Science Horizons Lab Research paper The results of stress and strain on Bridges By Kathleen Lott Table of contents 1. Abstract: Page 1 2. Research Plan: Page 2 3. Introduction: Page 3 4. Materials: Page 4 5. Procedures: Page 5 6. Results: Page 8 7. Project Data Book: Page 9 8. Discussion/Conclusion: Page 14 9. Works Cited: Page 16 Abstract The purpose of this experiment is to find thorough scientific inquiry which popular bridge design holds up best against stress in order to identify the best bridge for use. This essay is the result of stress experimentation on three bridges. The original idea was to test the bridges that held up best against weight. There was little success with designs which led to only one of the three showing drastic signs of stress concluding in the breaking of that bridge. Resistance to stress was determined by adding 1.360777, 2.35868, 4.48951 Kg weights one at a time. The making of the bridges consisted of taping, gluing, and carving pieces in order for everything to fit together and to work as desired. At first things did not always work out because the bridges sat for 24 hours or more in order to ensure that the bridges could actually hold their own weight before adding any additional weight. The suspension bridge and the beam bridge did not have a breaking point, however the arch bridge had a breaking point at 4.48951 Kg after an average of 1.16666 seconds. In conclusion the bridge that held up best was the beam bridge but the suspension bridge also showed little signs of stress while the arch collapsed after an average of 1.16666 seconds with 4.48951 Kg. Research Plan The problem being addressed is to find, thorough scientific inquiry, which popular bridge design holds up best against stress in order to identify the best bridge for use. My hypothesis is: If two bridges (Deck beam and Arch) are built and tested, then the Deck Beam Bridge will cope worse with weight compared to the control (Suspension Bridge). My engineering goals are to find, through scientific inquiry, which design of bridge will hold up best against stress and strain in order to identify the best bridge for use. My procedures are adapted to this experiment specifically and will be made and revised during trial tests. To analyze data I will add the weights, and then I will observe and record their effects on each bridge. I will also record the amount of time that is needed to show extreme amounts of strain within 10 seconds. Introduction Background: In this experiment I will be testing how different bridges withstand different amounts of stress and strain. My research was prompted by the recent bridge failures in this country. I hope to find the bridge design that will stand up best against the most common forces a bridge would encounter. Variables: Independent Variable: Design Dependant Variable: Weight Control: Suspension bridge Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to find, thorough scientific inquiry, which popular bridge design holds up best against stress in order to identify the best bridge for use. Engineering Goals: To find, through scientific inquiry, which design of bridge will hold up best against stress and strain in order to identify the best bridge for use. Hypothesis: If two bridges (Deck beam and Arch) are built and tested then the Deck Beam Bridge will cope worse with weight compared to the control (Suspension Bridge). Materials Computer Weights(1.360777, 2.35868, 4.48951 Kg) Duck tape Scotch maximum adhesive wood glue Ruler Meter stick 2, 1.10 30.48 wood rods 24 gauge wire 3, 10’0.5’ 62’ boards Razor Small screw driver 6 of the same size boxes 1, 0.1510.160.9 board 124, 5.710.310.31 miniature dowels Composition book Pencils with erasers Glasses Gloves Protractor 3, ½ 92 ½ cm rods Electric screw driver 1 ½ cm blade Spring scale Procedures Procedure for Deck Beam Bridge: 1. Mark the board halfway length wise 2. Mark the board every 2 cm width wise 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with other board 4. Count the number parallel lines there are on one side of halfway line 5. Multiply by two to get the total number of lines per one board 6. Multiple this number by two to get the number of dowels needed 7. Glue at a 110 angel in 8. Lining up the middle of each dowel to form an X 9. Let glue dry 10. Take board with lines and tape to two boxes 2 cm in with 18 cm of duck tape 1 ½ cm over board 11. Use small screw driver to carve small indent into wood on ach side of the board and two indents in the middle 12. Glue Xs into notches making sure they are upright 13. Let dry 14. Glue along lines on the other board 15. Place on