2011 Workshop on Tsunami Sedimentology and Its Role in Hazard Awareness, Preparedness, Assessment and Mitigation PARTICIPANT RESEARCH INTERESTS and PUBLICATIONS Maria (Beth) Arcos Sedimentary deposits and differentiating natural hazards in the geological record, using field evidence and modeling. Martin, M.E., Weiss, R., Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T.K., Houston, H., and Titov, V. (2008) Combining constraints from tsunami modeling and sedimentology to untangle the 1969 Ozernoi and 1971 Kamchatskii tsunamis. Geophysical Research Letters, 35. Martin, M.E., and Bourgeois, J. (in press) Vented sediments and tsunami deposits in the Puget Lowland, Washington: differentiating sedimentary processes. Sedimentology. Arcos, M.E.M. (accepted) Multiple Proxies for a Seattle Fault Zone Earthquake 1,100 Years Ago, with Implications for Fault Width and Greater Uplift, Washington State. BSSA Arcos, M.E.M. (submitted) Shaking, uplift, and tilting about 1,100 years ago, and subsequent submergence, at the Skokomish River delta, Washington State. Geomorphology. Jankaew, K., Atwater, B. F., Sawai, Y., Choowong, M., Charoentitirat, T., Martin, M.E., and Pendergast, A. (2008) Medieval precursor to the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Nature, 455, 1228-1231. Sawai, Y., Jankaew, K., Martin, M.E., Prendergast, A., Choowong, M., and Charoentitirat, T. (2009) Diatom assemblages in tsunami deposits associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Phra Thong Island, Thailand. Marine Micropaleontology. 73:1-2, 70-79. Polenz, M., Czajkowski, J. L., Paulin, G. L., Contreras, T. A., Miller, B. A., Martin, M. E., Walsh, T. J., Logan, R. L., Carson, R. J., Johnson, C. N., Skov, R. H., Mahan, S. A., and Cohan, C. R. (2010) Geologic map of the Skokomish Valley and Union 7.5-minute quadrangles, Mason County, Washington. Washington State Department of Natural Resources, OFR 2010-3, 21 p. Pinegina Т.К., Kravchunovskaya Е.А., Lander А.V., Kozhurin A.I., Bourgeois J., Martin, M. E. (2010) Holocene vertical movement of Kamchatsky Peninsula coast (Kamchatka) based on studies of marine terraces. Bulletin of Kamchatka regional association “Educational-scientific center”. Earth Sciences, N 1(15), 231-247. Jankaew, K., Martin, M.E., Sawai, Y., and Prendergast, A. (2011) Sand sheets on a beach-ridge plain in Thailand: Identification and dating of tsunami deposits in a far-field tropical setting. The tsunami threat-- research and technology. InTech., 26 p. Jody Bourgeois I am a sedimentary geologist and stratigrapher who first became involved in tsunami geology studies around 1986-1987 (KT boundary and Cascadia cases). I am interested in sedimentary processes and structures, in neotectonics and paleoseismology, and in social implications of tsunami studies. Most of my recent field work has been in the Russian Far East. I am proud of my current and former mentees here at the workshop. I am also interested in history of science and I love snow and cats. Bourgeois, J. and MacInnes, B.T., 2010. Tsunami boulder transport and other dramatic effects of the 15 November 2006 central Kuril Islands tsunami on the island of Matua: Z. für Geomorph., Suppl. v. 54, Suppl. Issue 3, p. 175 – 195.\ Bourgeois, J, and Weiss, R., 2009. Chevrons are not tsunami deposits, a sedimentologic assessment: Geology, v. 37, p. 403-406. Bourgeois, J. 2009. Geologic effects and records of tsunamis. Chapter 3 in The Sea, volume 15, Tsunamis, Harvard University Press, p. 55-91. Higman, B. and Bourgeois, J., 2008. Deposits of the 1992 Nicaragua tsunami, in T. Shikiet al., eds., Tsunamiites Features and Implications, Elsevier Publ., p. 81-103. Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T., Ponomareva, V., Zaretskaia, N., 2006. Holocene tsunamis in the southwestern Bering Sea, Russian Far East, and their tectonic implications: Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April issue, v. 118, p. 449-463. Bourgeois, J. and Johnson, S.Y., 2001. Geologic evidence of earthquakes at the Snohomish delta, Washington, in the past 1200 yr: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 113(4): 482-494 plus Data Repository item 2001034. Bourgeois, J. and Koppes, S., 1998. Robert S. Dietz and the identification of impact structures on Earth: Earth Sciences History, v. 17(2), p. 139-156. Katie Delbecq An emerging goal among tsunami researchers is to be able to reconstruct flow parameters from paleotsunami deposits to better understand the geohazards of coastal areas. These methods rely on careful grain size and thickness measurements of tsunami deposits. In the field, tsunami deposit thickness is highly variable in the along-shore direction, thinning from 20 cm to 1 cm over a distance of a few meters. Grain size distribution in a suspension-dominated deposit is far less variable in the along-shore direction but changes consistently along shore-normal transects, fining landward. I conducted a series of flume experiments in July & Aug 2011 to test the effects of grain size variation, flow speed and depth, and ponding time of water on the resulting deposit. The experimental sand sheets are similar to many recent- and paleo-tsunami deposits in that the mean grain size (D50) for the suspended sediment component consistently fines in the transport direction while deposit thickness can be locally variable depending on preexisting surface topography. In addition to overall fining, trends in deposit sorting and coarse (D90) and fine (D10) fractions show the importance of sediment source grain size distribution on deposit attributes. I am a PhD student at UT Austin, and my research focuses on paleotsunami sedimentology and coastal hazards. My Flume Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/utaustintsunami (Publications in Preparation) Delbecq, K., Marshall, E.W., Nishimura, Y., Moore, A.L., Gusman, A., Nakumura, Y., and Hirakawa, K., Sedimentary Evidence for Great Tsunamis near Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan. In preparation, to be submitted to Nature. Hornbach, M., Delbecq, K., P. Mann, and L. Brown, Geohazard risk of great earthquakes and submarine landslides in Kingston, Jamaica. In preparation, to be submitted to G3 or JGR. Lori Dengler My expertise is in geophysics, earthquake and tsunami hazards and hazard reduction. I am working on a number of projects regionally and within California, nationally, and internationally. My current projects include a pilot tsunami current monitoring effort in Humboldt Bay and Crescent City, analysis of North Coast tsunami amplification, an number of outreach projects including the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group and electronic and print editions of “Living on Shaky Ground”, and promoting earthquake and tsunami education efforts throughout California as the North Coast region representative to the Earthquake Country Alliance. L. Dengler, B. Uslu and A. Barberopoulou, S. C. Yim and A. Kelley (2009), Tsunami damage in Crescent City, California from the November 15, 2006 Kuril event, in Tsunami Science Four Years After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Part II: Observation and Data Analysis, Phil R. Cummins, Laura S. L. Kong eds, Pure and Applied Geophysics (Pageoph) topical volume, 37-54. Dengler, L., B. Uslu, A. Barberopoulou,, J. Borrero, C. Synolakis (2008), The vulnerability of Crescent City, California to tsunamis generated by earthquakes in the Kuril Islands region of the northwestern Pacific, Seismological Research Letters, 79(5). Dengler, L., T. Nicolini, D. Larkin, V. Ozaki (2008),Building Tsunami-Resilient Communities in Humboldt County, California, in L. Wallendorf, L. Ewing, C. Jones, B. Jaffe eds, Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008 - Tsunamis, American Society of Civil Engineers, p.178-191. Barberopoulou, A., B. Uslu, L. Dengler (2008), Lessons for California from the November 2006 tsunami in Crescent City, California, in L. Wallendorf, L. Ewing, C. Jones, B. Jaffe eds, Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008 - Tsunamis, American Society of Civil Engineers, p.192-203. Kendall, T.R., L. Dean, O.T. Magoon, L.A. Dengler, R.E. Flick, P.D. Bromirski (2008), High resolution analysis of the 1960 Chilean tsunami at Crescent city, California in L. Wallen-dorf, L. Ewing, C. Jones, B. Jaffe eds, Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008 - Tsunamis, American Society of Civil Engineers, p.169-177. Uslu, B., J.C. Borrero, L. Dengler, C. E. Synolakis, A. Barberopoulou (2008), Tsunami inunda-tion from great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone along the northern California coast in L. Wallendorf, L. Ewing, C. Jones, B. Jaffe eds, Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008 - Tsunamis, American Society of Civil Engineers, p.204 -214. Dengler, L. (2008). The 1906 earthquake on California’s North Coast, Bulletin of the Seismol-ogical Society of America, Vol. 98(2), p. 918-930. Dale Dominey-Howes My interests and expertise are in natural hazards, hazard, risk and vulnerability assessment, disaster and emergency management. I am particularly interested in the interconnections between biophysical systems and the socio-economic contexts in which disasters unfold and am beginning to consider ‘natural hazards’ in terms of coupled human-environment systems and policy. I have worked on natural hazards such as earthquakes, river floods, tropical cyclones, tsunami, volcanic eruptions and bushfires in places as diverse as Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, India, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Thailand, Iceland and the Maldives. At the present time, I am involved in a variety of research projects focusing on hazards and risk in Australasia, the Indo-Pacific region and Iceland in conjunction with members of the Natural Hazards Research Laboratory. Dominey-Howes, D. & Goff, J. (2011). Tsunami risk management in the context of the Pacific Islands. Working Paper No. 25, Disaster Risk Management in East Asia and the Pacific. EAP DRM Knowledge Note. Published by The World Bank. Pp12. Available here. Dominey-Howes, D., Goff, J. & Chagué-Goff, C. (2011). Lessons learned from the 2009 South Pacific earthquake-tsunami disaster. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention, Tokyo, Japan, January 26-27, 17pp. Dominey-Howes, D. & Goff, J. (2010). Tsunami: unexpected blow foils flawless warning. Nature, 464: 350. Dominey-Howes, D., Dunbar, P., Verner, J & Papathoma-Köhle, M. (2010). Estimating probable maximum loss from a Cascadia tsunami. Natural Hazards, 53, 43-61. Paula Dunbar I am a physical scientist working on natural hazards. I manage the distribution and archive of the historical tsunami event and runup, significant earthquake, and significant volcanic eruptions databases. I am also a member of the Core Working Group for the revision of the UNESCO/IOC Post-tsunami Survey Field Guide (IOC Manual & Guides no.37) and co-wrote the sections “Gathering, Processing, Sharing and Distribution of Data” and “Annex I- Past International Tsunami Survey Team surveys, their dates and locations and associated references”. Dunbar, Paula, H. McCullough, 2011, Global tsunami deposits database. Natural Hazards, DOI:10.1007/s11069-011-9713-z Dunbar, P., H. McCullough, G. Mungov, J. Varner, K. Stroker, 2011, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami data available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Geophysical Data Center, 2011,Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, vol. 2, no. 4. Dunbar, P., K. Stroker, H. McCullough, 2010, Do the 2010 Haiti and Chile earthquakes and tsunamis indicate increasing trends? Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 95114. DOI:10.1080/19475705.2010.487322 Dominey-Howes, D., P. Dunbar, J. Varner, M. Papathoma-Kohle, 2009, Estimating probable maximum loss from a Cascadia tsunami. Natural Hazards Journal. DOI:10.1007/s11069-009-9409-9 Dunbar, P., 2009, Integrated tsunami data for better hazard assessments. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 90, no. 22, p. 189-196. Dunbar, P., C.. Weaver, 2008, U.S. States and Territories National Tsunami Hazard Assessment: Historic Record and Sources for Waves. Prepared for the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, published jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Geological Survey, 59 p. P. Dunbar, K. Stroker, V. Brocko, J. Varner, S. McLean, L. Taylor, B. Eakins, K. Carignan and R. Warnken, 2008, Long-Term tsunami data archive supports tsunami forecast, warning, research, and mitigation. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 165, no. 11-12, p. 2275-2291. Gonzalez, F.I., E. Bernard, P. Dunbar, E. Geist, B. Jaffe, U. Kanoglu, J. locat, H. Mofjeld, A. Moore, C. Synolakis, V. Titov, and R Weiss (Science Review Working Group), 2007,Scientific and technical issues in tsunami hazard assessment of nuclear power plant sites, NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-136, 125 pp. Lisa Ely I am interested in the geological record of past tsunami deposits, the accumulation and preservation of tsunami deposits in different geomorphic environments, and the dynamics of tsunami sedimentation. I am currently conducting research on historical and geological records of tsunamis in south-central Chile. I have also worked on the geomorphic environments of tsunami deposits in southeastern India. Ely, L.L., Cisternas, M., Wesson, R.L., and Lagos, M., 2010, Geological evidence of predecessors to the 2010 earthquake and tsunami in south-central Chile. Abstract G32A-05 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting,San Francisco, California, 13-17 Dec. Ely, L.L, Cisternas, M., Lagos, M., Orem, C., and Wesson, R., 2010, Geological evidence of past tsunamis at the boundary between the 1960 and 1835 earthquake rupture areas, south-central Chile:American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Giant Earthquakes and their Tsunamis, Valparíso, Chile, May 16-24, 2010, p. 22. Ely, L.L., Cisternas, M., Orem, C.A., Lagos, M., and Wesson, R.L., 2009, Pursuing Darwin’s geological observations of the 1835 earthquake and tsunami in Concepción, Chile: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 244. Johnston, P., Ely, L., Achyuthan, H., Srinivasalu, S., 2008, Geomorphic Environments of Tsunami Deposits, Southeastern India: Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 89 (53), Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract OS52A07. Diane Foster Diane foster is an associate professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at the University of New Hampshire. Her scientific interests surround phenomena involving sediment transport, turbulence, and bottom boundary layers in coastal and nearshore regions. She, along with two colleagues at the University of Delaware and USC, have recently been funded to examine tsunami induced turbulent coherent structures. One of the main themes of this effort will be to examine the interactions between near bed coherent structures and the mobile seafloor as it affects sediment reworking and transport. Nichols, C.S. and Foster, D.L., 2008, "Observations of Bedform Evolution with Field-Scale Oscillatory Hydrodynamic Forcing", Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted. Smith, H.D. and Foster, D.L., 2007, "Three-Dimensional Vortex-Dynamics around a Short, Bottom-Mounted Cylinder in Waves", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in review. Marieu, V., Bonneton, P., Foster, D.L., and Ardhuin, F., 2007, "Modeling of Vortex Ripple Morphodynamics", Journal of Geophysical Research, in review. Hatton, K.A. and Foster, D.L., 2007, "Scour and Ripple Migration Offshore of a Vertically Mounted Pile Subjected to Irregular Waves", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, in review. Nichols, C.S. and Foster, D.L., 2007. "Full-Scale Observations of Wave-Induced Vortex Generation over a Rippled Bed",Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (C10015, doi:10.1029/2006JC003841), 1-17. Foster, D. L., Natoo, P., Stanton, T.S., and Fredsoe, J., 2007, "The Suspension of Sediment from Flat and Megarippled Beds: A Pairing of Models and Observations", Continental Shelf Research, in press. Dusini, D., Foster, D.L., and Shore, J.A., 2007, "Effects of Lake Surface Variation on Sediment Resuspension",Journal of Great Lakes Research, accepted. Smith, H.D., and Foster, D.L., 2007, "Three-Dimensional Flow Around a BottomMounted Short Cylinder", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Volume 133, Issue 5, pp. 534-544. Hatton, K.A., Foster, D.L., Traykovski, P.A., and Smith, H.D., 2006, "Scour and Burial of Submerged Mines in Wave Conditions", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 32 (2007): 249-259, doi:10.1109/JOE.2007.890986. Foster, D.L., Bowen, A.J., Holman, R.A., and Natoo, P., 2006, "Field Evidence of Pressure Gradient Induced Incipient Motion", Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(C5), C05004, 1-8. Foster, D.L., Beach, R.A., and Holman, R.A., 2006, "Turbulence Observations of the Nearshore Wave Bottom Boundary Layer", Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(C4), C04011, 1-11. Hermann Fritz Dr. Fritz started his dual-appointment in March 2003 as Assistant Professor at the Georgia Tech Regional Engineering Program in Savannah and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Atlanta. His research centers on fluid dynamic aspects of natural hazards such as tsunamis, hurricane storm surges and landslides as well as their mitigation and coastal protection. http://www.ce.gatech.edu/people/faculty/551/overview Fritz, H.M., Kalligeris, N., Borrero, J.C., Broncano, P., Ortega, E. (2009). The 15 August 2007 Peru tsunami runup observations and modeling, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L10604, doi:10.1029/2008GL033494. McAdoo, B.A., Fritz, H.M., Jackson, K.L., Kalligeris, N., Kruger, J., Bonte-Grapentin, M., Moore, A.L., Rafiau, W.B., Billy, D., Tiano, B. (2009). Solomon Islands tsunami, one year later, Eos. Trans. AGU, 89(18):169-170, April 29 Cover Article. Weiss, R., Fritz, H.M., Wuennemann, K. (2009). Hybrid modeling of the megatsunami runup in Lituya Bay after half a century, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L09602, doi:10.1029/2009GL037814. Fritz, H.M., Mohammed, F., Yoo, J. (2009). Lituya Bay Landslide Impact Generated Mega-Tsunami 50th Anniversary. Pure Appl. Geophys. 