Fall Calendar

Fall Calendar
Week 0: August 7-8
Thursday –
Go over BHS power-point; discuss course expectations and keys to success; Work the Process!
Friday –
Introduce AP Course; discuss textbook redesign; go over Handouts
Week 1: August 11-15
Monday –
CHAPTER 1 READING QUIZ (33,000-1769); Diagnostic Pre-test
Tuesday –
Discuss summer reading
Wednesday –
Pre-Columbian Times; Conquest of Mexico
Thursday –
Spain’s New World Empire
Friday –
CHAPTER 2 READING QUIZ (1500-1733); English expansion in the New World
Week 2: August 18-22
Monday –
Jamestown, 1607; Growth of Virginia and Maryland
Tuesday –
English in the Caribbean; Carolinas and Georgia
Wednesday –
Review Day
Thursday –
TEST #1 (CHS. 1-2)
Friday –
Discuss Test #1; Reading Day
Week 3: August 25-29
Monday –
CHAPTER 3 READING QUIZ (1619-1700); Puritans and Plymouth Colony, 1620
Tuesday –
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630; Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire
Wednesday –
Dominion of New England; New Netherlands becomes New York
Thursday –
Pennsylvania and the Quakers; New Jersey and Delaware
Friday –
CHAPTER 4 READING QUIZ (1607-1692); Chesapeake tobacco; Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676
Week 4: September 1-5
Monday –
No School – Labor Day
Tuesday –
Slavery spreads in the South; declining Puritan piety
Wednesday –
Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692
Thursday –
CHAPTER 5 READING QUIZ (1700-1775); immigration and population growth
Friday –
Colonial social structure; the Atlantic economy
Week 5: September 8-12
Monday –
The Great Awakening, 1730s
Tuesday –
Education and culture; politics and the press
Wednesday –
Review Day
Thursday –
TEST #2 (CHS. 1-5)
Friday –
Discuss Test #2; Reading Day
Week 6: September 15-19
Monday –
CHAPTER 6 READING QUIZ (1608-1763); New France and the fur-traders
Tuesday –
Anglo-French rivalries; The Seven Years’ War
Wednesday –
Pontiac’s Rebellion and the Proclamation of 1763; Review Day
Thursday –
[TEST #3] BENCHMARK #1 (CHS. 1-6)
Friday –
Discuss Benchmark #1
Week 7: September 22-26
Monday –
CHAPTER 7 READING QUIZ (1763-1775); roots of revolution
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Stamp Act, 1765; Townshend Acts, 1767
Thursday –
Boston Tea Party, 1773; Intolerable Acts and the Continental Congress, 1774
Friday –
Lexington, Concord, and the road to rebellion, 1775
Week 8: September 29-October 3
Monday –
CHAPTER 8 READING QUIZ (1775-1783); early skirmishes and American “republicanism”
Tuesday –
Declaration of Independence, 1776; Patriots and Loyalists
Wednesday –
French alliance, 1778; Yorktown, 1781; the Peace of Paris, 1783
Thursday –
Review Day
Friday –
TEST #4 (CHS. 1-8)
Week 9: October 6-10
Monday –
CHAPTER 9 READING QUIZ (1776-1790); new state constitutions
Tuesday –
Articles of Confederation, 1781-1788
Wednesday –
Northwest Ordinance, 1787; Shays’ Rebellion, 1786
Thursday –
Constitutional Convention, 1787; Ratification, 1787-1790
Friday –
No School – Teacher Workday
Week 10: October 13-17
Monday –
No School – Holiday
Tuesday –
CHAPTER 10 READING QUIZ (1789-1800); George Washington; Bill of Rights
Wednesday –
First political parties and the French Revolution; John Adams
Thursday –
Alien and Sedition Acts; Jay’s Treaty
Friday –
Washington’s Farewell Address
Week 11: October 20-24
Monday –
Review Day
Tuesday –
TEST #5 (CHS. 1-10)
Wednesday –
Discuss Test #5; Reading Day
Thursday –
CHAPTER 11 READING QUIZ (1800-1812); Thomas Jefferson; Marshall and the Supreme Court
Friday –
Louisiana Purchase; Embargo, 1807-1809; Madison and Napoleon
Week 12: October 27-31
Monday –
CHAPTER 12 READING QUIZ (1812-1824); Invasion of Canada and Treaty of Ghent, 1814
Tuesday –
Hartford Convention, 1814-15; “The American System”
Wednesday –
The Era of Good Feelings; Missouri Compromise, 1820; Monroe Doctrine, 1823
Thursday –
CHAPTER 13 READING QUIZ (1824-1840); “Corrupt Bargain”, 1824; Andrew Jackson and spoils system
Friday –
“Tariff of Abominations”, 1828; SC Nullification Crisis, 1832-33; Bank of the US
Week 13: November 3-7
Monday –
Whig party, 1836; Van Buren, 1837-1841; revolution in Texas; W.H. Harrison, 1840
Tuesday –
[TEST #6] BENCHMARK #2 (CHS. 1-13)
Wednesday –
Discuss Benchmark #2; Reading Day
Thursday –
CHAPTER 14 READING QUIZ (1790-1860); Immigration patterns; Nativist response
Friday –
Growth of the factory system; Women in the economy; Transportation revolution
Week 14: November 10-14
Monday –
CHAPTER 15 READING QUIZ (1790-1860); the Mormons; roots of reform; Temperance
Tuesday –
Women’s roles and rights; Utopian experiments
Wednesday –
Transcendentalism and “American” literature
Thursday –
CHAPTER 16 READING QUIZ (1793-1860); King Cotton; poor whites and free blacks
Friday –
Plantation system; Abolitionist response and southern response to Abolition
Week 15: November 17-21
Monday –
CHAPTER 17 READING QUIZ (1841-1848); Tyler, 1841; Maine boundary, 1842; annexing Texas, 1845
Tuesday –
Oregon Territory; James K. Polk, 1844; Mexican-American War, 1846-1848
Wednesday –
Review Day
Thursday –
TEST #7 (CHS. 1-17)
Friday –
Week 16: December 1-5
Monday –
CHAPTERS 18-19 READING QUIZ (1848-1861); popular sovereignty; Taylor & California; Underground RR
Tuesday –
Compromise of 1850; Fugitive Slave Law; Pierce and expansion, 1853-1857; Douglas and Kansas-Nebraska Act
Wednesday –
Uncle Tom’s Cabin; contest for Kansas; Buchanan, 1858; Dred Scott case, 1857
Thursday –
Panic of 1857; Lincoln-Douglas debates, 1858; John Brown and Harper’s Ferry, 1859; Lincoln, 1860; Secession
Friday –
CHAPTER 20 READING QUIZ (1861-1865); Ft. Sumter, April 1861; border states; European involvement
Week 17: December 8-12
Monday –
Lincoln and civil liberties; financing the war; women and the war
Tuesday –
CHAPTER 21 READING QUIZ (1861-1865); Bull Run; Peninsular Campaign; Antietam, 1862
Wednesday –
Emancipation Proclamation, 1863; Gettysburg; war in the West
Thursday –
Sherman in Georgia; Appomattox, 1865; assassination of Lincoln, April 1865; legacy of war
Friday –
Review Day
Week 18: December 15-19
Monday –
Review Day
Tuesday –
Wednesday –
Thursday –
Friday –