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Westover News
September24th 2015
Westover Primary School, Westover Road, Copnor
Portsmouth, Hampshire PO36NS
Telephone: 023 92 660178 Fax: 023 92 655434
Headteacher: Mrs A Gunthorpe B A Hons, PGCE, NPQH
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs C Regan B Ed, NPQH
Admin Officer: Mrs S Hattersley
Roman Soldier Day – The Roman Soldier Day in year 3/4 today was a huge success. The children really enjoyed
dressing up and engaging in lots of fun and exciting activities. The year 3/ 4 teachers would like to say a huge
thank you to the parents for the fabulous effort you made with the children's costumes. We are extremely
grateful and the children simply loved it.
School photos- individual school photos will be taken on Thursday October 1 st. If you want siblings to be
photographed together please let us know in writing by Wednesday September 30th. Without this authority we will
not photograph siblings together. Thank you.
Calpol- if your child needs calpol or similar to help them to feel well enough for school please leave a bottle of
calpol or similar at the office where you will need to sign a consent form. The calpol or similar should be collected
at the end of each day and returned to school when needed. We do not anticipate that any child will need calpol or
similar for a sustained period of time but we also recognise that we can all feel under the weather at times.
Sickness- please ensure that you phone to report your child`s absence every day that they are off.
There is an answerphone to take messages out of school hours. It is very important that we know that your child
is ill and will not be attending school.
Collecting children from after school clubs- please do not arrive at school any earlier than 4;20pm to collect
your child from football on Tuesdays. The door will not be open until 4;20pm as we do not have space to
accommodate adults any earlier. Thank you.
Playground in the morning- Please remember that when the first bell rings in the morning everyone, both adults
and children, must stand still so that we can be sure everyone is safe. At the second bell the children must walk to
their class lines ready to enter school calmly.
Scooters- the riding of scooters and bikes within the school grounds is strictly forbidden. Please help us maintain
the safety of all.
Colouring competition- thank you for all your entries and kind offers of help with painting the gates. Winners will
be announced on Friday.
After school clubs survey- thank so much for your replies. There were some very interesting ideas for clubs
which we will consider to see whether we can provide anything suitable. The most popular ideas were; dance,
gymnastics, tennis, arts and crafts, cookery and singing. Most parents are prepared to pay between £3;00 and
£5:00 for a one hour session. We are now going to see whether we can engage people to run these clubs so please
bear with us. Thank you to those parents who offered their help- I will be in touch.
Teaching and Learning.
Yesterday we enjoyed hosting the CAST assembly team who told us about the need for perseverance. This fits
into our Westover Ways- resilience, self -motivation and being the best you can be. As usual the children
thoroughly enjoyed both the dramatised story and the singing.
Orca class performed their Roman themed class assembly this week. They were dressed up as Roman soldiers and
thrilled the audience with their retelling of the story ‘Spartacus’. There was a quiz throughout the assembly –
‘Who wants to be a Radical Roman?’- and the other children listened well to the work shared and information read
to them to be able to answer the tricky questions. Orcas did a fantastic job of reading stories set in Roman times
which they had written, performing dance and drama pieces and explaining how the Romans attacked and invaded
Britain. Well done Orca class, we thoroughly enjoyed it.
School Dates
Poetry sponsorship forms will be coming home.
Week beg. 28.9.15
Thursday October 1st individual school photos
Monday November 2nd INSET
Week beg: 2.11.15