166(1-2):153-175, doi:10.1007/s00024-008-0435-4. Fritz, H.M., Blount, C.D., Thwin, S., Thu, M.K., Chan, N. (2009). Cyclone Nargis storm surge in Myanmar, Nature Geoscience 2(7):448-449, doi:10.1038/ngeo558. Fritz, H.M., E.A. Okal (2008). Socotra Island, Yemen: field survey of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Natural Hazards 46(1):107-117, doi:10.1007/s11069-007-9185-3. Guy Gelfenbaum I am interested in characterizing tsunami hazards from the geologic evidence left behind after a tsunami. My research involves field studies of modern tsunamis, identifying paleo-tsunamis, and numerical modeling of tsunami inundation and sediment transport. An ultimate goal of mine is to develop quantitative tools to be able to characterize the size and speed of a tsunami based on characteristics of the sedimentary deposit left behind. Gelfenbaum, G., and Jaffe, B., 2003, Erosion and sedimentation from the 17 July 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 160, no. 1011, p. 1969-1999 Jaffe, B., Gelfenbaum, G., Rubin, D., Peters, R., Anima, R., Swensson, M., Olcese, D. Bernales L., Gomez, J., and Riega, P., 2003, Tsunami deposits: Identification and interpretation of tsunami deposits from the June 23, 2001 Perú tsunami. Proc. Coastal Sediments ‘03, 13p. Peters, R.B., Jaffe, B., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2003 Comparing sedimentary deposits from the 1700 and 1964 tsunamis in Cascadia. Proc. Coastal Sediments ‘03, 13p. Moore, A., Nishimura, Y., Gelfenbaum, G., Kamataki, T., and Triyono, R., 2006, Sedimentary deposits of the 26 December 2004 tsunami on the northwest coast of Aceh, Indonesia: Earth, Planets, and Space, v. 58, p. 253-258. Tsuji, Y., Matsutomi, H., Tanioka, Y., Nishimura, Y., Sakakiyama, T., Kamataki, T., Murakami, Y., Moore, A., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2005. Distribution of the tsunami heights of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami in Banda Aceh measured by the tsunami survey team. http://www.eri.utokyo.ac.jp/namegaya/sumatera/surveylog/eindex.htm Jaffe, B.E., Borrero, J.C., Prasetya, G.S., Dengler, L., Gelfenbaum, G., Hidayat, R., Higman, B., Kingsley, E. Lukiyanto, McAdoo, B., Moore, A., Morton, R., Peters, R., Ruggiero, P., Titov, V., Kongko, W. and Yulianto, E., 2006, The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Northwest Sumatra and Offshore Islands, Earthquake Spectra, v. 22, S3, S105Gelfenbaum, G., Vatvani, D., Jaffe, B., and Dekker, F., 2007. Tsunami inundation and sediment transport in vicinity of coastal mangrove forest. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 07 May 2007, New Orleans, LA, p. 1117-1128. Higman, B., Gelfenbaum, G., Lynett, P., Moore, A., and Jaffe, B., 2007. Predicted sedimentary record of reflected bores. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 07 May 2007, New Orleans, LA, p. 1103-1116. Morton, R. A., Gelfenbaum, G., Jaffe, B. E., 2007. Physical criteria for distinguishing sandy tsunami and storm deposits using modern examples. Sedimentary Geology, v. 200, pp.184-207. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.01.003 Jaffe, B.E., Gelfenbaum, G , 2007. A simple model for calculating tsunami flow speed from tsunami deposits. Sedimentary Geology, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.01.013 Peters, R., Jaffe, B.E., Gelfenbaum, G., 2007, Distribution and sedimentary characteristics of tsunami deposits along the Cascadia margin of western North America, Sedimentary Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.01.015 Huntington, K., Bourgeous, J., Gelfenbaum, G., Lynett, P., Jaffe, B., Yeh, H., and Weiss, R., 2007. Sandy signs of a tsunami’s onshore depth and speed. EOS Transactions (Front-page cover article), V 88, No 52, p. 577-578. Richmond, B.M., Watt, S., Buckley, M., Jaffe, B., Gelfenbaum, G., and Morton, R., 2010. Recent storm and tsunami coarse-clast deposit characteristics, southeast Hawaiʻi, Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.08.001. Apotsos, A., Gelfenbaum, G., Jaffe, B., Watt, S., Peck, B., Buckley, M., Stevens, A.W., 2010, Tsunami inundation and sediment transport in a sediment-limited embayment on American Samoa, Earth-Science Reviews 107 (1-2), pp. 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2010.11.001. Apotsos, A., G. Gelfenbaum, and B. Jaffe, 2011. Process-based modeling of tsunami inundation and sediment transport, J. Geophys. Res., 116, F01006, doi:10.1029/2010JF001797. Borrero, J.C., McAdoo, B., Jaffe, B., Dengler, L., Gelfenbaum, G., Higman, B., Hidayat, R., Moore, A., Kongko, W., Lukijanto, Peters, R., Prasetya, G., Titov, V., Yulianto, E., 2011. Field survey of the March 28, 2005 Nias-Simeulue earthquake and Tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 168 (6-7), pp. 1075-1088. Gelfenbaum, G., Apotsos, A., Stevens, A.W., Jaffe, B.E., 2010, Effect of fringing reefs on tsunami inundation; American Samoa. Earth Science Reviews, 107 (1-2), pp. 12-22. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2010.12.005 Jaffe, B.E., Buckley, M.L., Richmond, B.M., Strotz, L., Etienne, S., Clark, K., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2011, Flow speed estimated by inverse modeling of sandy sediment deposited by the 29 September 2009 tsunami near Satitoa, east Upolu, Samoa, Earth-Science Reviews, v. 107 (1-2), pp. 23-37, DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.03.009. Morton, R.A., Gelfenbaum, G., Buckley, M.L and Richmond, B.M., 2011, Geological effects and implications of the 2010 tsunami along the central coast of Chile. Sedimentary Geology. Apotsos, A., Jaffe, B., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2011. Wave characteristics and morphologic effects on the onshore hydrodynamic response of tsunamis. Coastal Engineering V. 58, Issue 11, pp. 1034-1048. David George I am interested in continued development of software and numerical methods for tsunami modeling. Pursuing methods that include sediment erosion, transport and deposition is a current interest. I would like to stay apprised of the state of current methodologies and needs of sedimentologist in order to help direct my research. A Two-Phase Debris-Flow Model that Includes Coupled Evolution of Volume Fractions, Granular Dilatency, and Pore-Fluid Pressure, D. L. George and R. M. Iverson, Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, in press, 2011. Tsunami Modeling with Adaptively Refined Finite Volume Methods. R. J. LeVeque, D. L. George and M. J. Berger. Acta Numerica 20, (2011) pp. 211-289. Arieh Iserles, ed. The GeoClaw Software for Depth-Averaged Flows with Adaptive Refinement, M. J. Berger, D. L. George, R. J. LeVeque and K.T. Mandli, Advances in Water Resources, 34: 1195-1206, Sept. 2011. Adaptive Finite Volume Methods with Well-Balanced Riemann Solvers for Modeling Floods in Rugged Terrain: application to the Malpasset dam-break flood (France, 1959). D. L. George, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 66(8): 1000-1018., July 2011. Augmented Riemann Solvers for the Shallow Water Equations over Variable Topography with Steady States and Inundation. D. L. George, J. Comput. Phys., 227(6):3089-3113, March 2008. High-Resolution Finite Volume Methods for the Shallow Water Equations with Topography and Dry- States. R.J. LeVeque and D. L. George. In P. L. Liu, C. Synolakis, and H. Yeh, editors, Advanced Numerical Models for Simulating Tsunami Waves and Runup, volume 10 of Advances in Coastal and Ocean Engineering, pages 43-73. World Scientific, 2008. High-Resolution Methods and Adaptive Refinement for Tsunami Propagation and Inundation. D. L. George and R. J. LeVeque. In S. Benzoni-Gavage and D. Serre, editors, Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, pages 541-549, Springer 2008. Proc. 11th Intl. Conf. on Hyperbolic Problems, Lyon France, July 2006. Finite Volume Methods and Adaptive Refinement for Global Tsunami Propagation and Inundation. D. L. George and R. J. LeVeque. Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 24. No. 5, 319-328, 2006. Frank Gonzalez I am interested in Probabilistic Tsunammi Hazard Assessment, and I am currently conducting a PTHA of Crescent City, California. Sedimentology can provide information on the frequency and, potentially, the size of past earthquakes and tsunamis. This information is critical input for PTHA modeling studies, and I plan to compare Crescent City model runs with runup patterns inferred from tsunami sedimentology records. González, F. I., et al. (2009), Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment at Seaside, Oregon, for near- and far-field seismic sources, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C11023, doi:10.1029/2008JC005132. Synolakis, C.E., E.N. Bernard, V.V. Titov, U. Kânoğlu, and F.I. González (2008): Validation and verification of tsunami numerical models. Pure Appl. Geophys., 165(11–12), 2197–2228. Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, V.V. Titov, A.J. Venturato, and J.C. Newman (2007): Effects of tides on maximum tsunami wave heights: Probability distributions. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(1), 117–123. Bernard, E.N., H.O. Mofjeld, V.V. Titov, C.E. Synolakis, and F.I. González (2006): Tsunami: Scientific frontiers, mitigation, forecasting, and policy implications. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A, 364(1845), doi: 10.1098/rsta.2006.18, 1989–2007. Titov, V.V., A.B. Rabinovich, H.O. Mofjeld, R.E. Thomson, and F.I. González (2005): The global reach of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami. Science, 309(5743), 2045–2048. González, F.I., E.N. Bernard, C. Meinig, M. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, and S. Stalin (2005): The NTHMP tsunameter network. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 25–39. Kazuhisa Goto I am interested in tsunami sedimentology both for sand and boulder deposits. Goto, K., Chague-Goff, C., Fujino, S., Goff, J., Jaffe, B., Nishimura, Y., Richmond, B., Suguwara, D., Szczucinski, W., Tappin, D. R., Witter, R., Yulianto, E., New insights of tsunami hazard from the 2011 Tohoku-oki event. Marine Geology (in press). Goto, K., Miyagi, K., Kawana, T., Takahashi, J., Imamura, F., 2011, Emplacement and movement of boulders by known storm waves-Field evidence from Okinawa Islands, Japan-. Marine Geology, Vol. 283, 66-78. Goto, K., Takahashi, J., Oie, T., Imamura, F., 2011, Remarkable bathymetric change in the nearshore zone by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: Kirinda Harbor, Sri Lanka. Geomorphology, Vol. 127, 107-116. Goto, K., Kawana, T., Imamura, F., 2010, Historical and geological evidences of boulders deposited by tsunamis, southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Earth-Science Reviews, Vol. 102, 77-99. Goto, K., Miyagi, K., Kawamata, H., Imamura, F., 2010, Discrimination of boulders deposited by tsunamis and storm waves at Ishigaki Island, Japan. Marine Geology, Vol. 269, 34-45. Goto, K., Okada, K., Imamura, F., 2010 Numerical analysis of boulder transport by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. Marine Geology, Vol. 268, 97-105. Goto, K., Okada, K., Imamura, F., 2009, Characteristics and hydrodynamics of boulders transported by storm waves at Kudaka Island, Japan. Marine Geology, Vol. 262, 14-24. Goto, K., Chavanich, S. A., Imamura, F., Kunthasap, P., Matsui, T., Minoura, K., Sugawara, D., Yanagisawa, H., 2007, Distribution, origin and transport process of boulders transport by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 202, 821-837. Courtney Harris Dr. Harris’ research has been directed at improving our ability to quantify and predict sediment transport on continental shelves over a variety of temporal and spatial scales. She has been involved in interdisciplinary projects that considered interactions between shelf sediment transport and small scale stratigraphy, sediment budgets, geochemistry, coastal oceanography, and climatology. Involvement in large experiments has involved collaboration with field oceanographers and geologists that has benefited her research focus of numerically modeling suspended sediment transport on shelves. Current research projects include (1) evaluating the role that physical processes play in determining spatial and temporal patterns of erodibility within the York River Estuary; (2) developing and using numerical models to quantify sediment processes within the northern Gulf of Mexico; and (3) identifying the oceanographic transport processes that impact sediment transport off shore of the North Island, NZ. My collaborative experiences have convinced me that we can make the best strides by building models and tools that are available to the research community as a whole. I am therefore active in a group of oceanographers and geologists who are working to develop a community sediment transport model by developing and testing numerical models that account for sediment transport and oceanographic circulation. More, including a full CV: http://www.vims.edu/about/directory/faculty/harris_ck.php Harris, C.K., P. Traykovski, and W.R. Geyer. 2005. Flood dispersal and deposition by near-bed gravitational sediment flows and oceanographic transport: A numerical modeling study of the Eel River shelf, northern California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110(C09025): d0i: 10.1029 / 2004JC002727. Harris, C.K., P. Traykovski, and W.R. Geyer. 2004. Including a near-bed turbid layer in a three dimensional sediment transport model with application to the Eel River shelf, northern California. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling; Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference. M.L. Spaulding, et al. (editors), American Society of Civil Engineers. 784—803. Harris, C.K., P. Traykovski, and W.R. Geyer. 2005. Flood dispersal and deposition by near-bed gravitational sediment flows and oceanographic transport: A numerical modeling study of the Eel River shelf, northern California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110(C09025): d0i: 10.1029 / 2004JC002727. Harris, C.K., P. Traykovski, and W.R. Geyer. 2004. Including a near-bed turbid layer in a three dimensional sediment transport model with application to the Eel River shelf, northern California. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling; Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference. M.L. Spaulding, et al. (editors), American Society of Civil Engineers. 784—803. Harris, C.K., B. Butman, and P. Traykovski. 2003. Winter-time circulation and sediment transport in the Hudson Shelf Valley. Continental Shelf Research, 23: 801—820. Harris, C.K. and P.L. Wiberg. 2002. Across-shelf sediment transport: interactions between suspended sediment and bed sediment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(C1): 10.1029/2000JC000634. Andrea Hawkes I am interested in developing long paleo-tsunami records on a variety of coastlines from varying environments with the aim of more fully understanding the hazard risk. More specifically I am interested in what characteristic within the tsunami deposits themselves provide vital information on deposition style and even potentially wave magnitude. Furthermore, how these characteristics withstand or degrade during post-depositional processes and what is most likely to be preserved in the geologic record. http://www.whoi.edu/hpb/Site.do?id=7812Hawkes et al., 2007a; 2007b; 2010; 2011 Hawkes, A.D., Donnelly, J.P., (in prep). A regional perspective of New England hurricanes using sedimentary, micropaleontology and modeled historic archives. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., (in prep). High resolution grain size and foraminiferal analysis of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sediment deposit provenance at Banda Aceh and paleo-tsunami deposits at Padang, Sumatra. Lane, P., Donnelly, J.P., Woodruff, J.D., Hawkes, A.D., (submitted). Gulf Coast hurricane activity and climate variability during the last half of the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews. Sawai, Y., Witter, R., Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., (submitted). Tsunami deposits in Pichilemu generated by the 2010 Chile Earthquakes. Marine Micropaleontology. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Sawai, Y., Vane C.H., (accepted). Foraminiferal reconstruction of coastal subsidence in Oregon, USA, during the Giant Cascadia earthquake of AD 1700. Quaternary Science Reviews. Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Nelson, A.R., Hill, D.F., 2010. The application of Intertidal Foraminifera to reconstruct Coastal Subsidence during the Giant Cascadia Earthquake of AD 1700 in Oregon, USA. Quaternary International, v. 221, p. 116-140.Curriculum Vitae Andrea Dawn Hawkes, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Horton, B.P., Rossi, V., and Hawkes, A.D., 2009. The sedimentary record of the 2005 hurricane season from the Mississippi and Alabama coastline. Quaternary International, v. 195, p. 15-30. Horton, B. P., Bird, M., Birkland, T., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Hawkes, A. D., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T. and Zulfigar, Y., 2008. Environmental and socio-economic dynamics of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. in Penang, Malaysia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, v. 29, p. 307324. Bird, M., Cowie, S., Hawkes, A.D., Horton, B.P., Macgregor, C., Eong Ong, J., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Tiong Sa, T., and Yasin, Z., 2007. Indian Ocean Tsunami – Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts in Langkawi, Malaysia. The Geographical Journal, v. 173. Hawkes, A.D., Bird, M., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Horton, B.P., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T., and Zulfigar, Y., 2007a. “The Sediments Deposited by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami along the Malay-Thai Peninsula”: Marine Geology Special IGCP 495 Issue 242, p. 169-190. Hawkes, A.D., Engelhart, S., and Horton, B.P., 2007b. Tsunami: a white cobra hits Pangandaran West Java. Geology Today, v.23, p. 12-14. Hawkes, A.D., Scott, D.B. And Lipps, J.H., 2005a. Evidence for possible precursor events of megathrust earthquakes on the wes Eileen Hemphill-Haley Eileen’s research interests include diatom micropaleontology, paleoclimatology, paleoecology as applied to environmental studies, paleoseismology and neotectonics. Hemphill-Haley, E., 1992, Application of diatom paleoecology to interpretations of Holocene relative sea-level change and coseismic subsidence in southwestern Washington: Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Santa Cruz, 321 p. Hemphill-Haley, E., 1995, Diatom evidence for earthquake-induced subsidence and tsunami 300 years ago in southern coastal Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107, no. 3, p. 367-378. Hemphill-Haley, E., 1995, Intertidal diatoms from Willapa Bay, Washington: Application to studies of small-scale sea-level changes: Northwest Science, v. 69, no. 1, p. 29-45. Hemphill-Haley, E., 1996, Diatoms as an aid in identifying late Holocene tsunami deposits.: The Holocene, v. 6, no. 4, p. 439-448. Hemphill-Haley, E., and Fourtanier, Elisabeth, 1995, A diatom record spanning 114,000 years from Site 893, Santa Barbara Basin. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 146 (Pt. 2), College Station, TX: 233-249. Hemphill-Haley, E., and Gardner, J.V., 1994, Revised ages for laminated (varved) deposits and a Holocene-marker diatom from the northern California continental slope: Quaternary Research, v. 41, p. 131-135. Hemphill-Haley, E., and Mahood, A., 1997, Endictya hendeyisp. nov., a new coastal diatom from North America: Diatom Research, v. 12, no. 1, p. 35-42. Ben Horton My research concerns sea-level and environmental change. I aim to understand and integrate the the external (such as climate change, earthquakes and tsunamis) and internal mechanisms (including the sediment compaction) that have determined sea-level changes in the past, and which will shape such changes in the future. Fundamental to this aim is bridging the gap between short-term instrumental records and long-term geological reconstructions and geophysical predictions. To this end, I have developed, tested and validated a new methodological approach that uses microfossils to quantitatively reconstruct past coastal environments. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/benhorton_p.htm Horton, B.P., Sawai, Y., Hawkes, A.D. and Witter, R.C. 2011. Sedimentology and paleontology of a tsunami deposit accompanying the great Chilean earthquake of February 2010. Marine Micropaleontology, 79, 132–138. Horton, B.P., Bird, M., Birkland, T., Cowie, S., Grundy-Warr, C., Hawkes, A. D., Tan Shau Hwai, A., Law, L., Macgregor, C., Nott, J., Eong Ong, J., Rigg, J., Robinson, R., Tan-Mullins, M., Tiong Sa, T. and Zulfigar, Y., 2008. Environmental and socio-economic dynamics of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in Penang, Malaysia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 29, 307324.Download pdf Nelson, A. R., Sawai, Y., Jennings, A. E., Bradley, L-A., a, Gerson, L., Sherrod, B. L., Sabean, J. and Horton, B.P., 2008. Great-earthquake paleogeodesy and tsunamis of the past 2000 years at Alsea Bay, central Oregon coast, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews. 27, 747-768. Download pdf Yasutaka Iijima My interests are in deposition and erosion processes during tsunami inundation, and geomorphological effects. Jennifer Irish Jennifer’s academic research is motivated by the societal need to improve and protect coastal infrastructure, given the increasing relevance of global urban development, and researches coastal hazards, to include storm surge, tsunami, beach erosion, and sea-level rise; vegetated flow dynamics; and coastal processes. Irish, J.L., Resio, D.T., Divoky, D., Statistical properties of hurricane surge along a coast, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Irish, J.L., Ewing, L.C., and Jones, C.P., Observations from the 2009 Samoa Tsunami: Damage potential in coastal communities, J. Waterw. Port C.-ASCE, in press. Irish, J. L., Song*, Y. K., and Chang, K.-A., Probabilistic hurricane surge forecasting using parameterized surge response functions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L03606, 2011. Selected as an AGU Research Spotlight and featured in Eos [92(12), 108]. Bruce Jaffe I am the leader of the USGS Tsunami Hazards, Modeling, and the Sediment Record project. My tsunami research focuses on developing techniques and models to utilize deposits in tsunami hazard assessment. I have studied tsunami deposits around the world for 16 years. Study areas include Japan, Samoa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Peru, Papua New Guinea, the Caribbean, the West Coast of the US, and Hawaii. Jaffe, B.E. and Gelfenbaum, G., 2007, A simple model for calculating tsunami flow speed from tsunami deposits, Sedimentary Geology, v. 200, p. 347-361, DOI:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2007.01.013. Jaffe, B.E., Buckley, M.L., Richmond, B.M., Strotz, L., Etienne, S., Clark, K., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2011, Flow speed estimated by inverse modeling of sandy sediment deposited by the 29 September 2009 tsunami near Satitoa, east Upolu, Samoa, Earth- Science Reviews, v. 107, p. 23-37, DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.03.009. Buckley, M., Jaffe, B.E., Wei, Y., and Watt, S., 2011, Estimated velocities and inferred cause of overwash that emplaced inland fields of cobbles and boulders at Anegada, British Virgin Islands, Natural Hazards, DOI:10.1007/s11069-011-9725-8. Apotsos, A.A., Gelfenbaum, G., and Jaffe, B.E., 2011, Wave characteristics and morphologic effects on the onshore hydrodynamic response of tsunamis, Coastal Engineering 58 (11), 1034-1048, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.06.002. Goto K., Chagué-Goff, C., Fujino, S., Goff, J., Jaffe, B.E., Nishimura, Y., Richmond, B., Sugawara, D., Szczuciński, W., Tappin, D.R., Witter, R., Yulianto, E., in press, New insights of tsunami hazard from the 2011 Tohoku-oki event, Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2011.10.004. Goff, J., Chagué-Goff, C., Nichol, S., Jaffe, B.E., and Dominey-Howes, D., accepted, Progress in paleotsunami research, Sedimentary Geology (Invited paper) Kinuyo Kanamaru My research interests lie in the geochemical and sedimentological reconstruction of previous overwash events using coastal sediments as a proxy to identify historical events. Recent research includes a study of overwash deposits resulting from tsunami and typhoon events preserved in sediments in the southwestern part of Japan. Kumon, F., Kanamaru, K., Tawara, T., Noriko, K., Yamamoto, M., and Hayashi, H., 2005. Relashionship among weather factors, biological productivity, and TOC content of sediments in Lake Kizaki, central Japan. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan. http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosoc/111/10/599/_pdf SeanPaul La Selle I am a graduate student at the University of Washington and my research interests are in tsunami sedimentology and modeling. My current project focuses on reconstructing recent tsunamis in Kamchatka, Russia from their deposits and using tsunami modeling. Kyle Mandli My interests lie primarily in computational methods for tsunami science. I have recently been developing numerical methods to handle extensions to the shallow water equations that may provide new methods for modeling tsunami sediment deposits. http://users.ices.utexas.edu/~kyle/ M.J. Berger, D.L. George, R.J. LeVeque, and K.T. Mandli, Advances in Water Resources 34, 1195–1206 (2011). http://arxiv.org/pdf/1008.0455 Bre MacInnes My research is a combination of field-based and modeling-based studies. My longterm field research goal is to understand the effect of geologic catastrophes (such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions) on short-term and long-term coastal landscape evolution and prehistoric maritime cultures. My primary research focus thus far has been on explaining tsunami erosion and deposition in terms of coastal geomorphology and tsunami wave characteristics. My long-term modeling research goal is to relate field observations of tsunamis to inversions of earthquake source. I am particularly interested in how complexities in an earthquake rupture affect near field tsunami runup. In the future, I hope to be able to estimate slip distributions in paleo-earthquakes using tsunami deposits. old website (maybe will disappear soon) http://faculty.washington.edu/macinneb/MacInnes/Home.html MacInnes, B.T., Weiss, R., Bourgeois, J., and Pinegina, T.K., 2010, Slip Distribution of the 1952 Kamchatka Great Earthquake Based on Near-Field Tsunami Deposits and Historical Records: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 100, no. 4, p. 1695–1709, doi: 10.1785/0120090376. MacInnes, B.T., Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T.K., and Kravchunovskays, E., 2009. Tsunami geomorphology: erosion and deposition from the 15 November 2006 Kuril Island tsunami: Geology, v. 37, p. 995-998. MacInnes, B.T., Pinegina, T.K., Bourgeois, J., Razhegaeva, N.G., Kaistrenko, V.M., and Kravchenovskaya, E.A., 2009, Field survey and geological effects of the 15 November 2006 Kuril tsunami in the middle Kuril Islands: Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 166, no. 1/2, doi: 10.1007/s00024-008-0428-3. Bourgeois, J., and MacInnes, B.T., 2010, Tsunami boulder transport and other dramatic effects of the 15 November 2006 central Kuril Islands tsunami on the island of Matua: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, v. 54, no. 3, p. 175-195. Levin, B.V., Melekestsev, I.V., Rybin, A.V, Razzhigaeva, N.G., Kravchenovskaya, E.A., Izebkov, P.E., Zharkov, R.V., Kozlov, D.N., Chibisoba, M.V., Degterev, A.V., Vlasova, I.I., Gur'yanov, V.B., Koroteev, I.G., Kharlamov, A.A., and MacInnes, B., 2010, The expedition "Peak Sarychev Volcano- 2010" (Kuril Islands): Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, v. 6, p. 152159. Levin, B.V., Kaistrenko, B.M., Rybin, A.V., Nosov, M.A., Pinegina, T.K., Razzhigaeva, N.G., Sassorova, E.V., Ganzei, K.S., Ivelskaya, T.N., Kravchenovskaya, E.A., Kolesov, C.V., Evdokimov, Y.V., Bourgeois, J., MacInnes, B., and Fitzhugh, B., 2008, Manifestations of the Tsunami on November 15, 2006, on the Central Kuril Islands: Results of the Modeling of Run-Up Heights: Doklady Earth Sciences, v. 419, no. 2, p. 335–338. Brian McAdoo My current research focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to disaster risk assessment and reduction, with a primary focus on tsunami. Following postdisaster reconnaissance work in the Indian Ocean (2004 and 2005), the US Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina (2005), central Java (2006), Solomon Islands (2007), Samoa (2009), and Haiti (2010), it became clear that earth scientists and engineers need to engage ecologists, social scientists, and disaster managers as well as non-governmental and governmental organizations to affect sustainable disaster risk reduction efforts (www.tsunamiproject.org). Presently, I am working on a project using historical maps to document land-use change in the Tohoku region of Japan, Aceh Province in Sumatra, and the island of Hispaniola. McAdoo, B.G., A. Moore, and J. Baumwoll, Indigenous knowledge and the near field population