2013 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 12, 2014 All Saints’ Episcopal Church Southern Shores, NC 1 2013 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 12, 2014 Table of Contents Agenda 3 Office Volunteers 16 Parish Statistics 3 Parish Life 17 Rector’s Report 4 Pastoral Care 18 Senior Warden’s Report 5 Servant Ministry 19 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes 6 Solo Flight 20 Vestry Candidate Profiles 7 Stewardship 21 Acolytes 8 Ushers 22 Adult Education and Spirituality 9 Worship 23 After Dark @ All Saints 10 Altar Guild 11 Building and Grounds 12 Columbarium and Labyrinth 13 Communications 14 Healing Team 15 * * * * * * According to the Bylaws of All Saints’ Episcopal Church --- In all church elections those entitled to vote therein shall meet the following qualifications: [Adult Communicant: in Good Standing, hereafter referred to as “Communicant”] a. Be a person who has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water, whether in the Episcopal Church or in another Christian Church, and whose Baptism has been duly recorded in the Episcopal Church; and b. Be sixteen years of age or older; and c. Have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God; and d. Have been enrolled as a member of the Church by Letter of Transfer, Certificate of Membership, or other canonical measure; and e. Shall have subscribed to the following declaration: “I do hereby consent to be governed by the Constitution and Canons of the Church, as set forth in and by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America and by the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of East Carolina”. 2 2013 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 12, 2014 AGENDA Appointment of Clerk for Annual Meeting Rector’s Comments Senior Warden’s Comments Introduction of Candidates Vestry Election Report from Finance Committee Other Business Announcements ____________________________________________________ PARISH STATISTICS Communicants 2013 2012 Adults 308 306 Baptisms Confirmations and Receptions Marriages Burials Average Sunday church attendance Easter 2013 Christmas 2013 Children / Youth 62 63 5 0 4 8 141 446 319 ____________________________________________________ Facts and Figures Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Services 79 105 107 117 120 153 200 199 153 143 163 176 182 191 176 171 179 Total Attendance Average Sunday Attendance 4,232 5,866 5,413 6,854 6,724 75 10,115 11,445 10,556 10,965 10,948 10,785 9,701 9,423 9,036 9,336 3 131 136 140 155 182 173 170 168 162 177 146 142 141 Rector’s Annual Report for 2013 There is a cliché about an ancient Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” This year has been interesting. The vestry has been pushing me to take a Sabbatical and I could find nothing I wanted to do more than work here at All Saints. This year I decided to study more about the Soul Work of working with dreams as a way of listening to God. It has taken me into deeper prayers and meditations and has scattered some of my easy assumptions about the nature of my ministry. I had worked under the assumption that I would work quietly here helping people go deeper into their faith until I reached the Mandatory retirement age in five years. The problem is that the world does not stay the same. The church will need to respond in a different way. 1) We need a five year plan of action. The old saying applies that if we do not know where we are going we will end up somewhere else. It is holy to wonder but not realistic or healthy to wander. We need to face the challenges of being a religious institution in the 21st Century, instead of an assumption of the mid-20th century mindset. 2) We need to develop a stronger program of attraction of visitors and incorporation of new members. We need to constantly recruit and develop leaders. Currently we are casual because we don’t want to “drive” people away and therefore they drift away. We know that the population of the Outer Banks is constantly changing and many people will not be life time members- or to use the line from Mae West; “It is not the men in my life-it is the life in my men.” 3) We need to have a year around stewardship educational emphasis. If we “believe” in the tithe than we have to assume that 75% of our members have an income that is less than Census Poverty Threshold Levels, then that changes where our ministry needs to be. 4) If we wish to attract younger members we need to be more tech savvy and use the media they use, understanding that Sunday morning is not the only time they consider holy. We need to find and use more options for common ground. 5) We need to understand that that we are in a precarious financial situation which relies on 25% of the congregation to supply 75% of the budget. As we have seen when people in that quarter either die or move away due to age or health concerns the budget is crippled. 6) We have put very little energy into building an endowment and in a time when there is the greatest movement of generational wealth transfer in history; it is imprudent as an institution, to sit on the sidelines. Matthew 10:16; “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I have asked the vestry to let me know if I am not the person to lead us into this new era and if I will need to retire before the five years are up. I have loved being here for these 10+ years and I have been one of the luckiest people on earth. This year I give thanks to Judy Mumma who runs the place and Andy Mohr who cleaned the place. Andy retired and Judy works harder each week dealing with all the stuff we pile on her. Both have loved the church and we horribly underpaid them. Steve Blackstock has skillfully provided the music through which we are able to worship the Lord. I thank the Wardens and Vestry who have helmed this year with patience and skill. Especially I want to thank God for giving us Julie Hamilton. The vestry closed ranks and took over the slack during her illness and we were wise to tap Tia Edwards to fill Julie’s term Brewster Brown and Jim McDonald are leaving the Vestry; Brewster is a champion for young families and children and Jim keeps reminding us of the need to reach outside of ourselves with a power greater than ourselves. The list is too long for this space for me to include as I thank God for all the people who give so freely of their time and talent in this church. We have been blessed. Shalom Tom+ 4 Senior Warden’s Report The community of All Saints continues to strive to serve God through its members and into the larger community. We are blessed to have a congregation of people that generously offer their time and talent to serve our common good and the good of others. Our committees, ministry and guilds, as well as our staff, work tirelessly and are often under appreciated. Our Vestry has worked well together. We set a number of goals in early 2013 which included building a vibrant Family Ministry Program; completing a personnel policy manual with job descriptions; developing programs for the children and youth of our congregation and community; reviewing the current committee structure to better position our church for the future; exploring an alternative service to our present Sunday morning services; initiating a study to look at longer term building utilization; and encouraging and where possible enabling the formation of support groups for younger families. While some progress has been made, we still have additional opportunities ahead. It seems to me that while we have added some newer members and we have a wonderful but small number of young families, we do not appear to be growing and we have lost some very active parishioners over the past few years. Our stewardship giving to support our operating budget reflects this pattern. A look at 2013 pledge data shows some of our vulnerability. Until such time as when our Stewardship giving expands and increases, we will need fundraising events like Lobster Fest, Holly Days, yard sales or media sales to help support our budgeted operations. Proceeds from these fund raising events presently supply over 20% of our operating income. Annual Amt Pledged $0 $50-$300 $301-$500 $501-$750 $751-$1000 $1001-$2000 $2001-$3000 $3001-$4000 $4001-$5000 $5001-$7500 Above $7500 Number % Total Number 15 13 8 12 10 29 15 9 10 10 6 137 11% 9% 6% 9% 7% 21% 11% 7% 7% 7% 4% % Total Amt Pledged 0% 1% 1% 3% 3% 14% 12% 10% 16% 19% 21% Total Pledged Average Pledge $0 $2,296 $3,860 $7,948 $8,736 $43,646 $37,176 $30,336 $47,760 $58,460 $64,610 $304,828 $0 $177 $483 $625 $874 $1,505 $2.478 $3,371 $4,776 $5,846 $10,768 At our Vestry Retreat in February, we will look at this data and our demographics in light of future plans and try to set a course for the future. We know the admonition “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” But we also know that we are all in this together, and God is with us all the way. Your prayers and support for All Saints are always requested. Peace in Christ, Tom O’Brien 5 ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2012 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 13, 2013, 9:30-10:15am The meeting was called to order by Fr. Tom Wilson at 9:30am. Fr. Tom opened with prayer. Approval of minutes of 2011 Annual Meeting. Motion was made and seconded to accept the 2012 Minutes. Appointment of Clerk for the Annual Meeting: Kay O’Brien was appointed as Clerk for the Annual Meeting. Rector’s Comments: Fr. Tom expressed his appreciation for the All Saints staff, Judy Mumma, Andy Mohr, and Steve Blackstock and thanked them for their many contributions to our church. He also expressed thanks and appreciation to the Vestry and the three (3) Vestry members who are going off the Vestry. Fr. Tom reported that attendance at the Sunday morning services is down. He talked about the need for our parish to take a good look at how we attract people to our services. The work that we do outside the church walls is a way to do God’s work. Our involvement with Room In The Inn, ICO, Food for Thought, Ruthie’s Kitchen, Beach Food Pantry, etc. are some of the different ways of “being church”. Senior Warden’s Comments: Senior Warden, Tom O’Brien, thanked the outgoing Vestry members, Brewster Brown, Charles Coppage, and Bob Edwards, for their dedication