The Integrative Connection In This Issue Issue: # 02 February 2012 Welcome! Drug Nutrient Depletion Sleeping Well Patient Testimonial Irsfeld Pharmacy News Dear Scott, Thank you for making our recent seminar a success! If you missed our seminar, you can view it online at within the next few weeks! Don't miss our next seminar where we will talk about detoxification. We have a website! Did you miss an article or want to view archived newsletters? Visit our website and click on "The Integrative Connection" Click Here! Upcoming Events "Detoxification" Presented by Jodi Andres, RN, CPhT March 28th 7:00 PM American State Bank North 1151 3rd Ave West Join Our List "Detoxification" presented by Jodi Andres, RN, CPhT March 28th, 2012 at 7:00pm American State Bank Center North 1151 3rd Ave West Can prescription drugs deplete essential nutrients? Part 2 of an ongoing series Medications can be very beneficial to your health and are many times necessary. Unfortunately, there are also many times when a medication is used for good, but the drug causes an unwanted side effect. These side effects often happen because the drug depletes your body of a vital nutrient. These "drug-induced nutrient depletions" may not be known by medical professionals as this is a newer area of research. As an end result, you may suffer needlessly or be put on another drug to combat the side effect when all that is needed is a simple supplement. Antibiotics and Probiotics Often when you become sick you go to the doctor and are given a prescription for an antibiotic. Antibiotics are great in treating the infection. The number one cause of death before antibiotics was infection, so they are certainly doing the job. Unfortunately, these antibiotics are not selective for the bad bacteria. The antibiotic not only kills the bacteria causing the infection but also kills off the good bacteria in the digestive Like us on Facebook! and vaginal tracts that are important for digestion, nutrient absorption and your immune system. This is easily demonstrated when someone takes an antibiotic; the good bacteria have been destroyed by the antibiotic, allowing the secondary infection to occur. In order to replace the "good bacteria" after a course of antibiotics, we need to supplement our diet using a product called a "probiotic." Probiotics contain live active cultures of bacteria found in our gut. Depending on the patient's needs, we can select a probiotic product that contains 1 strain, or type, of bacteria or we can select one that has 15 different strains. The quantity of each bacteria contained inside the capsule is listed as a "colony forming unit" or CFU. CFU is another way of determining the potency of the probiotic. Besides preventing side effects of antibiotics, probiotics may also benefit patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, may reduce bladder cancer occurrence, and may treat eczema, and treat or prevent occurrence of colds and flu. To learn more about probiotics, please visit the links below: March Special Buy 1 Get 1 1/2 off! NaturalCreations Enterobiotic Offer Expires: 03/31/2012 Sleeping Well Part 1 of 2 Do you sleep poorly or too little? Do you fall asleep easily, only to wake in the middle of the night, wide awake for hours? Are you sensitive to any little noise or activity during the night? If so, it's time to get back to sleep basics for a month to see whether your sleep quality and quantity improve. Start each day mentally and physically winding-up your energy to effectively accomplish your work. Raise your metabolism within the first hour of waking by eating nutrition rich food and by raising your heart rate even just 3-5 minutes. Then, in the evening, start winding-down mentally and physically to prepare for sleep. Avoid eating, exercising, or drinking anything within 3 hours of bedtime since your body can't do two big jobs, like digestion and sleep, at once. Eat twice as much veggies (tomato, onion, broccoli, and so on) as carbs (fruit, root veggies, whole grains). Eat just as much protein (meat, fish, yogurt, eggs) as carbs. Simple carbohydrates like bread, cold cereal, and pasta increase your stress and your blood sugar imbalance, which can worsen sleep. Lifestyle choices that improve one area of health (like sleep) often improve other symptoms also (weight, energy, mood, or anxiety). So it is definitely worth giving these changes a try for a month. Compounding News Join P2C2! P2C2 is bringing together people who know firsthand that compounded medicines are a critical part of modern, individualized health care and gives them the necessary tools to win the fight to keep their access to personalized medication solutions. Visit to learn more! Actual Irseld Pharmacy Patient Testimonial... Betaine HCL and Pepsin " I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for recommending Betaine HCL with Pepsin for my stomach issues. I have been on almost every prescription medication on the market for heartburn and acid reflux over the past 25 years. My problems come and go. About a year ago I was in the pharmacy filling a prescription for Protonix, and that is when you told me about Hypochlorhydria - low stomach acid. I have never heard of such a thing, so you sent home some samples of Betaine HCL with Pepsin and I have not used an antacid since! I made sure to carefully follow instructions on how to take the Betaine HCL and Pepsin, because when I take too much or too little it causes the same symptoms as if I were not taking anything. I wasn't sure it was really what I needed, but now that I 've learned what meals I need to take more with and what meals I need to take less with, it is an absolute God send! It's scary to think how many people are taking prescription medications, when they could be taking a natural supplement. I would recommend this product to everyone who thinks they have acid reflux. I am sure they would be happy with the results." - Actual Irsfeld Pharmacy Patient While prescription medications work well for people with too much stomach acid, symptoms of heartburn may be due to too little stomach acid. Having too little stomach acid increases the time it takes your body to digest food, causing indigestion, poor nutrient absorption, and symptoms of heart burn. In fact, as we age our body produces less acid, not more! Betaine HCl and Pepsin work differently than prescription medications. Betaine HCL increases acid and helps digestion for people who do not produce enough acid on their own. Pepsin helps your body digest proteins. If you suffer from heart burn and is not helped by prescription medications, such as omeprazole, prevacid or pantoprazole, consider trying Betaine HCl and Pepsin. Did you have success with one of our products and want to share it to help other patients? If you are willing to share your story, you may be eligible to receive a $10 gift card! Want more? Sign up for the Integrative Connection membership program. Members receive 10% off all nutritional products at Irsfeld Pharmacy plus: -A free gift! -Monthly Newsletter! -Special promotions by email only available to club members! -Free admission to our seminar series! -Participation in our new patient referral program. Refer a friend to us and receive a $20 gift card! -...and more! Sincerely, Irsfeld Pharmacy, PC *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are nutritional supplements not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.