response during the 2007 Solomon Islands tsunami, Natural Hazards 48, no. 1, p. 73-83, 2009. McAdoo, B. G., Samuelu, J., L. Bell, P. Ifopo, J. Ward, E. Lovell, P. Skelton, Coral reefs as buffers during the 2009 South Pacific tsunami, Upolu Island, Samoa, Earth Science Reviews, DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2010.11.005, 2010. McAdoo, B.G. and L. Paravisini-Gebert, Not the Earthquake’s Fault, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo_1116. Monecke, K., W. Finger, D. Klarer, W. Kongko, B.G. McAdoo, A.L. Moore, and S.U. Sudrajat, A 1,000-year sediment record of tsunami recurrence in northern Sumatra, Nature 455, p. 1232-1234, 2008. Comfort, L.K., L. Huggins, M. Siciliano, S. Scheinert, P. Sweeney, S. Stebbins, T. Serrant, B. McAdoo, J. Augenstein, and N. Krenitsky, Transition from response to recovery: The January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake, Earthquake Spectra, in press. Heather McCullough I collaborate with Paula Dunbar to enter/verify data with NGDC's integrated databases for historical tsunami events and sources (earthquakes, volcanoes, etc), tsunami deposits, and references (literature/news/etc). I mainly compile and analyse references (field surveys, deposit articles, etc.) to populate the tsunami deposit and proxies reference database (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazard/tsudep.shtml). Andy Moore Like a lot of folks at this workshop, I'm a tsunami sedimentologist, and my research revolves around trying to estimate how large ancient tsunamis were from the deposits they leave behind. I teach at a primarily undergraduate institution, so my current research is designed around introducing undergraduates to basic field and laboratory skills, and introducing hazard awareness and risk management across our curriculum. Moore, A., Goff, J., McAdoo, B., Fritz, H., Gusman, A., Kalligeris, N., Kalsum, K., Susanto, A., Suteja, D., Synolakis, C., 2011, Sedimentary Deposits from the 17 July 2006 Western Java Tsunami, Indonesia: Use of Grain Size Analyses to Assess Tsunami Flow Depth, Speed, and Traction Carpet Characteristics, Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 168, p. 1951-1961. Moore, A., McAdoo, B., and Ruffman, A., 2007, Landward fining from multiple sources in a sand sheet deposited by the 1929 Grand Banks tsunami, Newfoundland, Sedimentary Geology, v. 200, p. 336-346. Moore, A., Nishimura, Y., Gelfenbaum, G., and Kamataki, T., 2006, Sedimentary deposits of the 26 December 2004 tsunami on the northwest coast of Aceh, Indonesia, Earth, Planets, and Space, v. 58, p. 253-258. Yuichi Nishimura My website on publications is here, but in Japanese only sorry. I am interested in identification of tsunami deposit, correlation of possible tsunami layers, and variation of material contents of the tsunami deposits. http://www.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~yns/ronbun1.htm Jason R. Patton I study paleotsunami deposits found in coastal marshes. I have also been working on tsunami hazards in northern California. I produced the first relative tsunami hazard maps for northern California. These maps were widely distributed in local newspapers and are part of curriculum for the University of Washington Certificate Program in Tsunami Science and Preparedness. Recently I worked on the state of California Tsunami hazard maps for Humboldt and Del Norte counties. I am also working on tsunami geomorphology in northern California. Patton, J. R. and Witter, R. W., 2006. Late Holocene Coseismic Subsidence and Coincident Tsunamis, Southern Cascadia subduction zone, Hookton Slough, Wigi (Humboldt Bay), California, in Hemphill-Haley, M.A., McPherson, R., Patton, J.R., Stallman, J., Leroy, T., Sutherland, D., and Williams, T., eds., 2006 Pacific Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip Guidebook, The Triangle of Doom: Signatures of Quaternary Crustal Deformation in the Mendocino Deformation Zone (MDZ) Arcata, CA. http://cascadiageo.org/FOP2006_guidebook.htm Patton, J. R., Dengler, L. A. 2006. Relative Tsunami Hazard Mapping for Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, California. Proceedings of the 8NCEE/EERI Eighth Earthquake Engineering Conference. http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/tsu400/documents/Course_1_Day_2/ Session_11/NCEE_patton_dengler.pdf Leroy, T. H., and Patton, J. R., 2009. Geomorphic Signatures of Tsunami in Coastal Sand Dune Fields of Northwestern California. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 583. Patton, J. R., Leroy, T. H., 2010. Reconciling Recurrence Interval Estimates, Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone. Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 81, No. 2. The state of California tsunami hazard maps are here: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/Tsunami/Inun dation_Maps/Humboldt/Pages/Humboldt.aspx Robert Peters My interests in tsunami science include the identification and interpretation of tsunami deposits in the geologic record. I am interested in the suite of sedimentary features that characterize a tsunami deposit and how these features give a tsunami deposit a unique signature in the geologic record. I am interested in how and where tsunami deposits are preserved, how they change over time, and differences between the preserved sedimentary record of tsunamis and actual areas of inundation. I am also interested in ways that information about a tsunami can be inferred from a tsunami deposit. Peters, R. and Jaffe, B., 2010, Identification of Tsunami Deposits in the Geologic Record: Developing Criteria Using Recent Tsunami Deposits. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1239. [http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2010/1239/] Peters, Robert, and Jaffe, B.E., 2010, Database of recent tsunami deposits: U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1172, 12 p. and database [http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2010/1172/] González, F.I., Geist, E. L., Jaffe, B., Kanoglu, U., Mofjeld, H., Synolakis, C. E., Titov, V. V., Arcas, D., Bellomo, D., Carlton, D., Horning, T., Johnson, J. Newman, J., Parsons, T., Peters, R., Peterson, C., Priest, G., Venturato, A., Weber, J., Wong, F., Yalciner, A., (2009): Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment at Seaside, Oregon, for near- and far-field seismic sources. Journal of Geophysical Research, v.114, C11023, doi:10.1029/2008JC005132 Peters, R., Jaffe, B. E., Buckley, M., and Watt, S. G., 2008, Candidate Tsunami Deposits at Carpinteria Salt Marsh, Southern California. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #OS53A-1292 Peters, R., Jaffe, B., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2007, Distribution and sedimentary characteristics of tsunami deposits along the Cascadia margin of western North America. Sedimentary Geology, v. 200, 372-386. Jaffe, B.E., Borrero, J.C., Prasetya, G.S., Peters, R., McAdoo, B., Gelfenbaum, G., Morton, R., Ruggiero, P., Higman, B., Dengler, L., Hidayat, R., Kingsley, E., Kongko, W., Lukijanto, Moore, A., Titov, V., and Yulianto, E., 2006, Northwest Sumatra and Offshore Islands Field survey after the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Earthquake Spectra, v. 22, issue S3, p. S105-S135. Tsunami Pilot Study Working Group, 2006, Seaside, Oregon Tsunami Pilot Study - Modernization of FEMA Flood Hazard Maps, USGS open file report 2006-1234. Peters, R.B., Jaffe, B. E., Gelfenbaum, G., Rubin, D.M., Anima, R ., Swenson, M., Olcesse, D., Anticona, L.B., Gomez, J.C., and Riega, P.C., 2003, Sedimentary deposits from the 2001 Peru Tsunami. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, n. 6, p. 602. Peters, R., Jaffe, B., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2003, Comparing sedimentary deposits from the 1700 and 1964 tsunamis in Cascadia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003. CD-ROM Published by World Scientific Publishing Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. ISBN 981-238-422-7. Peters, R., Jaffe, B., Peterson, C., Gelfenbaum, G., 2003, Cascadia tsunami deposit database. USGS Open File Report OF 03-13. 