6 mark principles of training

(iii) Explain why testing is important to a health or fitness exercise
programme. [5]
• it allows the participant to identify their strengths and
• measures improvement
• identifies a starting point
• compare with themselves
• enables participant to set personal targets
• aids self motivation
• helps recover from injury
• supports the coach in selection
• Monitor success of programme
b) (i) Explain the reasons why this activity might help with an
improvement in an individuals health and lifestyle.
• Physical Fitness
• Social interaction
• Improved body image
• Improved self esteem
• Mental fitness – motivation, self confidence 2x3 [6]
Level 1 (0-3)
Information is poorly organised with limited use of specialist vocabulary.
There are frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
There is limited knowledge of the reasons why dance may contribute to a
healthy lifestyle and little amplification.
Level 2 (4-6)
Information is well organised with good use of specialist terms. There are
some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar but these are not
There is a good knowledge of the reasons why dance may contribute to a
healthy lifestyle. Answers show some clear amplification
'Much has been done to encourage participation in physical
activity.' Discuss the factors that can affect participation in
physical activity. [6]
• Gender, race, and social issues
• Influence of school physical education programme e.g.
initiatives 5 x 60, National curriculum, extra curricular,
wider curriculum
• Risks associated with sedentary lifestyle
• Financial constraints
• Media coverage
• Government policies/funding/target groups e.g. health
agenda, SCW, Sport England
• School and community links e.g. Physical Education and
School Sport
• Provision of community resources/facilities – opportunities
Level 1 (0-3)
Information is poorly organised with limited use of specialist vocabulary.
There are frequent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
There is limited knowledge of factors that can affect participation. There
is little attempt to apply these factors.
Level 2 (4-6)
Information is well organised with good use of specialist terms. There are
some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar but these are not
There is a good knowledge of the factors that can affect participation.
There is a clear application of these factors.
10. Using the SMART principle, explain and give examples of how goal-setting can lead
to improved health and fitness. [6]
S Specific goals need to be set – gives a focus.
M Gauge PROGRESS and know when to set new goals.
A Need to be agreed with participant so that she has OWNERSHIP and
VALUES them.
R They need to be challenging but achieveable – helps MOTIVATE
T Time to achieve goals needs to be specified in order to focus the
participant and so that short-term goals can lead to longer-term goals.
Level 1 (0-3) Information is poorly organised. Limited use of specialist
vocabulary. Errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
There is limited knowledge of the SMART principles and
why Goal-Setting can help in improving health and fitness.
Level 2 (4-6) Information is well organised. Ideas are expressed
logically. Good use of specialist terms. Few errors in
spelling, punctuation and grammar.
'Taking part in exercise makes the body respond by changing both immediately and
adapting over time to the level of activity.'
Analyse the short and long term effects of exercise on a participant's health, fitness
and well-being. [6]
Content should include the short-term effects of exercise and the long-term
benefits of exercising on health and fitness.
• Adaptations for CV – Respiratory – Muscular – Skeletal and circulatory
Short term effects
• Skin colour changes • Heart-rate increases
• Body becomes hot • Breathing increases
• Body becomes sweaty • May become tired
• May get a stitch • May pick up injury
• May get aching muscles/joints • May become stressed
Long term effects – physical
• Increased CV endurance through efficient respiration/circulation.
• Increased VO2 max.
• Increased vital capacity/cardiac output/larger-stronger heart.
• Improvements in physical fitness overall or for specific parts of the
• Increased effectiveness/efficiency of components of fitness.
• Improve performance in sport and impact on health.
• Lower resting heart rate. Recovery rate improves.
• Reduced risk of injury.
• Arteries larger and more elastic – blood pressure reduced.
• Can cope with more lactic acid during exercise.
• Body uses more fat and less carbohydrate as fuel for exercise – weight
• Tendons become stronger. Bones become stronger. Ligaments more
• Increased capillarisation.
GCSE PHYSICAL EDUCATION Specimen Assessment Materials 29
Social/psychological benefits
• improved self-confidence/self-esteem
• increased vitality/energy levels
• consequential benefits to other aspects of life – school, work, job etc
Level 1 (0-3) Information is poorly organised.
There is a limited knowledge of the short-term effects of
exercise and the long-term benefits of exercise on the body.
There is a limited use of specialist vocabulary and frequent
errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Level 2 (4-6) Information is well organised.
There is good knowledge of the long-term effects of
exercise including social/psychological benefits and sense
of well-being.
There is good use of specialist terms with some errors in
spelling, punctuation and grammar but these are not
intrusive. [6]