AICE Unit 4 – Mid-Unit 4 Skeleton Essay Samples Name: How

AICE Unit 4 – Mid-Unit 4 Skeleton Essay Samples
Name: ________________________________
How & why did the United States’ relationship with the Caribbean and Central America change between 1840 and
Thesis: The United States became increasingly aggressive as a world power in the mid-to-late 1800s. Driven by the
desire for economic resources and markets, competition with traditional world powers, and the beliefs of Social
Darwinism, the US began to intervene and control countries in the Caribbean and Central American like never before.
Topic #1: Economic resources & markets
Description, examples, vocabulary
Dollar diplomacy, economic growth, Panama Canal, American business investments – Taft sent marines to Haiti &
Dominican Republic. Businessmen influenced foreign policy – Dole in Hawaii. Fruit companies in Guatemala, banana
Topic #2: Competition with other world powers
Description, examples, vocabulary
Monroe Doctrine & Roosevelt Corollary – Control of customs houses in Haiti – protecting region from influence &
intervention from European countries
Spanish-American War – Cuba & Spain The US as the world’s policeman –
Roosevelt & Big Stick Diplomacy – The Great White Fleet – Panama Canal
Topic #3: Social Darwinism
Description, examples, vocabulary
White Man’s Burden, Manifest Destiny, Cuba & Yellow Journalism, Imperialists vs. Anti-Imperialists, Anti-Imperialism
League, Mexican-American War
AICE Unit 4 – Mid-Unit 4 Skeleton Essay Samples
Name: ________________________________
Evaluate the consequences of the United States’ changing relationship with the Caribbean and Central America
between 1840 and 1930.
Thesis: Due to the United States actions in the Caribbean & Central America in the Age of Imperialism, the US grew as an
economic power, they created more and more enemies, and they moved on from the divisions of the Civil War
Topic #1: Growth as an economic power
Description, examples, vocabulary
Dollar Diplomacy, American businessmen – fruit companies, Dole, etc. William Taft & Theodore Roosevelt, Places to sell
American products, raw materials for US businesses – sugar in Cuba, Bananas in Guatemala Trade – the Panama Canal
The Singer sewing machine company
Topic #2: Created more enemies
Description, examples, vocabulary
Resentment in Central America toward the US, Banana Wars, Monroe Doctrine & Roosevelt Corollary, US army,
Intervention in Mexico – Pres. Wilson, Dictators put in charge by the US – people hated them, Gringos, US as a bully –
the world’s policeman, Spanish-American War – Cuba & Spain, Manifest Destiny, White Man’s Burden, Imperialism,
poverty & problems in Caribbean & Central America – US benefitted but not them
Topic #3: Moved on from divisions of Civil War
Description, examples, vocabulary
Spanish-American War, Yellow Journalism, Pulitzer & Hearst, American pride, Social Darwinism, Imperialist vs AntiImperialists, Mahan, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, economic power,