10-5-09 minutes

CPC Meeting, 10/5/09
Present: Mark Jackson (social sciences), Bill Baldwin 9business and economics), Scott Whiddon
(humanities), Josh Schwartz (student rep), Elizabeth Fugazzi (institutional research and assessment), Wei
Lin (fine arts), Amelia El-Hindi Trail (education and exercise science), Bill Pollard (Dean of the College),
Michelle Rawlings (secretary/registrar’s office), Susan Brown (library), Elizabeth “Lily” Beiting (student
rep), Jerry Seebach (natural science and mathematics)
Absent: None
1. Announcement of new CPC website development through Moodle. Will continue to use the old
site for now until Michelle can get new site set up.
2. Consideration of 9/21/09 minutes. Move to accept (Whiddon first, Beiting second, unanimous
in favor).
3. New Business
a. New psychology course proposal, Issues in Developmental Psychology
Discussion over concerns regarding rotating prerequisites and “permission of
instructor”. Gives instructor too much control over who can take the class and the
rotating prerequisites make it confusing for students.
Course proposal amended to list prerequisites as PSY 2114 or PSY 2124 and
permission of instructor.
Motion to accept new psychology course with amended prerequisites (Whiddon
first, Baldwin second, unanimous in favor).
b. New English course proposal, Postmodern Literature
Discussion regarding whether Program Director and Division Chair comments are
required on course proposals  A. El-Hindi Trail to send reminder to all Program
Directors and Division Chairs reminding them to indicate their comments on the
proposals before sending to CPC.
Discussion regarding whether the 2000-level was appropriate for the course. A
closer review of the proposal indicates that course is not a period course but that it
is more of an introductory course that would communicate more with the GE
Motion to accept new English course (Whiddon first, Baldwin second, unanimous in
c. Application for GE Area V for new Postmodern Literature class.
Consensus that the lack of prerequisites on the class is a benefit to non-majors with
an interest in literature.
Question of whether the missing syllabus should affect the application. Syllabus
was attached to original course proposal form, so committee decided to accept
application as is.
Motion to accept new English course as Area V GE (Brown first, Jackson second,
unanimous in favor).
Application to go before Faculty for vote at the 10/22/09 Faculty meeting.
d. Proposal to change existing English course, ENG 3224 Romanticism - Change in course
description and course title
Proposal stated that the change was reflective way class is currently being taught.
Motion to accept changes in ENG 3224 from Romanticism to Romanticism and
Liberty with amended course description (Trail first, Beiting second, unanimous in
e. New English course proposal, Romantic Lyric
Questions regarding the fact that course was 3000-level with no prerequisites.
Consensus that the omission of the prerequisites must have been an oversight and
that ENG 2904 or permission of instructor was most likely the intended prerequisite
Decision made to table proposal until confirmation was received as course was not
to be offered in winter or May 2010.
Consensus to vote on proposal via email once prerequisite confirmation is received.
*10/7/09 – Received confirmation of prerequisites of ENG 2904 or permission of
instructor from A. Vital  Unanimous Vote in favor to approve via email from all
CPC members.
Application for GE Area V for new Romantic Lyric class
Tabled pending confirmation of prerequisites from A. Vital.
Consensus to vote on proposal via email once prerequisite confirmation is received.
*10/7/09 – Received confirmation of prerequisites of ENG 2904 or permission of
instructor from A. Vital  Unanimous Vote in favor to approve via email from all
CPC members.
g. Major pattern proposal from Business program to remove MATH-1304 Calculus I
requirement and replace with MATH 1034 Contemporary Math - OR- MATH 1304 Calculus I
Follow up discussion from 9/21/09 meeting regarding reasoning for request to
rescind previous major pattern change made in 2008-2009 year.
Discussion regarding other options business program might pursue in lieu of
Calculus: Focus areas (foreign language, computer science, international affairs,
etc.), Additional statistics training, Development of Business Calculus class, etc.
Confirmation from business program director that Calculus I is not a prerequisite for
any upper level class in the business program.
Discussion regarding whether underlying problem is the lack of math background in
high schools and that there is a gap between a strong math background and college
Committee acknowledged the logistical issues of requiring Calculus I without the
input of the Math program and business program director agreed to discuss
implications with the math department prior to Faculty meeting .
Additional discussion on whether Calculus I should be removed from major pattern
at this time or if change should just be put in “holding pattern” until logistical issues
can be resolved.
Motion made to remove Calculus I from major pattern requirements and replace
with previous requirement of MATH 1034 Contemporary Math - OR- MATH 1304
Calculus I (Baldwin first, Jackson second, unanimous in favor).
4. Old Business
a. Reintroduced discussion regarding Course Numbering System
Chair requested that all CPC members poll their divisions regarding what the
numbering system means to their programs/division and report back to CPC to see if
the numbering system is a problem that should be addresses by CPC or it should be
left as is.
b. 3 year term for CPC members.
Lifetime CPC members feel strongly that the CPC needs consistency because they
see the direct effects of the 2-year member rotation and that CPC never hits its
stride until winter term and by then the year is half over. All agreed that
consistency is needed for CPC to hold weight on campus and make uniform
Discussion and concern regarding the faculty support for 3-year terms given that
some programs have few faculty to offer.
Chair requested that all CPC members poll their divisions and report back to CPC at
the next meeting .
**Next CPC Meeting will be Monday October 26th at 3:30pm in OM 307**