Mastery Assignment, Psychological Principals If completed beyond an exceptional standard you shall receive 5% credit for every factor of 10% credit you are lacking. No more than 25% will be granted. “Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” Albert Einstein Your Goal: You need to demonstrate mastery in the area of research and analysis, which has been the writing focus for this quarter. To do this you need to delve deeply into a psychological tenant, principle, or study and prove that that aspect of psychology reflects reality or is founded on false reasoning. Requirements: You must heavily research one aspect of psychology that has been studied extensively and utilize your peers, family, of other subjects (in an ethical manner and with approval from all parties and parents in the case of minors) to prove the psychological principle you chose is true or in fact false. You must also document your study in an analytical and scientific process and use your data and documentation to prove the psychological aspect you chose to be correct or incorrect. Lastly, you must extensively document the process you utilized to create your study and prove the psychological principle you chose is true or in fact false; with all the steps included, as well as any difficulties you encountered along the way. Minimum Guidelines: 1 extensive research paper, 1 case study with data and observations (with analysis and scientific conclusions), 1 presentation that illustrates your trials and tribulations as you attempted to prove or disprove this aspect of psychology. Research Paper Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Approaching Standards Emergent or Developing Non-Proficient Author’s research is extensive and indisputable. 8 pages of research are included with a minimum of 5 sources utilized with at least 2 of those sources being outside of the internet. Author’s research is acceptable and nearly indisputable. 6 pages of research are included with a minimum of 4 sources utilized with at least 1 of those sources being outside of the internet. Author’s research is acceptable. 4 pages of research are included with a minimum of 3 sources utilized. Author’s research is vague. 2 pages of research are included with a minimum of 2 sources utilized. Author’s argument is not logical, is not focused, or is too broad. Mastery Assignment, Psychological Principals If completed beyond an exceptional standard you shall receive 5% credit for every factor of 10% credit you are lacking. No more than 25% will be granted. Psychological Study Exceeds Meets Standards Standards The study The study you you utilized utilized is well is well founded in founded in scientific scientific journals and journals and academic academic research. research. Through Not only do documentation, you meet data, and standards observation you but your effectively highly prove the study professional correct or study draws incorrect. new and insightful conclusions as well. Presentation Exceeds Standards 90% or higher of the class is impressed with the process you utilized to create this project and redemption is granted. Meets Standards 80% or higher of the class is impressed with the process you utilized to create this project and redemption is barely granted. Approaching Standards The study you utilized is well founded in scientific journals and academic research. Through incomplete documentation, limited data, and/or some observation you effectively prove the study correct or incorrect. Approaching Standards 70% or higher of the class is impressed with the process you utilized to create this project and your effort is acknowledged. Emergent or Developing The study you utilized is founded in some scientific journals and some academic research. Through minimal documentation, minimal data, and/or minimal observation you effectively prove the study correct or incorrect. Emergent or Developing 60% or higher of the class is impressed with the process you utilized to create this project and your effort is barely acknowledged. NonProficient There is no evidence that your study is founded on scientific journals and academic research or your study doesn’t follow scientific protocols or you incorrectly analyze your data or observations. NonProficient 59% or lower of the class accepts your effort. The class does not acknowledge that you deserve an exception to the hard work they’ve done all quarter.