24 pp. Peters, R., Jaffe, B., Peterson, C., Gelfenbaum, G., and Kelsey, H., 2001, An overview of tsunami deposits along the Cascadia margin, International Tsunami Symposium Proceedings, August 7-10, 2001, Seattle, Washington. Catherine Petroff Catherine Petroff is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington. Her areas of interest are tsunamis, wave-structure interactions, hydraulic transport, and river and coastal engineering. H. Fritz, C. Petroff, P. Catalan, et al, “Field Survey of the February 27, 2010 Chile Tsunami,” Pure and Applied Geophysics, (accepted for publication, 2011). H. Arnason, C. Petroff, H. Yeh, “Tsunami Bore Impingement onto a Vertical Column,” Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.4, No. 6, pps. 391-403, December 2009. C. Petroff, F. Raichlen, “The Interaction of Breaking Solitary Waves with an Armored Bottom”, Proceedings 30th Conference on Coastal Engineering, v. 5, pps. 4417 – 4429, 2007. C. Petroff, A. Moore, H. Arnason, “Particle Advection by Turbulent Bores – Orientation Effects”, Proceedings 2001 International Tsunami Symposium, pps. 897 – 904, 2001. J. Bourgeois, C. Petroff, H. Yeh, V. Titov, C. Synolakis, B. Benson, J. Kuroiwa, J. Lander, E. Norabuena, “Geologic Setting, Field Survey and Modeling of the Chimbote, Northern Peru, Tsunami of 21 February 1996:” Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 154, n. ¾, 1999. F. Raichlen, J.J. Lee, C. Petroff, P. Watts, The Generation of Waves by a Landslide: Skagway, Alaska – a case study, Proceedings 25th Conference on Coastal Engineering, v. 2, pps. 1293-1300, 1997. B. Cook, C. Petroff, The Development of an On-line Interactive, Tsunami -Information Resource Proceedings 25th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, September 1996. C. Petroff, Momentum Flux in Solitary Waves Breaking over a Mobile Bed, Proceedings International Symposium on Waves – Physical and Numerical Modeling, IAHR, pps 1589- 1598, August 1994. Bruce Richmond I am interested in applying studies of modern tsunami deposits to better identify paleotsunami deposits in the geologic record and to distinguish tsunami deposits from those of other high energy events such as coastal storms. Richmond, B.M., Watt, S., Buckley, M., Jaffe, B.E., Gelfenbaum, G., and Morton, R.A., 2011. Recent storm and tsunami coarse-clast deposit characteristics, southeast Hawai`i. Marine Geology 283:79-89. Richmond, B.M., Buckley, M., Etienne, S., Chague-Goff, C., Clark, K., Goff, J., Dominey-Howes, D., and Strotz, L., 2011. Deposits, flow characteristics, and landscape change resulting from the September 2009 South Pacific tsunami in the Samoan islands, Earth-Sci. Rev. 107: 38-51 (doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.03.008). Morton, R.A., Richmond, B.M., Jaffe, B.E., and Gelfenbaum, G., 2008. Coarseclast ridge complexes of the Caribbean: a preliminary basis for distinguishing tsunami and storm-wave origins. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 78, p. 624-637. Althea Rizzo My interests are in the intersection between tsunami and social science to create a better prepared public. Working in emergency management, my main role is to take the most recent scientific understanding of the hazards and risks from tsunami and translating it into actionable messages for both the public sand policy-makers. I am active on the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, the Cascadia Regional Earthquake Workgroup, the Oregon State Seismic Policy Advisory Council and many other local endeavors in public outreach and policy. Website: http://www.oregon.gov/OMD/OEM/plans_train/earthquake.shtml Publications: 2010. Living on Shaky Ground in Oregon 2011. NTHMP Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Guidelines Presentations: 2011. Public Outreach - Running an effective campaign. Partners in Preparedness Conference. Tacoma, WA. 2011. Cascadia Subduction Zone: Seismic Hazards and Risks in Oregon. Portland, OR. Mathew Schmidtlein I am a social scientist, a geographer focusing on modeling vulnerability to natural hazards. My broad research is not focused on any type of hazard in particular, but on finding ways to model vulnerability to those hazards. My work with tsunamis has been fairly recent. I am working with Nate Wood at the USGS to model pedestrial evacuations from near field tsunamis on the open ocean coast of Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties in Washington. Our work focuses on using spatial modeling tools to estimate likely pedestrian evacuation time surfaces, and then using these surfaces to identify locations where populations may not be able to reach safety prior to tsunami arrival. We are currently working on using this information to compare between communities in the study area, in order to understand how the combination of population distribution and evacuation times contribute to the relative vulnerabilities of the communities. We currently have one manuscript in press (Wood and Schmidtlein, 2011, Anisotropic path modeling to assess pedestrian-evacuation potential from Cascadia-related tsunamis in the US Pacific Northwest. Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-011-9994-2) Megumi Sugimoto My interest is in tsunami disaster management for vulnerable people, through my field experience in Indonesia after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1891991&show=html Sugimoto.M., H.Iemura, (2010) "Tsunami height poles and disaster awareness: Memory, education and awareness of disaster on the reconstruction for resilient city in Banda Aceh, Indonesia", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 19 Iss: 5, pp.527 - 540 Adam Switzer Assistant Professor Adam Switzer is a sedimentologist and geomorphologist, who holds the positions of Singapore NRF Fellow, Nanyang Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator at The Earth Observatory of Singapore and Division of Earth Sciences in SPMS at Nanyang Technological University. He and his research group are investigating the geological record of coastal hazards (storms and tsunamis) in Southeast Asia. One of the driving aims of Dr Switzers research group is to make the coastlines of Asia safer places to live, work and holiday. Currently, Asia is the focus of his research program and Singapore has the resources to enable him to effectively study the sedimentary and geomorphic effects of tsunamis and storm surges. Dr Switzer’s 10 strong research group currently works in 9 different countries throughout the world. Website Yuichiro Tanioka Yuichiro Tanioka is the Director of the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology in Hokkaido. His primary focus is earthquake and tsunami modeling. Yong Wei Dr. Wei is a research scientist in tsunami modeling, coastal hazard mitigation, and geophysical data analysis. He has nearly 10 years of research experience on tsunami modeling, methodology, and associated geophysics. He has developed extensive skills and proficiencies in various computer models dealing with the hydrodynamics of long waves. He also specializes in analysis of the tsunami source mechanism from seismic data and ocean observations. Dr. Wei is currently playing a major role in NOAA’s tsunami modeling team in a multi-year effort to develop high-resolution tsunami inundation models for U.S. coasts. Wei, Y., H. Fritz, B. Uslu, V.V. Titov, and C. Chamberlin. The tsunami source of the April 1, 2007 Solomon earthquake and its modeling analysis in the near field. Geophysical Journal International, in review. Wei, Y., U.S. ten Brink, and B. Atwater. Tsunami sources that might explain the catastrophic overwash of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, between 1650 and 1800. Journal of Geophysical Research, in preparation. Buckley, M., Y. Wei, B. Jaffe, and S. Watt (2011). Inversion modeling of velocities and inferred cause of overwash that emplaced inland fields of boulders at Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Natural Hazards, doi: 10.1007/s 11069-011-9725-8. Atwater, B., U.S. ten Brink, M. Buckley, R. Halley, B. Jaffe, A. Lopez-Venegas, E. Reinhardt, M. Tuttle, S. Watt, and Y. Wei, (2010). Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence for an unusual tsunami or store a few centuries ago at Anegada, British Virgin Islands. Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-0109622-6. Newman, A.V., G. Hayes, Y. Wei, and J. Convers (2011). The 5 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake, from real-time discriminants, finite-fault rupture, and tsunami excitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L05302, Doi: 101029/2010GL046498. Newman, A.V., L. Feng, H.M. Fritz, Z.M. Lifton, N. Kalligeris, and Y. Wei, (2011). The energetic 2010 Mw 7.1 Solomon Islands tsunami earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 186(2), doi: 10.1111/j.1365246X.2011.05057.x, 775–781 Cheung, K.F., Y. Wei, S. Yim, and Y. Yamagaki (2011), Modeling of 500-year tsunamis for probabilistic design of coastal infrastructure in the Pacific northwest, Coastal Engineering, accepted. Arcas, D. and Y. Wei (2011), Evaluation of velocity-related approximation in the non-linear shallow water equations for the Kuril Islands, 2006 tsunami event at Honolulu, Hawaii. Geophysical Research Letters, in review. Zhou, H., C. Moore, Y. Wei, Y. and V.V. Titov, A multigrid Bousseinesq-type approach and its application to modeling potential tsunami impact on the U.S. east coast due to landslide on La Palma Island. Nat. Hazards Earth Sys. Sci., 11(10), doi: 10.5194/nhess-11-2677-2011, 2677–2697. Tang, L., V. Titov, Y. Wei, H.O. Mofjeld, M. Spillane, D. Arcas, E.N. Bernard, C. Chamberlin, E. Gica, and J. Newman (2008). Tsunami forecast analysis for the May 2006 Tonga tsunami. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C12015, doi: 10.1029/2008JC004922. Wei, Y., E.N. Bernard, L. Tang, R. Weiss, V.V. Titov, C. Moore, M. Spillane, M. Hopkins, and U. Kanaglu (2008). Real-time experimental forecast of the Peruvian tsunami of August 2007 for U.S. coastlines. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L04609, doi:10.1029/2007GL032250. Wei, Y., X.Z. Mao, and K.F. Cheung (2006). Well-balanced finite volume model for long wave runup. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 132(2), 114-124. Yamazaki, Y., Y. Wei, K.F. Cheung, and G.D. Curtis (2006). Forecast of tsunamis from the Japan-Kuril-Kamchatka source region. Natural Hazards, 38, 411-435. Wei, Y., Cheung, K.F., Curtis, G.D., and McCreery, C.S., (2003). Inverse algorithm for tsunami forecasts. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 129(2), 1-10. Cheung, K.F., A.C. Phadke, Y. Wei, R. Rojas, Y.J.-M Douyere, C.D. Martino, S.H. Houston, P.L.