CORE Assignment Checklist

Was it okay for the U.S. Government to take away the
individual rights of Japanese Americans during World War II?
Paragraph #1: Introduction
1. THE HOOK: Begin with an interesting question, fact, or quote that
supports your thesis.
2. THESIS: Answer this question: Was it okay for the U.S.
Government to take away the individual rights of Japanese
Americans during World War II?
3. LIST 2 THINGS, that you will talk about during the rest of the
script that supports your THESIS. (One of the Amendments of
your choice and a section of the Declaration of Independence, such
as “All men are created equal” OR “All men are entitled to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”)
Paragraph #2: Background Info.
Who? List all of the important people involved in the Internment
of Japanese Americans in complete sentences.
When? Write when the Internment of Japanese Americans took
place in complete sentences.
Where? Write down where the Internment of Japanese Americans
took place in complete sentences.
Why? Write about what the attack of Pearl Harbor was and how it
helped cause the Internment of Japanese Americans in complete
What? Write about what World War II is, such as who was the
United States fighting against, with complete sentences. When did
this war begin and end?
Paragraph #3: An Amendment
Write down which TWO Amendments were violated by the U.S.
Government. (Most kids choose either the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th
QUOTE and write down what the Amendment actually says. (Use
my websites or the Red History Book, pages 275-277.)
EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS what the Amendment
actually means.
EXAMPLE: Write down how the U.S. Government actually
violated this amendment.
Paragraph #4: Declaration of Independence
1. QUOTE and write down what part of the Declaration of
Independence you are using: “All men are created equal” OR “All
men are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
2. EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS what the above phrase
actually means.
3. EXAMPLE: Write down how the U.S. Government actually
violated this phrase with specific examples.
Paragraph #5: Closing
1. Restate your thesis from your first paragraph but in a different
way. (Was it okay for the U.S. Government to take away the
individual rights of Japanese Americans during World War
2. CALL TO ACTION: Tell your reader to do something now
that they know it was wrong for the U.S. Government to
put away the Japanese Americans during World War II so
that this doesn’t happen again.