top of board with Xs 16. Let dry Procedure for Arch Bridge: 1. Cut down rods so that they are 6 cm shorter than the board 2. Make a notch on each side of the rods 1 cm from the edge 3. Space rods 3 cm apart 4. Tape together with 1 cm width 5 cm long piece of duck tape making sure that notches are facing up 5. Tape to boxes with 10 cm of tape right after the notch 6. Tape on to boards over the previous tape with 10 cm of tape 7. Bend board so it matches up with notches 8. Tape bottom of the boards with 60 cm of duck tape 9. Make sure that the entire edge of the board is covered (3 pieces of tape) 5 cm of tape wrap over each side 10. Add another 14 cm of tape over the overlap of tape 11. Glue board on to rods making using notches as guide glue should drip onto board as well Procedure for Suspension Bridge: 1. Measure and mark 1 cm on each end of the board 2. Excluding the 1 cm on either end, measure and mark the board down the middle 3. Measure and mark half of the newest marks so that the board is divided into 8ths 4. Cut first 1 ½ cm wide hole on the 1st ¼ and the second on the 3rd ¼ parallel line 5. Cut a 65 cm piece of tape 6. Cut piece of tape into 6, 1cm wide almost ½ way to middle 7. Repeat on other side 8. Push ½ of tape through the hole 9. Spread out tape around edge of hole so it looks like a star 10. Cut 30 cm of wire 11. Attach board to boxes with 15 of tape line edge of box up with the 1 cm on each side line edge of piece with line 12. Insert pylon into hole 13. Glue in place 14. Let glue dry Discussion/ Conclusion Conclusion paragraph 1:If two bridges (Deck beam and Arch) are built and tested then the Deck Beam Bridge will cope worse with weight compared to the control (Suspension Bridge). Incorrect. Conclusion paragraph 2:My hypothesis is incorrect because the deck beam coped the best with the tests. Looking at the data table, the notes taken during and after the tests on the beam bridge state that for the most part the bridge showed only small reactions compared to the other bridges even when the maximum amount of weight was added. The graph is misleading in terms of observable signs of stress that were not significant enough to cause the bridge to malfunction. Conclusion paragraph 3:Some problems that were encountered during testing were that the bridges were created in a way that allowed only the most visual of their designs to be recreated in the models. This means that the bridges were only the simplest of their design with only basic builds. This could have affected the data because if there were other parts of the inner workings of the bridges then they were most likely over looked, leaving the bridge in most cases weaker than it would be if made full scale. Other problems consisted of certain early models broke before testing even though said models were the most accurate to their real life counter parts. Another problem was that the wood used for the arch bridge was thinner than the wood used in the other bridges due to the fact that the wood used in other tests was not flexible enough to bend. This most likely affected the data because this bridge was far weaker than the others. I suggest using a combination of the suspension and Deck beam bridges however I do not believe that my data should be taken into much consideration due to the number of variables added without meaning. Suggestions to further experimentation on this subject are to find a better building material that is flexible and yet strong enough to withstand the tests. Credits: I would like to credit my mother, Mary, for helping me with various parts of this lab and providing the materials. Works Cited for Science Horizons Lab BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2009. <http:/>. “Dynamic response of a curved bridge under moving truck load.” ScienceDirect 24.10: n. pag. Abstract. ScienceDirect 24.10 (2002). ScienceDirect. Web. 9 Nov. 2009. <http:/ gh&_orig=search&_cdi=5715&_sort=r&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=1405&_acct=C000 050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&>. “Life-cycle cost-effective optimum design of steel bridges considering environmental stressors.” Science Direct 28.9: n. pag. Abstract. Science Direct 28.9 (2006): 1. ScienceDirect. Web. 2 Nov. 2009. <http:/>. Narayanan, Subramanian, Dr. “I-35W Mississippi river Bridge Failure- Is it a wake up call?” Structural Engineers Forum of India. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Nov. 2009. <http:/>. The New York Times 2 Aug. 2007: n. pag. Web. 4 Nov. 2009. <http:/ reference/timestopics/subjects/b/bridges_and_tunnels/bridge_disasters/index.html>.