and hard work. He introduced the Candidates for Vestry: Mary Moynahan, Paula Myatt, and John Fricker. Vestry Candidate Andy Mason withdrew his name as a Vestry Candidate. The ballots were distributed by the outgoing Vestry members. Vestry Election Results: Elected are: Mary Moynahan, Paula Myatt and John Fricker. All of the candidates were thanked for their willingness to serve. Report from the Finance Committee: Tess Judge reported that we are lucky to have Deb MacDonald as our Treasurer and thanked her for her service. Tess reported that our loose-plate offering is down and our carryover amount is also down, at $2173. However, she reported that we do have a balanced budget. She reported that if everyone made their pledge, 100% of fundraising could go to outreach. Tess reported that we will continue our 10% tithe to the Diocese. We have had to cut many items from the budget and will have to continue to be very careful with our money. She offered the opportunity for questions from the congregation and the fact that our staff has had no salary increases for two years was presented. She explained that salary increases for our staff and hiring someone for Christian Education are top priorities. Other Business: Dave Briggman thanked Bob Edwards for all his work at All Saints. Karen Arbaugh announced that April 13, 2013 would be the date of our yard sale. Phyllis Porcher thanked all the office volunteers. Maureen McGrath asked for volunteers for the upcoming After Dark At All Saints. John Tucker gave a report on a piano we will receive that needs to be refurbished. The Outer Banks Community Fund has enabled us to obtain funding for refurbishing this piano, and Chris Kipros will be giving a concert in February on our newly obtained piano. Announcements: Fr. Tom announced the resignation of Bishop Daniel at the end of February to become the Provisional Bishop of Philadelphia. Until a new Bishop is elected, the Standing Committee will be making necessary Diocesan decisions. Kay O’Brien has resigned her position as Vestry Clerk and Carol Kightlinger has accepted the position and will begin her duties at the next Vestry meeting. Fr. Tom thanked everyone for coming to the Annual Meeting and concluded the meeting with prayer at 10:20am. Respectfully Submitted Kay O’Brien, Clerk 6 CANDIDATES FOR VESTRY Three individuals have been named as Candidates for the 2014 Vestry Election. Arline Arnold, Tia Edwards, and Tom Secules have all agreed to serve as the Class of 2016. The election will be held at the Annual Meeting which is scheduled or January 12, 2014, between the services. Listed below are the biographies of these 3 Candidates. Tia Edwards I was elected by the current vestry to fulfill the remainder of Julie Hamilton’s vestry term. That seat is to be re-placed this year with a new Vestry candidate and I would like to be considered for that seat and continue on as a Vestry member. I was born in Baltimore, MD, and lived there my whole life until I moved with my husband, Jeff, to the Outer Banks in 2007. I was baptized Greek Orthodox and spent most of my adult life in the Greek Orthodox Church. My husband and I have been attending All Saints’ since August of 2010. Since then we both have been very active in All Saints’ activities and committees. The welcoming feeling and the warmth from everyone at All Saints’ helped to make us feel comfortable right from the start. I consider myself to be open-minded and organized and I always put forth my best effort once I’ve commit-ted to something. But most importantly, I care deeply for All Saints and want to do my best for this church and congregation as well as the community we serve. Arline Arnold I was born and raised on Long Island, NY. I am mar-ried to Fred Arnold and we have one daughter and two granddaughters. We lived in Smithtown, NY for 18 years, then resided in Charleston, SC for 13 years. We moved to Connecticut for a couple of years and then moved to the Outer Banks where we have lived since 2003. The majority of my working career has been in information technology for Northrop Grumman for over twenty years where I was a Software Engineer, Software Development Manager and Soft-ware Quality Assurance Manager. I worked on various internal Grumman software projects in NY and managed a DOD software project for Northrop Grumman in Charleston SC. I have a BS and MBA degree from New York Institute of Technology which is located in West-bury NY. I was confirmed an Episcopalian and have at-tended an Episcopal Church for over 40 years. Tom Secules I have been a member of All Saints’ since the very first service in May of 1995. Since then, I have been active as a vestry member two times. I was the Senior Warden once and also served as a Co-Junior Warden. I was the chairman of the building committee when the church was being constructed. I have been active as a member of the pastoral care committee, healing team, an office volunteer, AD@AS, and Holly Days. I am a Lay Eucharistic Minister and a lay reader. I am the All Saints’ coordinator for Room in the Inn. I feel that participation and volunteering both in the church and the community to be a very important part of being a Christian. I would like to be able to involve our younger families more, so that they will be prepared to assume more leadership roles in the church 7 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Acolytes Committee Members: Dave Briggman, Sandy Briggman Monthly Meeting Time: No set meeting schedule. Committee Mission: To train and schedule the acolytes. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Continue to schedule acolytes for the 10:30 AM service if possible. Increased attendance at the Acolyte Festival. Additional needs: More acolytes! We have lost some and haven’t gained any. It is becoming difficult to schedule 3 acolytes each Sunday. Funding new robes. 2013 Objective: Recruit additional acolytes. 8 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Adult Education and Spirituality Committee Chairperson and members: Kaye White, Chair; Jim MacDonald (Vestry), Dick Calhoun, Ellen Newsom, Vicki Parker, Craig Peel, Jane Williams, Fr. Tom Wilson Regular scheduled meeting time: Quarterly - 2nd Thursday at 3:00 p.m. Committee Mission/Purpose: The role of this committee is to offer educational opportunities and experiences for our spiritual formation and growth. Summary of major accomplishments/activities for the past year: Opportunities for a variety of retreats and conferences were noted in the Trumpeter throughout the year. All Saints was a community sponsor in February of a Women’s Conference which had over 200 women in attendance. It was a dramatic presentation by Anita Gutschick of lives of women across the Old and New Testaments. This was the fourth year of the publication of the All Saints’ Lenten Meditations written by our own All Saints’ family based on the gospel of Luke. We thank all for their participation. This will be done again in 2014 with meditations on “Lenten Reflections on Resurrection.” The office of morning prayer was read weekdays at the church during Lent. The Lenten Study Series (five sessions) which followed soup/salad suppers, focused on “Living With Loss—Finding Hope.” Sessions included economic loss; loss of spouse/partner/divorce/death; loss of childhood; parents/grandparents; loss of dreams/hopes/expectations. A telephone survey was conducted of parents with young children to determine what type of programs would attract them and what time they should be held. Very little interest was expressed for programs outside of the Sunday service due to limited time for adult activities. Adult Bible Study continues to be held on Sunday mornings between services and on Mondays at noon led by Fr. Tom. Discussion Series: Jane Welch led a discussion series on Thomas for several weeks in the Spring. Ignacio Gotz led two discussion series: Christian Mystics in June and in September, The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three: Discovering the Radical Truth at the Heart of Christianity, by Cynthia Bourgeault. Janice Lane led a “Breath of the Soul” workshop. Ellen Newsom led a book discussion on “Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver. Jim MacDonald led a three-week series on “The Path to Serenity: Letting Go-Letting God.” Quarterly labyrinth walks were held in March, June, September and December for church family and community members to walk the labyrinth along with a short meditation led by Pat Wilson. Dream Group continues to meet on the first and third Tuesdays each month led by Pat Wilson. Additional Needs: Program ideas from church members. 2014 Vision: Provide a larger variety of programming with more participation by the church family in programs offered. 9 2013 ANNUAL REPORT AFTER DARK @ ALL SAINTS Committee Members: Mary Moynahan, Nancy Kay, Leckie Conners, John Tucker, Tess Judge, Tim McKeithan, Davis Feyrer, Candy Roberts, Maureen McGrath, John Gualtieri, Jack & Sally Myers, Fr Tom & Pat Wilson, Sandy & John Fricker, Dick & Miriam Calhoun, Mary Lou & Joe Beckett, Beth & Tom Secules, Kay & Tom O’Brien (chair). Monthly Meeting Time: As needed Committee Mission: Manage the After Dark @ All Saints program of evening classes for the community to support the Servant Ministry’s outreach mission. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: The 2013 program netted $11,100 which was divided among four service organizations – ICO, Food for Thought, Community Care Clinic, and Room in the End. Days Classes All Sainters Outside All Saints Class Registrations Approx Cost Outreach 2010 8 32 60 151 348 $1,350 $4,950 2011 12 41 83 184 478 $1,550 $8,000 2012 12 50 69 228 559 $1,650 $10,000 2013 15 54 78 222 635 $1,184 $11,100 Additional needs: New members willing to provide leadership for this well-recognized program 2014 Vision: Classes begin Feb 3rd for the FIFTH AD @ AS program and has been expanded to four weeks during February. Over 70 classes will be offered. Expectations are that we will net over $13,000. 