Unité 5 Livre de ma famille et mes amis You will be creating a book of family and friends. You may do this project on the computer or write it by hand. This project will count as a TEST/MAJOR ASSESSMENT for the 4th Marking Period. Step 1: Choose 3-5 family members and 3-5 friends. You must come up with a total of 10 people, both friends and family. Step 2: Using the ER verbs, IR verbs (Step 1-Step 2) as well as ALLER (to go) and AVOIR (to have) in the necessary conjugations, you will create a book with the following pages: FRONT COVER: Mes amis et moi or You need a FRENCH TITLE for your book and an AUTHOR of your book. (Suggested titles: Ma vie (my life) or Ma famille et moi . The author would be YOU!! INSIDE: Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: Introduce your friends—one page per person. *An image of him/her or the activity they do, is needed (a photo/a drawing). *Tell me the person’s name. (1 SENTENCE—see example #1 below) *TELL ME THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO YOU. (1 SENTENCE—see example # 2 below—USE THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES HERE—mon, ma, mes etc) *Then tell me what they DO using ER verbs, IR verbs, ALLER or AVOIR. (2 SEPARATE, DIFFERENT SENTENCES—see examples # 3 and 4 below) *You must have exactly 4 sentences PER PERSON!! The sentences MUST be different---do not repeat the sentences! Be sure to include some NEGATIVE sentences telling me what people do NOT do. Remember that you must CONJUGATE the verbs that you use!! Example of a page: LAUREL 1. Elle s’appelle Laurel. (Her name is Laurel.) 2. Laurel est ma nièce. (Laurel is my niece.) 3. Laurel travaille à New York. (Laurel works in New York.) 4. Elle ne va pas à l’université. (She does not go to the university.) *****Notice in the sentences above, I have used DIFFERENT VERBS (s’appeler (to be called/named)/etre (to be)/travailler (to work)/ aller). This is your goal---use as MANY DIFFERENT VERBS AS POSSIBLE! ***** Page 9: On this page, you must write about a FRIEND(s) AND YOURSELF. Remember, once you add YOURSELF into a sentence with another person/people, you will be forced to use the NOUS form!!!! You will also need four (4) sentences on this page. For the name sentence use: Nous nous appelons_____. Page 10: On this page, you must write about a GROUP of friends…but do NOT include yourself! Tell me what THEY do. You will also need four (4) sentences on this page. Note about the name sentence on page 10: Il s’appelle is only for one person….and Elle s’appelle is only for one person…what do you think happens to the ‘Il/Elle’ and the ‘appelle’ if you are referring to MORE than one person???? See me if you are not sure. This project will be graded using the following rubric: Grading Rubric: Appropriate # of sentences (40 sentences): 40 points 20 different verbs: 20 points (you may use ALLER or AVOIR more than once, if needed but do not OVER use them) Neatness/Creativity: Grammar/Sentence Structure/spelling: 5 points 80 points Use of negative structures 5 points Images (1 per page plus cover ) 10 points Total points on the project: 160 points Rules 1. DO NOT USE ANY KIND OF TRANSLATION DEVICE—HUMAN OR ELECTRONIC. See me if you need a word or two, but I WILL NOT PROVIDE you with words that are too advanced or that require knowledge above the French 1 level. The purpose of this project is for you to USE WHAT YOU KNOW. PROJECTS WHICH HAVE USED TRANSLATORS OF ANY KIND WILL RECEIVE A ZERO WITH NO CHANCE FOR A MAKE UP. 2. Follow all directions as outlined above. NOTE: different conjugations of the same verb….are still the SAME VERB: example: Je vais à New York and Nous allons chez moi---are both using the verb ALLER (vais & allons are conjugations of the verb ALLER)—these are NOT two different verbs. 3. Late projects will only be accepted for 2 CALENDAR days (not class periods), after the due date unless you were absent. Projects will lose 10 (TEN) POINTS PER CALENDAR DAY LATE. 4. PROJECT DUE DATES: ‘B’ DAY: Friday, May 1st ‘A’ DAY: Thursday, April 30th If you would like me to look over your sentences prior to turning them in, I will do so by EMAIL only until April 27th! vmorris@barnegatschools.com. Type your 5. sentences (ONE SENTENCE PER LINE PLEASE!!!) into the message area of the email—DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS PLEASE!!! I WILL NOT OPEN THEM I will underline or highlight your errors in a return email. You will need to make the corrections needed. Submit & re-submit as many times as you like..until April 27th. It pays to start early!!! Sample VERB LIST!!! FRANCAIS DES VERBES EN « ER » (-e,-es,-e,-ons,-ez,-ent) ANGLAIS FRANCAIS ANGLAIS parler--------------------------------------------to speak/talk chanter-------------------------------------------to sing danser---------------------------------------------to dance regarder-----------------------------------to watch/look at écouter----------------------------------------to listen to aimer-----------------------------------------to like/to love adorer-----------------------------------------to adore partager------------------------------------to share emprunter-----------------------------------to borrow payer------------------------------------------to pay jouer---------------------------------------------to play détester-------------------------------------to hate coûter----------------------------------------------to cost manger-----------------------------------------to eat nager---------------------------------------------to swim toucher----------------------------------------to touch donner-------------------------------------------to give chercher------------------------------------to look for trouver------------------------------------------to find étudier--------------------------------------to study skier------------------------------------------------to ski préparer----------------------------------to prepare/make cuisiner----------------------------------------to cook food acheter-------------------------------------to buy gagner-----------------------------------------to win/to earn travailler--------------------------------to work voyager---------------------------------------to travel entrer------------------------------------to enter/come in rentrer---------------------------------------to re-enter/return arriver------------------------------------------to arrive habiter---------------------------------------to live/inhabit bouger-----------------------to move (not residence) voler------------------------------------------to fly or to steal penser (que)-------------------------------to think (that) DES VERBES EN « IR » FRANCAIS (-is,-is,-it,-issons,-issez,-issent) ANGLAIS FRANCAIS ANGLAIS finir-------------------------------------------------to finish grossir----------------------------to get fat/gain weight maigrir-----------------------------to lose weight/get thin punir----------------------------------to punish obéir----------------------------------------------------to obey desobéir----------------------------------to disobey choisir--------------------------------------------to choose réussir--------------------------------to succeed/do well nourrir-----------------------------------------------to feed établir-------------------------------------to establish rougir--------------------------------------to blush/turn red vieillir-----------------------------------------to get old remplir-------------------------------to fill (out/in are implied) réfléchir----------------------------to reflect/to think IRREGULAR VERBS THAT WE HAVE ALREADY LEARNED Check your notes &/or books for correct conjugations!!! ALLER=TO GO AVOIR=TO HAVE (this is used to tell AGE, to express hunger, thirst and need)