DRAINAGE PLAN APPLICATION Application is hereby made for review of the Stormwater Management Plan and related data as submitted herewith in accordance with the Marcus Hook Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance: _______________Final Plan__________________Preliminary Plan______________Sketch Plan Date of Submission_________________________Submission No._________________________ 1. Name of subdivision or development__________________________________________ 2. Name of Applicant__________________________Telephone No.___________________ (If corporation, list the corporations’ name and the names of two officers of the corporation) _________________________________________________________________Officer 1 _________________________________________________________________Officer 2 Address_________________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s interest in subdivision or development (If other than property owner, give owner’s name and address) 3. Name of property owner_____________________Telephone No.___________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________________________ 4. Name of engineer or surveyor_________________Telephone No.__________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________________________________________________________ 5. Type of subdivision or development proposed: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Single-family Lots Two-family Lots Multi-family Lots Cluster Type Lots Planned Residential Development _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Townhouses ____ Commercial (Multi-lot) Garden Apartments ____ Commercial (One Lot) Mobile Home Park ____ Industrial (Multi-Lot) Campground ____ Industrial (One Lot) Other (_________________________) 6. Linear feet of new road proposed__________________________________L.F. 7. Area of proposed and existing impervious area on the entire tract. a. b. Existing (to remain) __________________S.F.__________________% of property Proposed __________________S.F.__________________% of property 8. Stormwater a. Does the peak rate of runoff from proposed conditions exceed that flow which occurred for existing conditions for the designated design storm?________________________________ b. Design storm utilized (on-site conveyance systems)(24 hr.)___________________________ No. of Subarea____________________________________ Watershed Name__________________________________ Explain: _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ c. Does the submission and/or district meet the criteria for the applicable management district? ____________________________________________________________________________ d. Type of proposed runoff control__________________________________________________ e. Does the proposed stormwater control criteria meet the requirement/guidelines of the Stormwater Ordinance?____________________________________________________ f. If not, what variances/waivers are requested?_______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ g. Reasons_____________________________________________________________________ h. Does the plan meet the requirements of Article III of the Stormwater Ordinance?__________ i. If not, what variances/waivers are requested?_______________________________________ j. Reasons why__________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ k. Was TR-55, June 1986, utilized in determining the time of concentration?________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ l. What hydrologic method was used in the stormwater computations?____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ m. Is a hydraulic routing through the stormwater control structure submitted? _____________ _____________________________________________________________________________ n. Is a construction schedule or staging attached?______________________________________ o. Is a recommended maintenance program attached?_________________________________ 9. 10. 11. Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control (E&S): a. Has the stormwater management and E&S plan, supporting documentation, and narrative been submitted to the Delaware County Conservation District?_____________ b. Total area of earth disturbance__________________________________S.F. Wetlands a. Have the wetlands been delineated by someone training in wetland delineation?________ b. Have the wetland lines been verified by a state or federal permitting authority?________ c. Have the wetland lines been surveyed?_________________________________________ d. Total acreage of wetland within the property____________________________________ e. Total acreage of wetland disturbed____________________________________________ f. Supporting documentation___________________________________________________ Filing a. Has the required fee been submitted?_________________________ Amount_________________________ b. Has the proposed schedule of construction inspection to be performed by the Applicant’s engineer been submitted?___________________________________ c. Name of individual who will be making the inspections_______________________________ d. General comments about stormwater management at the development________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF APPLICATION: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLAVANIA COUNTY OF DELAWARE. On this the________date of_____________, 20______, before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared____________________who, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that______________________area owners of the property described in this application and that the application was made with_____________________________________________________________knowledge and/or direction and does hereby agree with the said application and to the submission of the same. ______________________________________________________________________Property Owner My Commission Expires____________________________________________________20_______ Notary Public______________________________________________________________________ THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THE INFORMATION AND STATEMENTS GIVEN ABOVE ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Information below this line to be completed by the Borough) _______________________________________(Name of)Marcus Hook Borough Official submission Receipt: Date of complete application received_______________________plan number____________________ Fees_________________date fees paid______________________received by_____________________ Official submission receipt date___________________________________________________________ Received by____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Marcus Hook Borough SCHEDULE OF FEES The stormwater management ordinance requires the submission of an erosion and sediment control plan for regulated earth disturbance activities in the Borough and a Best Management Practices (BMP) operations and maintenance plan for post construction stormwater BMP’s. 1. 2. Non-Residential §174-24 A. Issuance Fee: b. Escrow: Residential $200 plus $50 per acre/or portion thereof for each acre disturbed. $600 for one acre or less $250 for each additional acre §174-24 A. Issuance Fee: $75 for residential property disturbance of less than ¼ acre; ¼ acre or more $200 plus $50 per acre/or portion thereof for each acre disturbed. B. Escrow: $600 for one acre or less $250 for each additional acre All subsequent reviews shall be 25% of the amount of the initial review fee. A new fee shall be submitted with each revision in accordance with this schedule. 3. Inspection fees will be established at the completion of the review and issuance of permit. The permittee will be reimbursed for the amount of the escrow that is unused and will subsequently also be responsible for any additional fees necessary for plan reviews and inspections associated with the administration of the Stormwater Management Ordinance of Marcus Hook Borough. Checks shall be made payable to Marcus Hook Borough. A minimum of two checks is required, one for the application fee and the other for the escrow amount.