-F. Liu, P.J. Lynett, N. Dodd, S. Liao, and E. Nazkazaki (2003). Modeling of storm-induced coastal flooding for emergency management.Ocean Engineering, 30(11), 1353-1386. Robert Weiss Robert Weiss is leading the Process Sedimentolgy Group (PSG) in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech and is the representative of Virginia Tech in the SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) European Research Interest Community (of only three members from USA). In a broad context, the research in PSG focuses on understanding of processes in different sedimentary environments and on different length and time scales. Research methods include numerical and analytical models, experiments and field observations, on natural hazards, i.e. tsunamis and their deposits, landslides and oceanic meteorite impacts. RW has been conducting research on sediment transport, tsunami propagation, and tsunami generation for more than 10 years. He employs analytical and numerical models to explore the physical processes behind the generation of the tsunami deposits. Furthermore, he uses and takes part in the development of numerical models, such as the GPUSPH code. GPUSPH uses graphic cards to solve the Navier-Stokes equations with the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. RW has been simulating the generation of submarine and subaerial landslides since 2006 with iSALE. Furthermore, RW is member of the International Tsunami Survey Team under the umbrella of UNESCO and visited India, Kenya, Indonesia, Samoa, and Chile in the aftermath of tsunami event. Also he is engaged in bridging the gap between Geosciences and Engineering for hazard reduction in coastal areas by volunteering in the Coasts, Ocean, Ports and Rivers Institute (COPRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Weiss, R. (2011): The mystery of boulders moved by tsunami and storm, in press in Marine Geology. MacInnes*, B.T., Weiss, R., Bourgeois, J., and T.K. Pinegina, (2010): Slipdistribution of the 1952 Kamchatka great earthquake based on nearfield tsunami deposits and historical records, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100(4), 1695-1709. Martin*, M.E., Weiss, R., Bourgeois, J., Pinegina, T.K., Houston, H., Titov, V.V. (2008): Com- bining constraints from tsunami modeling and sedimentology to untangle the 1969 Ozernoi and 1971 Kamchatskii tsunamis, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L01610 DOI:10.1029/2007GL032349. Weiss, R. (2008): Sediment grains moved by passing tsunami waves: Tsunami deposits in deep water Marine Geology, 250, 251-257. Rick Wilson As lead scientist in the California Tsunami Hazard Mitigation and Preparation Program, I produce tsunami hazard products and maps for emergency managers, land-use planners, and the maritime community. To help determine tsunami recurrence and perform a state-wide probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis, I am working with Humboldt State University (HSU) to produce a paleotsunami deposit database for California. I am also currently working with the USGS and HSU on a state-wide paleotsunami deposit investigation to better understand the tsunami hazard. I am interested in sharing the experience of my work in the California program and better understanding the latest state-of-the-science methods being developed by colleagues worldwide. Also, as a member of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) Coordinating Committee and Co-Chair of the NTHMP Mapping and Modeling Subcommittee, I am interested in helping develop and improve policies on funding priorities for applied tsunami science. WEBSITE: www.tsunami.ca.gov Wilson, R.I., Dengler, L.A., Legg, M.R, Long, K., and Miller, K.M., 2010a, The 2010 Chilean Tsunami on the California Coastline: Seismological Research Letters, 81(3), pp. 545-546. Wilson, R.I, Barberopoulou, A., Borrero, J.C, Bryant, W.A, Dengler, L.A., Goltz, J.D., Legg, M.R., McGuire, T., Miller, K.M., Real, C.R., and Synolakis, C.E., 2010b, Development of new databases for tsunami hazard analysis in California: in Lee, W.H.K., Kirby, S.H., and Diggles, M.F., compilers, 2010, Program and abstracts of the Second Tsunami Source Workshop; July 19-20, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1152, 33 p. Wilson, R.I., Barberopoulou, A., Miller, K.M., Goltz, J.D., and Synolakis, C.E., 2010c, New maximum tsunami inundation maps for use by local emergency planners in the State of California, USA: in Lee, W.H.K., Kirby, S.H., and Diggles, M.F., compilers, 2010, Program and abstracts of the Second Tsunami Source Workshop; July 19-20, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1152, 33 p. Wilson, R.I., Dengler, L.A., Goltz, J.D., Legg, M.R., Miller, K.M., Ritchie, A., and Whitmore, P.M., 2011a, Emergency response and field observation activities of geoscientists in California (USA) during the September 29, 2009, Samoa Tsunami: Earth Science Reviews 107, pp. 193-200. Wilson, R., Dengler, L., Borrero, J., Synolakis, C., Jaffe, B., Barberopoulou, A., Ewing, L., Legg, M., Ritchie, A., Lynett, P., Admire, A., McCrink, T., Falls, J., Rosinski, A., Treiman, J., Manson, M., Silva, M., Davenport, C., Lancaster, J., Olson, B., Pridmore, C., Real, C., Miller, K., and Goltz, J., 2011b, The effects of the Tohoku Tsunami on the California Coast; 2011 Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN; poster session. Patricio Winckler After the Chile earthquake, a tsunami building code is being developed (I'm in the committee) and research needs are being identified to adapt mitigation strategies and awareness to local conditions. In other terms, sedimentology is being used by a small group of researchers locally but the technique is far from being applied extensively in Chile. Both ideas, merged together, may provide a better overview in the context of my contribution to the development of the code and for research interests as well. Robert Witter The sedimentology of historical tsunami deposits aids paleotsunami research in the following ways: (1) defines the criteria used for interpretation of paleotsunami deposits, (2) quantifies inputs to sediment transport models that estimate hydrodynamic properties of paleotsunamis, and (3) improves the characterizations of tsunami sources (e.g., earthquakes, landslides, volcanic collapse). My research evaluates data in these fields to better understand earthquake and tsunami hazards along the Cascadia and Alaska-Aleutian subduction zones. Nathan Wood I am interested in understanding and communicating how communities are vulnerable to tsunami hazards. Research focuses on improving geospatial methods to assess the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of communities relative to tsunami threats. Research efforts have included reports summarizing variations in how communities use tsunami-prone land in various U.S. West Coast states, spatial analysis of demographic sensitivity to tsunamis, and path-distance modeling to assess pedestrian-evacuation potential from near-field tsunamis. I also recently served on a National Research Council committee to assess the nation's tsunami warning system and national preparedness to tsunamis. Research website -- http://geography.wr.usgs.gov/science/vulnerability/ John Woodruff I am interested in all aspects of tsunami sedimentology with a specific focus on methods for delineate tsunami deposits from overwash deposition due to storms, as well as tsunami reconstructions from southern Japan. A list of my publications can be found on my website: http://www.geo.umass.edu/faculty/woodruff Woodruff, J.D., Sriver, R.L., Lund, D.C., in press, Tropical cyclone activity and western North Atlantic stratification over the last millennia: A comparative review with viable connections. Journal of Quaternary Science Lane, P., Donnelly, J.P., Woodruff, J.D., Hawkes, A.D., (2011), A decadallyresolved paleohurricane record archived in the late Holocene sediments of a Florida sinkhole. Marine Geology, v. 179, p. 105-119 PDF (2.1 MB) >> Boldt, K.V., Lane, P., Woodruff, J.D., Donnelly, J.P. (2010), Calibrating a sedimentary record of overwash from Southeastern New England using modeled historic hurricane surges. Marine Geology, v. 275: 127-139 PDF (2.1 MB) >> Mann, M.E., Woodruff, J.D., Donnelly, J.P., and Z. Zhang (2009), Atlantic hurricanes and climate over the past 1,500 years. Nature, 460 (7257): 880883 PDF (0.8 MB) >> Woodruff, J.D. , Donnelly, J.P., and A. Okusu, (2009), Exploring typhoon variability over the mid-to-late Holocene: evidence of extreme coastal flooding from Kamikoshiki, Japan , Quaternary Science Reviews , v. 28, p. 1774-1785. PDF (2.1 MB) >> Woodruff, J.D., J.P. Donnelly, K. Emanuel, and P. Lane, (2008), Assessing sedimentary records of paleohurricane activity using modeled hurricane climatology. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 9, no. 9, Q09V10. PDF (1.4MB) >> Woodruff, J.D., J.P. Donnelly, D. Mohrig, and W.R. Geyer (2008), Reconstructing relative flooding intensities responsible for hurricaneinduced deposits from Laguna Playa Grande, Vieques, Puerto Rico. Geology, v. 36, no. 5, p. 391-394. PDF (323KB) >> Supplement PDF (492KB) >> Donnelly, J.P. and J. D. Woodruff (2007), Intense hurricane activity over the past 5,000 years controlled by El Niño and the West African monsoon. Nature, v. 447, p. 465-468. Link >> Woodruff, J.D., Geyer, W.R., Sommerfield, C.K., and Driscoll, N.W. (2001), Seasonal variation of sediment deposition in the Hudson River estuary. Marine Geology, v. 179, p.105-119. PDF (1.4MB) >> Geyer, W.R., Woodruff, J.D., and Traykovski, P. (2001), Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary. Estuaries, v. 24, p. 670-679. PDF (1.8MB) >> Barton, D.A., Woodruff, J.D., Bousquet, T.M., Purrish, A.M. (1997). Treatment system response to transient AOX (Adsorbable Organic Halogen) loadings. Water Science and Technology, v. 35(2-3) 85-91 pp. PDF (328KB) >>