
國立板橋高級中學 101 學年度第一學期高三英文科第二次段考
I. 單句句法 (1%*10=10%)
(A) from
(B) in
(C) of
(D) for
According to a report of USA Today, Taipei City is one of the world’s best 10 cities
for coffee ________ quality coffee is brewed and unique coffee cultures are
(A) whichever
(B) where
(C) which
(D) wherever
In many interviews, _____ asked about how he overcame challenges, Lin repeatedly
spoke of his faith and attributed his success to God.
(A) when
(B) which
(C) whereas
(D) who
The kind-hearted woman reported _______ Little Tiger hit by a motorcycle, but it
was already too late when our staff was informed.
II. 綜合測驗 (1%*30=30%)
(A) to see
bed of roses. For example, your friends may suddenly turn their back on you, the whole
(B) that saw
(C) seeing
Life is an evolutionary process and nothing stays the same. Sometimes everything in your
life seems to go your way,
other times trouble may emerge, and your life is no longer a
(D) saw
Michael Sandel, known for the Harvard course “Justice,” is visiting Taiwan this
December. ______ is his popularity that all of the tickets to his lecture have been
(A) So
(B) It
(C) Such
(D) As
Taipei Assassins (TPA), originally ________ the underdog in the games of League of
Legends Season 2, surprised almost every player and every viewer, earning the title
of best LOL team in the world.
against you. And there are times when your test score is lower than
even though you have worked very hard. The reality is that we are all
challenges once
in a while, but it is definitely not the end of the world. When you are down and you find
the rest of the world for your misery, it is time to get rid of those negative
thoughts that may drain your energy. You have probably heard a saying
goes, “For
every cloud, there is a silver lining.” In tough times, if you choose to be optimistic and
those difficulties as episodic events, you are given a chance to grow up and learn a valuable
(A) referred to
(B) regarded
(C) thought of
(D) seen as
With ________ the superstorm Sandy, both candidates decided to put off many of
their campaign activities.
(A) approaching
(B) approached by
(C) the approach of
(D) approach from
The accident claimed two young lives, everyone ________ and shattered by the sad
(A) shocking
(B) was shocked
lesson. As many life coaches advise, the key to success
your attitude. You should
develop a positive attitude that will
you to happiness and success.
a positive
attitude, you will see the bright side of life and expect the best to happen. Think positively, and
positive results will follow.
11. (A) however
(B) instead
12. (A) is
(B) to be
13. (A) being expected (B) expected
(C) even
(C) being
(C) to be expected
(D) while
(D) are
(D) expecting
(C) been shocking
(D) shocked
Dr. Hsu Chao-pin, despite being paralyzed by a stroke, still works hard and hopes to
provide residents in Tai-tung with better access ________ proper medical care.
(A) to
(B) for
(C) of
(D) on
The annual Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade took place on the afternoon of October 27 th,
with more than 50,000 people ________ the streets of downtown Taipei.
(A) to fill
(B) filled
(C) were filled
(D) filling
14. (A) capable of
15. (A) blame
16. (A) that
17. (A) look
18. (A) consists of
19. (A) lead
20. (A) For
(C) faced with
(C) to blame
(C) where
(C) interpret
(C) applies to
(C) result
(C) Because
(D) born with
(D) blamed
(D) as
(D) remind
(D) lies in
(D) change
(D) To have
The presidential election of the United States is an election ________ great
importance to the international community.
(B) attached to
(B) blaming
(B) what
(B) refer
(B) lays out
(B) cause
(B) With
It is generally believed in Chinese culture that with certain effort and wisdom to make a
difference on one’s surroundings, a person’s luck can be improved. The principle is feng shui, the
temperature, frozen animals falling to the ground are seen. Giant hailstones are another
unusual weather phenomenon. The rain is blown up by the wind and freezes into
art of achieving __21__ with the environment through special arrangement of objects in the
house. Take the bedroom for example. The key to a good night’s sleep may __22__ a wise
placement of the bed. Try to place the bed diagonally opposite the room’s door to allow a good
flow of the energy. Your bed should __23__ be directly aligned with the door. It is related to an
ancient practice that the diseased were so positioned with feet __24__ at the door—definitely
not something living people would imitate. Keep the bed away from slanting ceilings or exposed
beams to avoid problems __25__ the bad chi, namely, sha. A mirror may be good in other rooms,
the strong winds blow the hail back up, it gets much bigger and heavier. The
size of the hail is
36 the wind can no longer hold it. The giant hail
falls to the
ground. Still
38 phenomenon is called ball lightning. These unpredictable glowing balls
are reported 39 during bizarre thunderstorms. It might not only slide parallel to the
ground, but also rebound like a ball. Scientists are still not sure about how it forms
the causes are, people around the world will continue to be fascinated with
these eerie weather phenomena.
