
Measurement Activity
50 min
11th grade Physics
Students will be able to explain the importance of using units of measurement and how to
convert between units.
Students will measure the length of a hallway using various forms of measurement.
Student Outcomes
- Learner objectives listed
- Standards addressed:
- CT-STEM Skills
 Data & Info: Collecting/creating data, Manipulating data
 Computational Problem Solving: Troubleshooting/debugging,
Applying recursion (repeating measurements with smaller rulers),
Developing modular computational solutions (unit conversion)
- Next Generation Science Standards
 Analyzing and Interpreting Data: Use tools and models to generate,
gather and analyze data
 Using Computational Thinking: Use CT tools for statistical
analysis to analyze/model data
 Planning Investigations: Evaluate data collection methods
(experimental design, simulations)
 Constructing Solutions: Construct and revise explanations based
on evidence from a variety of sources (e.g., scientific principles,
models, theories)
 Developing and Using Models: Use/construct models to
predict/explain relationships between systems and their
- Illinois State Science Standards
Using rulers, recognizing units
Teaching Notes
Class discussion: How can we measure the length of the hallway?
- strides
- rulers
- arms’ lengths
- any others?
Have the whole class do Method #0 (counting strides), then come together to discuss the
pros/cons with using this method to measure the length of the hallway.
Pre-class Preparation
Make chart to project on the board (ppt) for students to fill in their measurements (just
like on their handout)
Mark out a section of the hallway (from one locker to the doorway; use tape on ground?)
Assemble materials
Assign certain groups different measurement tools; at least 2 groups using each type of
Materials and Tools
Rulers (12”)
Meter sticks
Tape measure
Handout (see attached)`
[see attached handout]
Exam Questions:
1. Convert 19 inches to centimeters.
2. A stride is 2.6 yards and the width of the hallway is 3.5 strides. What is the width
of the hallway?
3. How many miles per hour is a cheetah going, if it can run at a top speed of 27
- Active Physics Textbook (Chapter 1, Section 2) link to online pdf
Measuring Activity
Big Question: What is the best way to measure and report the length of
the hallway?
Plan an Investigation:
List some ways we can measure the length of the hallway (include any
equipment, if necessary):
Method #0:
1. Count the number of strides it takes for one team member to cover
the marked-off distance in the hallway. Record this number in the
first box for Trial 1.
2. Have the same person repeat the process and record your result in
Trial 2.
Design a Procedure (for your specific Method):
Come up with a procedure to explain exactly how you used your method
to measure the length of the hallway. This should be explicit enough
that someone could do it the exact same way just by reading your
Record Data:
Method #0:
Method #1:
Method #2:
Method #3:
Method #4:
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 1
Trial 2
1. Give three reasons why counting strides is not a great way to measure
2. Why does your group’s value for the length (using Method 1-4) differ
from another group’s value?
3. Why were some of the measurements just a little bit off from each
4. What did/could you do to minimize error?
5. How could you use math with the length from Method 2 to get the
length from Method 3?
6. Which was the “best” way to measure the distance? Why?
7. What units are preferable to use when reporting the length of the
hallway? Why? (i.e. What is the easiest for people to visualize?)
8. What else could you use to measure this distance?
Conversion Practice:
Use dominoes to solve the following problems:
1. How many centimeters are in 1 meter?
2. How many meters are in 18 inches?
3. How many seconds are in 1.5 days?
4. What is 25 mph in meters/second?