10 2013 ANNUAL REPORT ALTAR GUILD Traditionally, the Altar Guild has been a group of women within the church whose duties were to insure that the church was set up properly for all worship services. Today, Altar Guilds are a ministry of Lay People, both, male and female, young and old. Our duties include the care and cleaning of linens and Eucharistic vessels, polishing brass, as well as service set up. We order all consumables that are used weekly. This includes sanctuary candles, candle oil, wine and wafers as well as cleaning supplies. At All Saints, the Altar Guild is divided into teams, each of which is responsible for one week a month. We are a flexible group, helping as needed. We work together to cover holiday services. This group of ladies is to be commended for its faithful service to our church. We lost a beloved member this year with the passing of Marge Wallwork. We would be delighted to welcome new members, (male, female, young or old). If interested please call Beth Secules at 255-0971. Altar Guild members: Jennifer Adams, Jeanette Anderson, Mary Lou Beckett, Jeanne Coppage, Sandy Fricker, Vivian Gould, Lucille Levan, Carole Kimmel, Ann Laughner, Sally Myers, Elaine Piddington, Beth Secules, Betsy Shea and JoAnn Small. The following gentlemen helped frequently: George Laughner, Charles Coppage, John Fricker, Jack Myers, Ralph Lasiter, Joe Beckett and Tom Secules 11 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Building and Grounds Building Building maintenance issues have been minimal this past year with the exception of the mold problem on the Sanctuary ceiling. I have obtained bids for removing the mold from the ceiling, exposed beams, speakers and light fixtures and to repaint the affected ceiling panels. However, before doing this, I felt that is was necessary to try to determine what was causing the mold to grow. The roof and skylights have been examined and no leaks were discovered. We are now looking at modifications needed in the sanctuary HVAC system that will better maintain a lower humidity level and in turn discourage the growth of mold in the future. This is an older system and some repairs have already been made. As I write this, we are awaiting a proposal for the HVAC system and once that work is done, we will proceed with ceiling clean-up and repainting. Grounds I am grateful to all everyone who contributed their time and talent in maintaining our grounds this past year. We had several work sessions and one mulching session and as a result the church grounds looked wonderful this year and we have a good start for the coming year. The “Grounds Groups” weeded, raked, mulched, pruned and planted and then gathered together for a late lunch, refreshments and fellowship. Thank you to Elaine Piddington, Arline Arnold, Jack Myers, Lilias Morrison, Tom O’Brien, Tim McKeithan, Mary Lou and Joe Beckett, Jennifer Beckett, Leckie and Jim Conners, Joe Newsom, Maureen McGrath, Andy Moynihan, Tess Judge, Deb and Jim MacDonald, Candy and Bill Roberts, Karen Arbaugh, Sandy and John Fricker, Nancy Burnett, Brewster Brown, David Feyrer, Jennifer Adams and Ralph Lasater, Sara Munford, Mary Ann DeYoung, David Myatt and Suzanne Utley – and anyone who I might have missed – who helped with these sessions. Other areas of the church grounds maintained were the Labyrinth, Columbarium, Pet Cemetery and the trail through the woods. Thank you to Joe Newsom, Jim MacDonald, Joe Beckett, Lecky and Jim Connors for their work in these areas. Thank you also to Robin Carey for taking over responsibility for the commemorative bricks for the Pet Cemetery. 2014 Vision While the maintenance of the building and grounds is the responsibility of the Jr. Warden, it is a task that cannot be done without the help of all parishioners. Whether you have helped with a yard session, moved chairs and tables, swept the kitchen floor or cleaned up after a project or event you have helped and for that I am so appreciative and grateful. I have been reminded during this past year that we are a parish family – as a member of this family, each contribution of time and talent whether small or large is a valuable contribution to All Saints. My vision for 2014 is to keep up the good work! Paula Myatt, Jr. Warden 12 2013 Annual Report Columbarium Garden and Labyrinth In this year of 2013, John William “Jack” Mann was interred in the All Saints Columbarium Garden. Many folks have helped with the maintenance of this area. Jennifer Adams and Leckie and Jim Connors have most definitely done the lion’s share of the work. We appreciate their zeal and kindness. In the near future, plaques with the names of those interred will be affixed on the north facing side wall of the Columbarium. Labyrinth walks marking the solstices were led by Pat Wilson; the winter solstice walk was begun at noon and was especially lovely, with a bright sun and unseasonably warm temperature. Any Parishioners interested in joining this committee would be most welcome; contact Joe Beckett at 261-3342. Respectfully submitted, Joseph M. Beckett, for the Columbarium Garden and Labyrinth Committee 13 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Communications Committee Committee Members: Sandy and Dave Briggman Monthly Meeting Time: N/A Committee Mission: Facilitate communication with parish members and local newspapers. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Edited Trumpeter, maintained web page, placed articles and advertisements in local newspapers. Additional needs: Trumpeter: Need articles submitted for the Trumpeter in a timely fashion (by the 20th of the preceding month deadline) and submitted ready to print. Web Page: Need activity and 2014 schedule updates for web page in a timely fashion. 2014 Vision: Continue. Dave & Sandy Briggman 715-0410 briggman5@embarqmail.com ╬╬╬ 14 2013 Annual Report Healing Team The Healing Team continued their ministry this year, increasing their Sunday presence to every Sunday at 10:30 and twice a month at 8:30. We meet for prayer and study on the Saturday before the second Sunday, except for the months of June, July and August. There are currently fifteen parishioners serving in the ministry. In addition to Sundays the team is available at other times as needed, by calling the church office or Fr. Ted and Joan Bishop. 15 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Office Volunteers Committee Chair: Phyllis Porcher The office volunteers provide coverage Monday – Thursday afternoons and at other prearranged times when the Administrative Assistant is out of the office. They are the “real live” voices you hear when you call so that the church doesn’t always have to rely on an impersonal answering machine. They are the friendly, human face of All Saints’ when visitors come to “check us out” in the afternoon. Duties of the volunteers include greeting visitors, answering phones, relaying messages, and making calls as needed. In addition, they perform miscellaneous office duties as requested, including weekly bulletin-folding and monthly Trumpeter folding, stamping, and labeling. The volunteers make weekly calls to “Those Who Serve” on Sunday mornings to remind them of their duty for that day – including LEMS, Lay Readers, Ushers and Greeters, Acolytes and Torch Bearers, Coffee Hour hosts, and Nursery Volunteers. In an effort to ensure that the church office has current information on all parishioners, the office staff recommends that each member of the congregation complete/update a Parish Information Form (always available in the office or the Narthex). We appreciate that all volunteers respect the confidentiality and sanctity of the church. The following people have served faithfully and deserve our thanks for representing us: Joe Beckett Mary Lou Beckett Ruthie Charlton Carol Cowell Ed Cowell Tia Edwards John Fricker Sandy Fricker John Gualtieri Nancy Kay Lucille Levan Maureen McGrath Tim McKeithan Betty Medlock Barbara Mercado Carlos Mercado John Mullen Ellen Newsom 16 Kay O’Brien Tom O’Brien Phyllis Porcher Rosemary Rosenburg Beth Secules Tom Secules Cynthia Slegel Sylvia Wadsworth Liesel Witzel 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Parish Life Committee Chairs: Sally and Jack Myers Monthly Meeting Time: 2nd Thursday of the month at 9:30AM Committee Mission: In 2013 the Parish Life Committee has continued on its mission to make newcomers welcome at All Saints. We monitor the guest book and receive copies of letters sent by the office. Coffee mugs and baked goods are taken to potential members. Name tags are made as requested. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: We had a successful Lenten season beginning with the Pancake Supper (Nick and Dawn Kiousis provided the sausage). We had a great crew and wonderful music. During Lent we hosted the weekly Soup and Salad dinners which were enjoyed by all. The Parish Picnic was very well attended in June. The park just across the bridge seems to be a great venue. Linda and Lambros Vlahos generously provided the hamburgers, hot dogs and all buns. Parishioners brought a wide variety of picnic foods. We supplied soft drinks, condiments and paper products. In November we had pot luck supper with no program. Just a time to come together and enjoy each other's company. We had several bottles of wine on hand which we served. We charged $1 per glass. The evening was very successful. There were several occasions when the Parish Life assisted with receptions after memorial services. Luckily we have very generous parishioners who offer their food and help at the events. John Fricker sends birthday and anniversary greetings to parish members. Additional needs: We are always looking for new volunteers. 2014 Vision: We will continue with the above activities in 2014. Suggestions and comments are always welcome. 17 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Pastoral Care Committee Members: Joe Beckett, MaryLou Beckett, Joan Bishop, Father Ted Bishop, Nancy Burnett, Ruthie Charlton, Carole Kimmel, Kay O’Brien, Tom O’Brien, Beth Secules, Tom Secules, Barbara Tucker, and Maureen McGrath, chair Monthly Meeting Time: Quarterly or as needed Committee Mission: To be there for parishioners “when things fall apart,” i.e., to provide for parishioners earthly and spiritual needs, especially for the sick, home bound, hospitalized, bereaved or those in need of support. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Thank you to all the members of the Pastoral Care Committee for their caring and hard work this past year. Also thank you to all those non-Committee members who have stepped forward to help others within our faith community. God surely is working through each and every one of us who reaches out to help another at All Saints’. In the fall of 2013, a large number of parishioners agreed to be pastoral care volunteers to help when a need arises. They have gladly given rides to church for an elderly member, provided meals to a recovering family, driven a spouse to Norfolk to visit, and even did a day of respite care. We are forever grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. The Committee provides prayer mechanisms via the Prayer Chains and the Prayers of the People. Currently, members of the Healing Teams are available on all Sundays for prayer. Prayer shawls continue to be knitted and given to those within and without the church family in need of comfort. Home Eucharist is taken to the home bound. Sympathy and get well cards have been sent. The Committee has prepared soups and meals for the church freezer to be used. Fresh meals have also been provided. This year, the Church Youth Group made several lasagnes for our use. Also, this year a listing of community resources was put together to be used as a beginning point for members who need help. Both governmental and private agencies are listed along with their phone numbers. Copies are available in the church office. Additional needs: Better communication of the needs of our parishioners and some additional members on the Committee and as volunteers.. 2014 Vision: To continue to be there to help one another “when things fall apart.” 18 2013 ANNUAL REPORT SERVANT MINISTRY COMMITTEE Committee Members: Ed Cowell, Anita Edwards, Sandy Feyrer, David Harden, Carole Kimmel, Tim McKeithan, Barbara Mercado, Perry White, Tom Wilson Monthly Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of the Month, 1:00 Committee Mission: God calls us to be attentive to the needs of the community; to communicate those needs to the congregation; and to provide, to the best of our ability, the volunteer and financial resources to meet those needs. Summary of 20l3 Achievements and Activities: ln addition to financial support, the committee has provided volunteers for Food for Thought,The Beach Food Pantry, Missions of Mercy Dental Clinic and activities and services at Colony Ridge. Parishioners have prepared and served dinner to 150+ guests at Ruthie's Kitchen and purchased Christmas gifts for 17 children as part of the Angel Tree project. The committee also co-sponsored a panel with GEM addressing the problem of medication interaction. As individuals, many of the members of All Saints volunteer and support local agencies and projects. COMMITTEE DESIGNATED DONATIONS Beach Food Pantry Ruthie's Kitchen lnterfaith Community Outreach Dare Challenge Colony Ridge Bicycle Headlights His Dream Center OBX Peace and Justice Coalition OBX Pride Fest Missions of Mercy Dental Clinic Scholarships for School Children in the Dominican Republic Beach Food Pantry Mano al Hermano March of Dimes Angel Tree TOTAL $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 400 $ 240 $ 600 $ 300 $ 500 $ 125 $1,000 $600 $500 $500 $100 $300 $6,065 AFTER DARK lnterfaith Community Outreach Food for Thought Community Care Clinic Room in the lnn TOTAL $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $11,000 Heifer International $754 Additional needs: To increase the size of the committee and to encourage new church members to volunteer to be part of the Outreach ministry. 2O14 Vision: To encourage the spiritual practice of service to the local and larger communities. "To Love Our Neighbors As Ourselves." 19 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Solo Flight Singles Ministry Committee members: Pat Kinney (chair) and 25 plus members to include members not in our congregation, part time and long distance members. Monthly meeting time: Every Sunday brunch whether two or twenty are gathered in his name. Monthly at varied times for scheduled events. Committee mission: To provide fellowship for those who would otherwise be alone due to death of a spouse, divorce, or other single status by providing events and outings as well as encouragement to participate in church worship, committees and other functions. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Celebration of many birthdays, participation in concerts, theater, luncheons, dinners and outings. One highlight of the year was a spring celebration luncheon, hosted by Lucille Levan, where I asked members to bring and share an object of art, poetry, reading or object of nature which celebrates God in nature. Another interesting development to share. Ann Bell from RI Presbyterian church is starting up a singles group. She had contacted me to get some insight about our group. Phyllis attended their first luncheon meeting to talk about our group. We are also sharing e-mails and event information as a possible way to network and attend different events together. We welcomed two new members, Mary Denaro and Bill Sargent and lost long time beloved member Julie Hamilton. Additional needs: 2014 Vision: To recruit new members, find new and varied activities and grow into what God wishes for us. 20 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Stewardship Committee Committee Members: Jeff Edwards, Tom O’Brien, Tess Judge, John Tucker, David Feyrer, Karen Arbaugh, Tom Secules, Jim MacDonald Monthly Meeting Time: Varied, but frequently on Sundays between services. Committee Mission: To raise money for the church through annual pledges from the congregation. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Our Committee led the annual stewardship campaign, which included: 1. A kickoff breakfast provided at no charge by Nick and Dawn Kiousis on Oct 6, 2013, with Karen Arbaugh as our Keynote Speaker. 2. 5 Stewardship Moments over a 6 week period, from early Oct thru Mid November. The speakers included – a. 10/13 – Jeff Edwards b. 10/20 – John Lenhart c. 10/27 – Sean McGuire d. 11/3 – Fran Peel e. 11/17 – Bill Wadsworth 3. Thank letters to all donors, and regular updates on the amount pledged and total donors from Oct-Present To date, our efforts and those of many of the All Saint’s Parishioners have led to 115 donors, donating a total of $293,142. Additional needs: We are still short of covering the expenses in the FY ’14 budget. We also have several Parishioner families who have not pledged. Our goal was and still is 100% participation. Our single additional need would be for all Parishioners to pledge. 2014 Vision: Our Committee has discussed the possibility of making the Stewardship Campaign something that runs year round in some capacity, although this is still up for discussion. I would say our 2014 vision should include a few key components, such as 100% donor participation, Committee growth to include new Parishioners, and expansion of the Stewardship moments to include more Parishioners, possibly over a greater period of time. 21 2013 Annual Report Usher Committee Committee Members: Jack Myers and 21 ushers ( David Briggman, Sandy Briggman, John Fricker, Jim Goes, Warren Judge, Tess Judge, Carlos Mercado, Barbara Mercado, John Gualtieri, Maureen Mc Grath, Sally Myers, Kaye White, Jim MacDonald, Brewster Brown, Robin Carey, Kevin Carey, Jeff Edwards, Tia Edwards, Paul Hanson, David Rhoads, Bill Wadsworth Monthly Meeting Time: As Needed Committee Mission Provide ushers for all church services. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Prepared timely usher schedules. Distribute pertinent information to ushers via e-mail. Provide ushers for special occasions ie. Funerals, Memorial services, etc. Additional needs: New ushers to replace ones who have resigned. 2013 Vision: Recruit and train additional ushers 22 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Worship Committee Committee Members: Co-Chairs: Bill and Sylvia Wadsworth were co-chairs for 2013 until September 2013. Thank you for your dedication and service to All Saints’ for your many years of service. A special THANK YOU to all the current members of the Worship Committee: Group Representative(s) Choir Steve Blackstock,/ Joan Bishop Christian Education Betsy & Brewster Brown Acolytes David & Sandy Briggman Altar Guild Beth Secules Flower Guild Paula Myatt LEMs, Lay Readers David & Sandy Briggman Ushers Jack Myers Vestry Sandy Briggman Pastoral Father Tom Meeting Time: The Committee met Feb 6th, Mar 6th, May 1st and Sept 4th. Committee Mission: The role of the Worship Committee is to provide coordination and communication between the variety of groups/individuals that provide support and assistance to the rector for worship services and related events. Summary of 2013 achievements and activities: Worship enables all parishioners and visitors to experience the resurrected Christ in the midst of our gathered community. The talents of many individuals of all ages enable us to honor and serve through corporate worship. Thus, worship achievements and activities are dependent on our many worship leaders: Lay Eucharistic Ministers, acolytes, choir members, lectors, greeters, ushers, sextons, A/V support persons, Father Tom, Father Ted, Father Bob, as well as all the members of the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Christian Education, and Healing Prayer Group. Thanks to everyone who has participated in our celebrations at all regular worship services, as well as special liturgical events including All Saints’ Day, Christmas Family Service, Lessons & Carols, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Blessing of the Animals, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, youth services, Baptisms, Confirmations, weddings, and funerals. Additional needs: All parishioners are encouraged to share their talents, joy, and thankfulness for all God’s Blessings; and to recognize that All Saints’ is truly a blessed place. There is a volunteer need in all groups that make up the Worship Committee. Please let a Worship Committee Member know if you would like to be a part of a certain group. 2014 Vision: The 2014 Worship Committee Vision is to continue to explore avenues for providing all members of the All Saints’ family with spiritually meaningful worship experiences and related activities throughout the changing seasons of our liturgical calendar. 23