October 14, 2014 Minutes

OCTOBER 14, 2014
Mr. Stroop, Mrs. McCafferty, Mr. Metrione, Mr. Vogl
Superintendent Prody, Principal Paulson,
Mr. Triplett, Student Rep Parker McCafferty
Staff and members of the public.
Motion to approve the agenda with the removal of Approve Colony Paraprofessional and the removal of full time custodian
and the removal of substitute custodian/games cleaner under action, made by Mr. Metrione. Mrs. McCafferty seconded the
motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Metrione seconded the motion. Motion passed
No Student Representative report.
Homecoming Activities (Homecoming Committee: Mr. Koontz, Mr. Hoyer, Coach Graham, Mrs. Tillman & Mrs.
Thanks to Mr. Koontz and Mrs. Tillman for overseeing Class Olympics, the seniors once again
painted the “B” and had to gather new rocks for the “15.”
Bonfire- Thanks to the Rural Fire Dept.- Henry Croff for the wood.
Silent Auction – Thanks to Mr. Hoyer, Mrs. Tillman, Mrs. Swanson, & Mrs. Vogt for helping out.
Over $16,000 was donated to Robert Back’s account.
Congrats to Paxton Maki and Hanna Reiser for getting selected as Homecoming King & Queen.
Completed Staff PIR on best practices for Common Core Implementation for Math and ELA on Sept. 17th.
The senior class attended the College Fair at the University of Great Falls on Sept 17th and met with
representatives of both in and out of state colleges, as well as the many branches of the armed services.
Belt School celebrated American Indian Heritage week with a visit from Jim Ray. Mr. Ray shared his expertise
with elementary, middle school, and high school students and demonstrated the use of Indian weapons and
tools. The week also included American Indian facts each day in the morning announcements, and special
Native American treats served at lunch each day. Thanks to Mrs. Ray for coordinating the week’s events.
Completed CPR- First Aid Training for ½ of the teaching staff.
Mid-Terms were run on the 23rd of September. Every student in grades 6-12 was mailed a mid-term progress
report and any student with a D, F or unsatisfactory received a comment from a teacher.
Dental Health Education Program provided by the City/County Health Dept. was provided for all 2nd and 4th
Former Belt Principal Mr. Fontana stopped by and did a mini-lesson on Paul Revere for Mrs. Jones' class. Mr.
Fontana is overseeing UGF student Tannar Cummings, who has been in our building observing classes.
Congratulations go out to Senior Dakota Romero for being selected KRTV’s student of the week.
Thanks to Senior Metals students Zeb Anderson and Matthew Jones for designing and creating desk hooks for
Mrs. Jones' 3rd graders to be used for their book bags.
The 4th grade received the Montana Wild grant and will be going to Spring Meadow State Park in Helena
November 5th. The grant totaled $307.80 and will pay for the bus driver along with the fuel. The 4th grade is
signed up for archery, Mountain Lion safety, ecosystem conservation and river quality.
Doreen Sheer, our Occupational Therapist will be working in our Kindergarten classrooms once a week,
incorporating “S’cool Moves” which are academic based movement activities that develop both fine and gross
motor skills.
Students in grades K-8, & 10th completed MAPS testing during the month of September.
Reading, Language Arts, Math Testing and Science (Grades 9 & 10)
Flu Clinic-Over 40 individuals from the school and community received shots on Friday Oct. 3rd.
Senior Night for Football/Cross Country was Friday Oct. 10th – Honored 3 Cross Country Athletes and 6
Football players and their parents.
Several of our seniors attended The Trades Rodeo at Expo Park Oct. 14th. At this event the seniors got to
experience some trade jobs through hands on experiences. There was a station to learn about solar energy,
carpentry, and CPR. There were also several colleges on hand that offer trades degrees.
Congratulations to the following Voice of Democracy Speech winners:
3rd place-Hannah Reiser, 2nd Place-Matthew Jones, 1st Place-Colton Swanson
Colton and Matthew will now compete at the district level within Montana.
MBI – 12 High School students attended Youth Days in Great Falls on Oct. 5th & 6th.
This years’ service goals include: visits to the senior center & little Husky-big Husky student mentor
BAM (Business, Advertising, & Marketing) workshop was attended by the Marketing class on Oct. 14th.
Industry professionals from television, radio, newspaper, graphic design and ad agencies provide the students
with a “real
life” look into what it’s like to be in a wide variety of media professions.
Oct. 15th Hearing Screening
Oct. 15th PSAT Test for Juniors
Oct. 16th and 17th MNEA / MCEL Conferences
Oct. 22nd Blood Drive
Oct. 22nd Vision Screening for grades K-1,3,5 & 10 and all new students.