but is the opposite case __26__ the bedroom. Your spirit, when __27__ during the night, can be
easily frightened if a mirror is directly placed by the bed.
Just as good feng shui in the bedroom can boost your spirit, __28__ promote your
concentration in the study. It is __29__ to properly arrange the position of your desk, ideally at
the southern or northeastern corner of the room. Do not sit with your back to the door; __30__,
try to face it so as to be immediately alerted with any visitor. By using the philosophy of feng
shui, you may make wise and positive changes in your life.
31. (A) which
32. (A) peculiar
33. (A) suck
34. (A) Instead of
35. (A) With
36. (A) so that
37. (A) in fact
21. (A) academy
22. (A) lie in
23. (A) perhaps
24. (A) having pointed
25. (A) contributed to
26. (A) from
27. (A) rousing
28. (A) so can they help
(C) astronomy
(D) economy
(C) derive from
(D) end up in
(C) constantly
(D) never
(C) pointing
(D) to point
(C) caused by
(D) resulting in
(C) by
(D) as
(C) raising
(D) rising
(B) they can so help
38. (A) the other (B) other
39. (A) to see
(B) to be seen
40. (A) Whichever (B) However
(D) so it can help
(C) accessible
(C) moreover
For hundreds of years, weird weather phenomena have been reported all around the world,
one of
is strange things seen falling from the sky, including crabs, snails, fish and frogs.
Groban __43___ as a singer in seventh grade, but soon put __44__ on hold for a few
years. "I enjoyed the arts aspects, but my grades were slipping. I didn't feel that I was getting
enough creative ___45___. So I went to Bridges Academy to get my grades up to straight A's."
While at Bridges Academy, Groban took normal classes from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, and then
afterwards attended theater classes. In 1997 and 1998, Groban attended the Interlochen Arts
Camp in Michigan, majoring in musical theater, which is also ___46___ he began taking voice
lessons outside of school. "I started taking music lessons on the side. I was very much ___47___
Some scientists claim that these
storms can be explained by powerful
up everything into the storm clouds.
34 the high clouds and the cold
musical theater. I had a pretty good baritone voice, so I began acting and singing in school
productions". In late 1998, the 17-year-old Groban was introduced by his vocal coach to
(C) it can help so
29. (A) cruel
30. (A) as a whole
(B) harmony
(B) come up with
(B) somewhat
(B) point
(B) bringing out
(B) with
(B) arousing
(B) qualified
(B) instead
(B) them
(B) glowing
(B) sucking
(B) Despite
(B) Although
(B) more than
(B) in turn
(C) it
(C) fragile
(C) sucked
(C) As a result of
(C) For
(C) such that
(C) as usual
(D) such
(D) feeble
(D) are sucked
(D) Besides
(D) As
(D) so huge
(D) on end
(C) one
(C) seeing
(C) Wherever
(D) another
(D) being seen
(D) Whatever
III. 文意選填 (1%*15=15%)
Joshua Winslow Groban (born February 27, 1981) is a Grammy-nominated American
singer-songwriter. He has ___41___ his career so far mostly in concert singing and recordings,
__42__ he has stated that he wishes to pursue musical theater in the future.
(D) essential
(D) to begin with
Grammy- ___48___ producer/arranger David Foster. Groban worked for Foster as a ___49___
singer on a series of high-profile events, including the 1999 Grammy Awards -- ___50___, as a
burial site, it can have different effects on the deceased’s progeny.
depending on the shape, condition and existence of these mountain forms in relation to the
stand-in for Andrea Bocelli, he rehearsed Foster's "The Prayer" with Céline Dion -- and the
January 1999 inauguration of Gray Davis as governor of California.
burial site, it will have varying effects on these family members. If one of these mountain
branches is broken or has a negative condition, this will negatively affect the associated family
member and their lineage.
In the feng shui philosophy where everything is made of energy or chi, there is no
separation between life and death.
Death is not the end but a metamorphosis, and
it can be regarded as the beginning of another life. Thus, when a loved one passes, it is
important to remember their energy continues to affect us. It is also important to continue
(A) winning
(B) debuted
(C) although
(D) inspiring
(E) it
(AB) input
(AC) concentrated
(AD) rehearsal
(AE) when
(BC) into
(BD) however
(BE) where
taking care of them through a positive resting place as their well-being will directly affect us
a silver spoon, inherited a luxurious 7-star hotel in Dubai from his dad.
The hotel, shaped like a sailboat standing tall at the seaside of the Persian Gulf, was
52 . As
the founder of the hotel, Aladdin’s dad asked him to
that a world-class hotel always
made its guests 54 , such as providing free Internet access, a full range of cuisines, Jacuzzis
in every suite, and butlers on call around the clock, just 55 .
even when they are no longer here.
(A) lead to
(B) stand the test of time
(C) born with
(D) bear in mind
(E) out of the ordinary
(AB) feel at home
(AC) at times
(AD) in his way
(AE) to name a few
(A) For instance, certain mountain branches or ranges are associated with certain
family members such as the eldest son, second daughter or youngest son.
(B) When a person passes away, the blood and genetic code remains in the bone
(C) In other words, energy is neither created nor destroyed— it only changes form
and phase.
(D) However, this process of a selective final resting place for the deceased was
often only reserved for royalty.
(E) Therefore, when a burial ground is not properly selected, it can have potentially
negative or positive effects on the living family of the deceased.
IV. 篇章測驗 (2%*10=10%)
Feng shui was originally used in the selection of burial grounds. This is true not only in
Asian countries, but all over the world as archeological evidence reveals elaborate tombs and
temples for the deceased.
V. 閱讀測驗 (2%*10=10%)
In many cultures, it is believed that there is an afterlife
and for revered leaders, their well-being in the afterlife will affect the lineage of their progeny
and welfare of the common mass.
Why is it important to have a burial ground in a positive feng shui environment? As we all
know, there is an undeniable connection between parent and child. A child is made of his/her
parents’ blood, flesh and DNA. This similar frequency or energy is the bond between parent and
Just as we are affected by our environment when we are living, so does the
environment of our final resting place similarly affect us. After people die, the earth’s magnetic
frequencies continue to affect their bones’ energy.
In 2006, Carl and Kathy Hennige of Folsom, California e-mailed their local newspaper to
report some strange weather. It was raining fish.
Although it may sound like some sort of mythical event, the Henniges weren’t telling tales.
Neither were people in Manna, India, who reported seeing live, pencil-sized fish falling from the
sky. It can happen, say scientists. The culprit: waterspouts.
Waterspouts form when cold air moves over warm water. They churn at speeds up to 200
miles an hour, but dissipate when rain begins to fall from their host cloud. Depending on how
fast the winds are whipping, anything that is within about one yard of the surface of the water,
Depending on the different orientation and mountain configuration or land contour of a
including sailboats or small objects like fish of different sizes, can be lifted into the air, according
to Nilton Renno, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Michigan.
A waterspout can sometimes successfully suck fish out of the water all the way up into
the cloud. Even if the waterspout stops spinning, the fish in the cloud can be carried over land,
64. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) It is still possible for people to experience raining fish in places fifty or sixty miles away
buffeted up and down and around with the cloud’s winds until its currents no longer keep the
flying fish in the atmosphere. It’s like the fish are swimming in the cloud. People as far as 100
miles inland can even experience raining fish. Depending on how far they travel and how high
they are taken into the atmosphere, the fish are sometimes dead by the time they rain down.
In the early 1900s, Charles Fort, a collector of stories of odd weather happenings,
theorized that there was an ocean orbiting the earth that occasionally dropped its creatures
onto the planet. Now that scientists have advanced technology like Doppler radar, they are less
from the coast.
(B) Today people are less likely to report any strange occurrences because they more or
less rely on personal accounts.
(C) The strange weather phenomenon reported by the Henniges to their local newspaper
never really happened.
(D) Waterspouts dissipate when various objects within about one yard of the surface of the
water start to be lifted into the air.
reliant on personal accounts. Also, people are less likely to report any strange occurrences now
than they were 100 years ago. Today, logical explanations through science are more readily
available, so there is less mysticism behind strange weather phenomena.
Still, keep an eye out, because next time the clouds open up, it may be more than
raindrops that keep falling on your head.
65. What is the author’s tone like in this passage?
(A) Ironic and critical.
(B) Bitter and sarcastic.
(C) Alarmed and pessimistic.
(D) Descriptive and informative.
61. What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A) To calculate the likelihood of objects being lifted into the cloud by waterspouts.
VI. 文意字彙與詞類變化 (1%*15=15%)
(B) To explain unusual weather phenomena as well as the cause for their formation.
(C) To analyze the interrelationship between fish sizes and odd weather happenings.
(D) To show why high technology is necessary for detecting odd weather phenomena.
62. What does the word “culprit” in the second paragraph most likely mean?
(A) The cause of something bad happening.
(B) The mixture of cold air and warm water.
(C) A side effect resulting from a particular event.
The patient will be most v
e to infection right after surgery.
Josephine went to India, turning to some yoga gurus for spiritual e
A square is made of two sets of p
l lines.
The old banyan tree was struck by a bolt of l
Two victims were shot earlier this morning in two separate i
Lisa broke up with her boyfriend after his b
It’s against my p
es to lie or cheat.
There was a look of p
y on the actor’s face when he received harsh criticisms from his
fans. He just didn’t understand why they were so angry.
The newly-wed couple used up all their money to f
h their apartment.
They had begun to d
r of ever finding a house of their own.
When doing yoga, Josephine is totally immersed in a feeling of peace and (serene).
Don’t be such a (pessimistically). Look on the bright side of your life!
The biography includes many shocking (reveal) about the mayor’s private life.
A (theory) questions is one that suggests something that could happen but isn't actually
(D) A specific strategy of handling something challenging.
63. What happens when a waterspout stops turning around?
(A) It makes Doppler radar work normally again.
(B) It almost immediately speeds up to 200 miles an hour.
(C) It allows fish to fly on until it no longer keeps them in the cloud.
(D) It causes the ocean orbiting the earth to drop creatures onto the air.
happening at the time it is asked.
80. Yesterday was a foggy day with poor (visible).
VII. 連貫式翻譯 (2%*5=10%)
國立板橋高級中學 101 學年度第一學期高三英文科第二次段考答案卷
of spring, Zhuangzi and Huizi were taking a
stroll on Bridge Hao, where Zhuangzi spotted fish
swimming around in the river. Some fish were big,
VI. 文意字彙與詞類變化(1%*15=15%)
Zhuangzi: 83.
happiness that they don’t seem to worry
Huizi: You’re not a fish. How do you know they are happy?
Zhuangzi: You’re not me. How do you know 84.
the fish are
VII. 連貫式翻譯 (2%*5=10%)
Huizi: As I know I’m not you, 85.
know you’re not a fish.
Zhuangzi: Look, when you asked me, you already knew that I knew the
fish were happy. I knew it from my feelings standing on this
國立板橋高級中學 101 學年度第一學期高三英文科第二次段考參考答案
VI. 文意字彙與詞類變化 (1%*15=15%)
66. vulnerable
67. enlightenment
68. parallel
69. lightning
70. incidents
71. betrayal
72. principles
73. perplexity
74. furnish
75. despair
76. serenity
77. pessimist
78. revelations
79. theoretical
80. visibility
VII. 連貫式翻譯 (2%*5=10%)
81. With the
coming/ 82. and some small/
some being small
84. whether/if I know
85. so do you
83. Such is their