Open guest lectures by Professor Joan Martinez-Alier at School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 23 – 30 September 2011 (Please, keep an eye on the calendar for possible changes. 1. 23 September, 13.15: Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, Valuation Languages (includes presentation of special section of Ecological Economics 70(2) on ecological distribution conflicts, 2010). Location: Journalisthögskolan, Linnesalen, Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg 2. 26 September, 13.15: Debates on socially sustainable economic degrowth (includes articles in 2009 and 2010 by JMA et al in Development & Change, Ecological Economics, and Journal of Cleaner Production). School of School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Room E43, Vasagatan 1, Gothenburg 3. 29 September, 13.15: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (includes a review of the TEEB initiative) Annedalsseminariet, Room 204, at Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg 4. 30 September, 13.15: The EROI of agriculture, and the Via Campesina (article by JMA in J. of Peasant Studies, 2011)Annedalsseminariet, Room 204, at Campus Linne, Seminariegatan 2, near Linneplatsen, Gothenburg Welcome! Gunilla A. Olsson