Oct. 22nd Statewide Earthquake Drill (Drop, Cover, & Hold On)
Oct. 24th End of the 1st Quarter
Oct. 25th State Cross Country Meet
Oct. 25thth Senior Night Volleyball vs. Centerville
Oct. 26th DECA Carnival
Oct. 27th Picture Retakes at 10 am
Oct. 29th Jostens to meet with Seniors
Oct. 30th Kindergarten Pumpkin Laboratory
Oct. 30th-31st District Volleyball @ GFCC
Oct. 31st Halloween Parade 3 pm.
Nov. 1st First Round State FB Playoffs
Nov. 6th-8th Divisional Volleyball @ Chinook
Nov. 3rd/4th -Parent Teacher Conferences
Grades Card will be handed out during PT conferences
Otherwise grades will be available online or in the mail on the 10th.
Nov. 5th ASVAB Testing for all Juniors
Nov. 10th 5-12 Fall Music Concert at 7 pm.
Superintendent Prody spoke about the number of athletes needed to maintain a sport. Tonight’s discussion mainly concerned
Varsity, MS, and JV wrestling. At this time wrestling numbers are low. If wrestling is dropped due to the lack of athletes,
this also affects girl’s golf, which was added to maintain compliance with Title IX. The discussion also included school
policy on the number of Middle School wrestlers. Policy states that if fewer than 5 athletes are involved, the sport will be
dropped for the season. Wrestling coaches Turk and Tim Lords were present to discuss their concerns that if wrestling in
Middle School were dropped, this would adversely affect High School wrestlers. Policy as to how many wrestlers need to be
in the High School program is confusing. Action was taken in 2008 that states “There was a lengthy discussion concerning
a minimum participation number for wrestling Athletic director Jim Wichman recommended a minimum number of five
participants before wrestling be added to our sports offering. If wrestling is not added, boy’s golf was discussed. A survey
taken last fall of the High School boys indicated high interest in boy’s golf. Motion to approve a minimum participation
number of five before wrestling is added, was made by Mr. Best. Mrs. Keaster seconded.
+Board Minutes July 8, 2008
Superintendent Prody reported Dusty’s Sprinklers are working on the well for outside water use. The school will be using the
well for all outside watering. A.T.Klemens will be working on the school water system October 16 and 17 while school is
not in session. They will be replacing the incoming 4 inch pipe to a 2 inch pipe.
The board members have been receiving correspondence about Common Core. Superintendent Prody believes some of the
information contained in these letters is false and misleading. She encouraged the Board Members to talk to her if they have
any questions or concerns.
Superintendent Prody requested that one of the Board Members be at the Belt City Council Meeting on Wednesday night as
she will be unable to attend.
Superintendent Prody publicly commended Jamie McKinney for the extra responsibilities she has undertaken at the colony.
Mrs. McKinney has been the only certified teacher at the colony since the beginning of school.
Superintendent Prody informed the board of two more resignations. Patti Wakeford, custodian, has resigned to move out of
state. Golf Coach Karl Koontz resigned his coaching duties
to spend more time with his classroom.
There was no public comment.
Motion to approve Heather Moran, Colony paraprofessional made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Vogl
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve full time custodian Freedom Cousins made by Mr. Metrione. Mrs. McCafferty
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve substitute custodian/games cleaner Mike Shelton made by Mr. Vogl. Mr. Metrione
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve substitute teacher Logan Rutten pending background check made by Mr. Metrione.
Mrs. McCafferty seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Megan Graham, HS Boys’ Basketball assistant Coach made by Mr. Vogl. Mrs.
McCafferty seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Suzi Maki Girls’ HS Basketball assistant coach made by Mr. Metrione. Mr. Vogl
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Renzi Horton MS Girls’ Basketball Coach made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Vogl
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Tony Cooper MS Boys’ Basketball Coach made by Mr. Metrione. Mrs. McCafferty
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Turk Lords Head Wrestling Coach made by Mr. Vogl. Mr. Metrione seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Tim Lords Volunteer Wrestling Coach made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Vogl seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to continue training in interest based bargaining (IBB) with the goal of using IBB to negotiate with
the teachers Federation in 2014-2015 made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Vogl seconded. There was board
discussion, where concerns were voiced about the commitment to IBB and if the school would be locked in
to using this method for negotiations. Mr. Metrione was reluctant to make a commitment to IBB without
further investigation and information on the process. Mr. Metrione asked to amend the motion to include
“the schools right to opt out at any time”. Mrs. McCafferty was also reluctant to vote on this issue without
more information. Clerk Mrs. Coughlan inquired if the board could table the motion instead of amending it
to avoid any confusion about the wording.
Motion to table “continue training in interest based bargaining with the goal of using IBB to negotiate with
the Teachers Federation in 2014-2015 was made by Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. Metrione seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.
Mrs. McCafferty motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Vogl seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting was