Industrialism Changes the Way of Life What did the factory system

Industrialism Changes the Way of Life
What did the factory system do?
 The factory system changed the way people lived, worked, and introduced a variety of problems for society.
Quality of life improves
 Coal provided __________ for homes
 Wore better clothing
 Ate more ___________
 Cities grew
 __________________ – city building and the _______________ of people into cities.
 Between 1800-1850 more than _________ cities had populations of 100,000+
 Glasgow and Berlin quadrupled in size.
 Replaced _____________ as the largest city in Europe
 Population of 1 million
 Leader in _________________
Major Cities
 Birmingham and Sheffield became ________-smelting centers.
 Leeds and Manchester dominated textile manufacturing.
 Liverpool and Manchester were the center of the cotton industry.
Living conditions
No plans, ________________ codes, or building codes controlled the growth of English cities.
They lacked adequate _______________, education, and ____________ protection.
Unpaved streets had no ______________ and collected ___________ of garbage.
Workers lived in dark, __________shelters, whole families crowded into _______ bedroom.
Sickness Widespread
 _______________ epidemics regularly swept through the slums of Great Britain.
 In 1842, British government study showed an average life span to be ________ years for working-class people in
a large city, while it was _________years for the countryside.
 Cholera is an infection of the small _____________ that causes a large amount of watery diarrhea.
 Symptoms: Abdominal cramps; Dry mucus membranes or mouth; Dry skin; Excessive thirst; Glassy or sunken
eyes; Lack of tears; _______________
Mary Barton
 Fiction novel written by Elizabeth Gaskell in 1848.
 It is about a family living during Britain’s industrial time.
 While it’s fiction, it gives an ________________portrayal of life during that time period.
Working Conditions
 The average worker spent ___________ hours a day at the job, _________ days a week.
 Factories were poorly ______
 Factories were ______________
 Machines injured workers in countless ways.
 There was no ___________________ program to provide aid in case of injury.
Coal Miners
 The most ______________ conditions of all were found in the coal mines.
 Frequent ________________
 Damp conditions
 Constant breathing of coal ____________made the average coal miner’s life span ______ years shorter than
other workers.
A Middle Class Emerges
 The Industrial Revolution brought enormous _________ to Great Britain.
 Most of this wealth went to ___________ owners, shippers, and merchants.
 These wealthy people created the ___________class.
 It was a social class of skilled workers, professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy farmers.
Poor Workers
 Poor workers saw _________ improvement in their own living and working conditions.
 Many machines ________________ workers and put people out of a job.
 In response, workers smashed the machines they thought were putting them out of work.
The Luddites
 A group of poor workers named after Ned Ludd.
 The Luddites __________ whole factories in northern England beginning in 1811.
 They destroyed ______________________
 Outside the factories, mobs _____________ over poor working and living conditions.
 Children went to work as ____________ as they were able to help the support the family.
 They typically began factory work at the age of ________.
 They worked ___________________ hour days with only a lunch break.
 They were often ___________________ to stay awake.
Effects of Industrialization
1. Size of Cities
 Growth of factories, bringing job seekers to cities.
 Urban areas doubling, tripling, or quadrupling in size
 Factories develop near sources of energy
 Many new industrial cities specializing in certain industries
2. Living Conditions
 No sanitary codes or building controls
 Lack of adequate housing, education, and police protection
 Lack of running water and indoor plumbing
 Frequent epidemics sweeping through slums
 Eventually better housing, healthier diets, and cheaper clothing
3. Working conditions
 Industrialization creating new jobs for workers
 Workers trying to keep pace with machines
 Factories dirty and unsanitary
 Workers running dangerous machines for long hours in unsafe conditions
 Harsh and severe factory discipline
 Eventually, higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions
4. Emerging Social Classes
 Growing middle class of factory owners, shippers, and merchants
 Upper class of landowners and aristocrats resentful of rich, middle class
 Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers
 Workers overworked and underpaid
 In general, a rising standard of living, with some groups excluded