READING & WRITING (2 nd Term – Pre-Intermediate+Intermediate)
In this lesson, reading and writing are integrated in a way which can help the students to develop their reading
(comprehension) and writing (production) skills. In the lesson, the students are provided various reading texts and writing activities which can enable them to express themselves by writing. They begin with writing sentences and proceed to writing paragraphs and articles. Also, they have a portfolio, which shows their progress in a way.
The book mainly aims to improve the students’ vocabulary knowledge and comprehension. There are many different words and reading passages for them. Also, the lesson is supported with different materials, CDs and
DVDs, authentic texts and audio materials, and so on. The lesson sometimes provides some grammar revision, which helps the students remember some key points for their writing. The students take the lesson 8 hours a week.
The content is:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Making predictions before reading,
Ordering ideas to recognize sequence
Using contact to understand unfamiliar words while reading,
Completing a chart to organize information from reading
Writing a topic sentence to convey ideas clearly
Using freewriting to brainstorm ideas before writing, Writing a business proposal
Identifying supporting details to aid comprehension
Completing a cluster diagram before writing,
Writing a paragraph
Reading a chart to obtain information while reading, Taking notes to retain information, Using a graphic organizer to categorize information from a reading
Skimming a text quickly to get the general idea, Using a chart to compare information across reading
Using a cluster diagram to brainstorm ideas before writing, Writing an opinion paragraph with supporting details
Writing a personal letter using a standard format
Identifying the author’s purpose for writing a text
Distinguishing between fact and opinion to read critically
Writing a paragraph describing a process,
Using time order words: first, next, then, later, after that, finally -to make steps in a process clear
Varying sentence types to make writing more interesting, Writing an answer to a test question
Summarizing text to check comprehension
Making inferences using clues from text and background knowledge in order to read critically
Synthesizing information from multiple sources to deepen understanding while reading
Completing a Venn diagram to find similarities and differences in text
Writing a narrative paragraph
Writing a paragraph using numbers/figures to support ideas
Write a definition paragraph, Analyze the structure of definitions, Writing an FAQ page
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Reading for specific information,
Matching topics to paragraphs
Reading for detailed understanding, Matching topics to paragraphs, Reconstructing a text
Reading for specific information,
Matching topics to paragraphs,
Recognition of style & type of writing
Reading for detailed understanding, Reading for specific information
Reading for specific information,
Matching text to notes
Writing a letter of invitation to a friend,
Writing a letter accepting/refusing an invitation from a relative
Making suggestions, Writing a letter offering advice to a relative
Writing in formal & informal style, Making complaints, Writing a formal letter of complaint
Writing in formal & informal style, Writing a formal letter applying for a job
Writing in formal & informal style, Writing a formal transactional letter requesting information