Endangered Species Wiki

Endangered Species Wikispace
Directions: You will be creating an informational webpage on Wikispace about an
endangered species of your choice. You must first go to:
http://www.wikispaces.com/content/wiki and sign up for your free wikispace. You will
need an email to do this and you CANNOT USE your rtmsd.net email. Write down your
username and password so that you do not forget! You will be graded for both the
content of your webpage and the technological/visual presentation of your webpage.
The project will be due on 1/2/14. And will be presented to the class. Best Page
will win an amazing and super awesome prize.
Once you have a wikispace created, you will select the endangered species that you will
design a page about. Each person must select their own species! There can be NO
REPEATS for the class. Some webpages that will help to pick your species are:
You must clear your endangered species with Mrs. Slattery BEFORE proceeding to the
next step. Once you have cleared your species you are ready to begin! Your wiki must
include the following visual/technological aspects (25 points):
- Different pages to separate information
- At least 1 embedded voki
- At least 1 embedded youtube
- At least 8 pictures of your species or photos that are relevant (habitat, food...)
- At least 3 other multimedia additions from the list below OR of your choice...
Possible Webpages to reference:
http://www.voki.com/ (Talking Avatars)
http://www.bubbl.us/ (Mind Maps)
www.youtube.com (Videos)
http://www.toondoo.com/ (Cartoons)
http://gickr.com/ (Animated Gif Maker)
www.voicethread.com (Voice Recorded Slideshow)
http://www.slide.com (Slide Shows of pictures)
http://www.surveygizmo.com (Survey)
http://chartgizmo.com (Charts)
http://www.glogster.com (Animated Posters)
Endangered Species Wikispace Components
Directions: Your Wikispace should be properly named to include the name of the
species that it is about. The welcome page should be custom designed to your liking
(description of contents in the welcome box and select the formatting that you like the
best). You must then create a new page for each of the following categories:
General Facts
 Name of species
 Scientific Name of Species
 Places it is found
 Map of where it is found
 Pictures of species
Habitat Description
 Describe the types of habitat that your species needs
 Name and discuss all habitat requirements of the species
 Pictures of habitat and components of habitat
 What does the species eat?
 Niche of the species
 How does it acquire its food
 Feeding adaptations
 Does the diet change over the course of the year
 Pictures of food
 Important biological facts about the species
 Breeding habits and requirements
 Does it migrate, hibernate or other things that are relevant
 Body Description (size, features, other relevant things)
 Pictures
Reasons for Endangerment
 Detailed description of causes of endangerment
 Include all relevant reasons such as: habitat loss, overhunted, human involvement,
disease, invasive species, etc…
 Pictures
Current Efforts for Species Recovery
 Include all efforts to recover species
Is it listed in US as endangered, internationally…?
What organizations are involved
Is it protected in certain areas, all areas, etc…
What is in place for future recovery of the species
Letter to Appropriate Source
 You must draft a letter to an appropriate source (politician, newspaper, journal, a
corporation impacting the species…) that details the concerns about the population
of the species and how you would like these concerns to be addressed
 This should be your creation and include your unique ideas to help in the recovery of
the species
 Include contact info so that others may also write to your source in they should want
In General—Check for formatting, typos and completion as these will be factored
into your grade! Good luck—your species is depending on you!
Period 3
Matt Lomas/Ryan/James Dunn ----Aye-aye
Katie/Maggie- Great White Shark
Victor/Matt Giant Panda
James George-Sumatran Tiger
Megan/Zerr – Blue Footed Booby
Bond- Pac Salmon
Kailey/Page- black footed ferret
Noah- fennec fox
Mike/Sidney- Narwhal
Rob Swanson-White Rhino
Period 7