students 16 or over leaving school without a Partially Implemented high school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion Department CPR Findings: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not send annual written notice to former students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another school to inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support programs and to encourage them to participate in those programs. Description of Corrective Action: Notice to students 16 years or over leaving high school without competency determination. A letter has been developed and will be sent out to all students who meet this criteria. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent/Jessica Huizenga Completion: Building Principal 05/01/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Sample Letter, dated. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Guidance Department will produce a report each year and submit to the Principal a list of students who received this notification and returned to school. The Principal will review this with the school council. A final report will be submitted to the Superintendent. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 16 Notice to students 16 or over Status Date: 11/03/2011 leaving school without a high school diploma, certificate of attainment, or certificate of completion Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district has developed a letter that will be sent to all students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another school to inform them of the availability of publicly funded post-high school academic support programs and to encourage them to participate in those programs. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By January 13, 2012 submit a copy of the letter sent to former students who have not yet earned their competency determination and who have not transferred to another school. Also submit a list of students, by initials, to whom this letter was sent. Progress Report Due Date(s): 01/13/2012 04/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 15 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 18 Responsibilities of the school principal Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Documentation and interviews indicate that principals do not implement a curriculum accommodation plan to ensure that all efforts have been made to meet the needs of diverse learners in the general education program. The district does not have a plan that assists the regular classroom teacher in analyzing and accommodating diverse learning styles of all students in the regular classroom and provides appropriate services and support within the general education program including, but not limited to, direct and systematic instruction in reading and provision of services to address the needs of students whose behavior may interfere with learning. While schools have student assistance teams in place, supports and intervention efforts and their results are not always documented and placed in the student record. Description of Corrective Action: The district will update their plan that assists the regular classroom teacher in analyzing and accommodating diverse learning styles of all students in the regular classroom and provides appropriate services and support within the general education program including, but not limited to, direct and systematic instruction in reading and provision of services to address the needs of students whose behavior may interfere with learning. Student assistance teams in all schools will be using a new, consistent in document to be placed in the student record that outlines what supports and intervention efforts and their results were provided to students. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent/Jessica Huizenga Completion: Superintendent 06/01/2012 Building Principal Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: District Curriculum Accommodation plan, student records, Building Based Support team minutes. Faculty meeting agenda and sign in sheet showing staff training on the new DCAP and referral process to student support. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Principal, Assistant Principal in cooperation with the Building Based Support team will monitor. A compilation and summary will be developed at the end of the year to analyze and evaluate the new processes and use of the CAP in providing support to students. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved CR 18 Responsibilities of the school Status Date: 11/03/2011 principal Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district will develop a new curriculum accommodation plan containing all required elements and staff will be trained on the elements of the plan. The district will ensure that supports and intervention efforts and their results will be documented and placed in the student record. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By April 8, 2012 submit the district's curriculum accommodation plan. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 16 By June 8, 2012 submit the following as evidence of training on the curriculum accommodation plan and on intervention efforts and their results that will be documented and placed in student records: (1) agenda; (2) signed attendance sheet (including the role of staff); (3) training materials; (4) date of training(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 04/08/2012 06/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 17 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 24 Curriculum review Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Documentation and interviews indicate that individual teachers do not review all educational materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations, lacking intellectual merit, on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation. Description of Corrective Action: Teachers do not currently review all educational materials. To assist them, a checklist will be developed to be used by teachers when evaluating the curriculum. Teachers will be trained in faculty meetings on the checklist and policy regarding alternative options for students, or processes to remove these items from the curriculum. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Assistant Superintendent/Jessica Huizenga Completion: Building Principals 07/01/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Checklist and faculty agenda, sign in sheets as evidence staff was trained. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Principal will provide a summary report to the Superintendent on the process and procedure for curriculum review. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 24 Curriculum review Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: The district will develop a checklist to be used by teachers to evaluate curriculum materials for simplistic and demeaning generalizations, lacking intellectual merit, on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation. Training will be provided to staff on their responsibility to provide appropriate activities, discussions and/or supplementary materials to ensure balance and context for any stereotypes depicted in such materials. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By April 8, 2012 submit the district's checklist used to evaluate curriculum. By June 8, 2012 submit the following as evidence of training on the staffs' responsibility to review curriculum: (1) agenda; (2) signed attendance sheet (including the role of staff); (3) training materials; (4) date of training(s). Progress Report Due Date(s): 04/08/2012 06/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 18 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Criterion & Topic: CPR Rating: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Partially Implemented Department CPR Findings: Documentation and interviews indicate that the district does not evaluate all aspects of its program annually to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs, including athletics and other extracurricular activities. Description of Corrective Action: The district will evaluate all aspects of it's programs annually to ensure that all students regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, lep, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status have equal access to all programs. In order to do this, Principals will submit a report to the Superintendent from their School Council's that they have reviewed their policies and present a summary of findings. Principals will also provide documentation that announcements for extracurriculars were translated into students whose first language is not english. Title/Role(s) of responsible Persons: Expected Date of Principals Completion: 06/01/2012 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Principals will submit a report to the Superintendent from their School Council's that they have reviewed their policies and present a summary of findings. Principals will also provide documentation that announcements for extracurriculars were translated into students whose first language is not english. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Program Review conducted annually. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION Criterion: CR 25 Institutional self-evaluation Corrective Action Plan Status: Approved Status Date: 11/03/2011 Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Principals will evaluate the programs in their schools to determine if all students have equal access and they will submit a report to the superintendent containing a summary of their findings. Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By June 8, 2012 submit a summary of the results of the evaluation to ensure that all students, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, limited English proficiency, sexual orientation, disability, or housing status, have equal access to all programs, including athletics and other extracurricular activities. Include a description of steps taken to correct any identified issues. Progress Report Due Date(s): 06/08/2012 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 19 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW Charter School or District: Freetown-Lakeville Public Schools Corrective Action Plan Forms Program Area: English Learner Education Prepared by: Anne St. Pierre CAP Form will expand to as many lines as necessary. Before completing and emailing to, please see separate Instructions for Completing Corrective Action Plans. All corrective action must be fully implemented and all noncompliance corrected as soon as possible and no later than one year from the issuance of the Coordinated Program Review Final Report to the school or district. Mandatory One-Year Compliance Date: May 9, 2013 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 5 Program Placement and Structure Rating: Partially Implemented MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 20 Department CPR Finding: Freetown-Lakeville Regional School District serves students in grades 512. Austin Intermediate enrolls grade 5, Freetown-Lakeville Middle School, grades 6-8 and Apponequet Regional High, enrolls grades 9-12. The district has a very low incidence of English language learners (ELLs). At the time of the onsite visit there were four ELLs s in middle schools and two in high school. Although the district offers services to its ELE students it does not have a clear description of its Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) program and methods used to provide direct ESL services. The district did not submit an ESL curriculum, nor did it submit evidence that instruction in English as second language (ESL)/English language development is based on the English Language Proficiency Benchmarks (ELPBO). (Please refer to letter sent with draft report, regarding the phasing out of the ELPBO and changes in curricula requirements). Documentation reviewed indicated that ELLs in the district placed in Levels 1 and 2 of the Massachusetts English Proficiency Assessment (MEPA) are grouped together to receive ESL instruction in “targeted subject areas” such as ELA or receive support services in Science, Social Studies, and Math. ELLs at these MEPA levels receive sheltered instruction for 45minutes to one hour in self-contained classes. Students in MEPA Levels 3, 4, and 5 are all “fully mainstreamed,” and pulled out individually for ESL and support services. See also ELE 10. According to documents reviewed concerning hours of direct ESL instruction, with some exceptions, the district is not providing the Department’s recommended ESL instruction hours. For example, in middle school, ELLs in Levels 3 and 4 receive 45 minutes of instruction daily (3 hours and 45minutes a week). Thus, ELLs in MEPA Level 4 receive adequate hours of instruction and ELLs in Level 3 receive close to the recommended hours, but not fully. (See note below for Department guidelines). ELLs in MEPA Levels 1 and 2 receive from 1.5-2 hours daily. These ELLs do not receive the recommended hours of ESL instruction, especially if we consider the bottom of the range (or 1.5 hours daily). Hours of direct ESL instruction that high school ELLs receive could not be determined as information provided was not specific enough. The district reported that one student received “reading/writing and speaking – 1x every day, and another student in addition to receiving “reading/writing and speaking – 1x every day,” also received “academic support 1x every day.” However, length of time was not specified. The Department’s guidelines recommend that students receive hours of instruction that correspond to their MEPA level of English proficiency as follows: ELE students in Level 1 and Level 2 should receive 2.5 hours of ESL instruction a day or 12.5 hours a week; those in Level 3, 1-2 hours per day or 5-10 hours a week, and those in levels 4 and 5, should receive 2.5 hours per week or half an hour a day. (See Guidance on Using MEPA Results to Plan Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Instruction and Make Reclassification Decisions for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students.)” Documentation reviewed indicated that although the district provides content instruction that is based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework, content area teachers teaching ELLs have not completed all four of the SEI Category trainings. At the middle school none of the teachers instructing ELLs have completed any of the SEI category training and at the high school one teacher had completed 3 of the SEI training categories, and is missing Category 4. See also ELE 15. In summary, the district’s ESL curriculum is still under development for the district’s middle and high school ELLs, hours of ESL instruction for some ELLs is inconsistent with Department guidelines, and there are content area teachers working with ELLs who have not completed the four Categories of SEI training. Consequently, the Department concludes that the district does not have an ELE program that is consistent with Chapter 71A. MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 21 Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Please note that consistent with the memo issued by PQA and OELAAA of May 7, 2012, which identified proposed changes under the RETELL initiative impacting licensure, professional development and English language proficiency standards and assessment, the district will not be asked to prepare a CAP response for this criterion at this time. See . For further information with regard to upcoming opportunities for training and technical assistance, please continue to check the RETELL program site on the Department’s website.” Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Anne St. Pierre, Director of Corrective Action Activity: May 2013 Student Services Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 5 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: N/A Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Please provide the Department with the following by February 15, 2013 Evidence that all ELL students receive sufficient ESL instruction, consistent with the students’ levels of English proficiency and Department guidance ( Evidence that ELLs receive subject matter content that is based on the current Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in English/Language Arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Please provide the Department with the following by May 17, 2013 The district’s new ESL/ELD curriculum, which should be aligned with all Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (e.g., English/Language Arts, mathematics, science, social studies) and the WIDA English language development standards. See A plan for making the SEI cohort training available to the core academic teachers of ELLs and the building administrators who supervise such teachers and to arrange for the participation of such teachers and administrators in the training. Progress Report Due Date(s): February 15, 2013 and May 17, 2013 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 22 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 10 Parental Notification Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: Documentation indicated that the district does not accurately describe its method of instruction for English language learners in its parent notification letter as it omits English as a Second Language or English language development instruction as a component of a Sheltered English Immersion program. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Description of method of instruction for English Language Learners will be added to the parent notification letter. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Anne St. Pierre, Director of Corrective Action Activity: May 2013 Student Services. Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Updated parent notification letter Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Letter will be reviewed and updated if necessary on an annual basis. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 10 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): Submit a copy of the revised parent notification letter. Progress Report Due Date(s): February 15, 2013 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 11 Equal Access to Academic Programs and Services Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: A review of documentation indicated that classroom teachers are not sufficiently trained in sheltering English content. Therefore, students with limited English proficiency are not taught to the same academic standards and curriculum as all students and are not provided with the same opportunities to master such standards. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Staff will be sufficiently trained utilizing guidelines as directed by the new RETELL initiative. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Anne St. Pierre, Director of Corrective Action Activity: May 2013 Student Services MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 23 Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Documentation of Completion. Sign in Sheets, Agenda of Training. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Review by District. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 11 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5. Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 15 Professional Development Requirements Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: The district does not have a three-to-five year SEI Professional Development Plan. The district reports that it “has had no new ELL students until the 2009-2010 school-year. No PD was given on ELE services.” (See also ELE 5 and letter sent with draft report regarding change in requirements for category 3). Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Please note that consistent with the memo issued by PQA and OELAAA of May 7, 2012, which identified proposed changes under the RETELL initiative impacting licensure, professional development and English language proficiency standards and assessment, the district will not be asked to prepare a CAP response for this criterion at this time. See . For further information with regard to upcoming opportunities for training and technical assistance, please continue to check the RETELL program site on the Department’s website.” Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Implementation: Expected Date of Completion for Each Corrective Action Activity: Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 15 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 24 Required Elements of Progress Report(s): See ELE 5. Progress Report Due Date(s): See ELE 5. COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 17 Program Evaluation Rating: Not Implemented Department CPR Finding: Documentation and interviews indicated that the district has not evaluated the effectiveness of its ELE program in developing students’ English language skills and increasing their ability to participate meaningfully in the educational program. Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Internal Review and Program Evaluation Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Anne St. Pierre, Director of Corrective Action Activity: May 2013 Student Services Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Conduct Institutional Self Evaluation Summary, Conclusion of findings, and Action Steps. Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Create process for Internal Review and conduct it. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 17 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By May 17, 2013, submit the results of the district’s evaluation of the effectiveness of the ELE program. Progress Report Due Date(s): May 17, 2013 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 25 COORDINATED PROGRAM REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (To be completed by school district/charter school) Criterion & Topic: ELE 18 Records of LEP Students Rating: Partially Implemented Department CPR Finding: The record review indicated that some records were missing the following: Home language survey; Results of identification and proficiency tests; MELA-O and MEPA results; Copies of progress reports, parent notification letters and report cards; Student success plans (if applicable). Narrative Description of Corrective Action: Submit Home Language Survey, Results of identification and proficiency tests; MELA-O and MEPA, copies of progress reports, parent notification letters and report cards, and student success plans. Title/Role of Person(s) Responsible for Expected Date of Completion for Each Implementation: Anne St. Pierre, Director of Corrective Action Activity: May 2013 Student Services Evidence of Completion of the Corrective Action: Documentation provided Description of Internal Monitoring Procedures: Creation of Checklist to ensure proper documentation to be included in student records. CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN APPROVAL SECTION (To be completed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Criterion: ELE 18 Status of Corrective Action: Approved Partially Approved Disapproved Basis for Partial Approval or Disapproval: Department Order of Corrective Action: Required Elements of Progress Report(s): By February 15, 2013, submit a copy of the checklist that will be used to ensure that records have the required elements. By May 17, 2013, provide the results of a review of ELE records for all required elements. Report the number of records reviewed, the number in compliance, and actions taken to remedy any identified non-compliance. Progress Report Due Date(s): February 15, 2013 and May 17, 2013 MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education , Program Quality Assurance Services Freetown-Lakeville CPR Corrective Action Plan 26