Supervisor`s Guide: Onboarding New Staff

Supervisor's Guide: Onboarding New Staff
Prior to First Day
Send a welcoming email to new employee with their schedule for first day/first week:
Some items to consider including:
What time to report to Office or Grounds for Success
If attending Grounds for Success on 1st Day, what is the plan after it concludes at 12:30pm? Will you
meet them at Newcomb to take them to lunch? Should they plan to come back to the office to meet
you for lunch? Should they have lunch on their own? Should they go to the ID Office and/or P&T
before they come into the office? Is there is a specific time you want them to be at the office?
If not attending Grounds for Success on first day, do you have plans to take them to lunch; if not,
mention they will have a lunch break to grab lunch on their own (or they can bring lunch if they
would like)
Expected work hours (at least for first day or week)
Any items they will need to bring (ID needed to complete I-9, any departmental relevant items)
Develop a training plan for new employee
Consider what tasks/skills need to be learned, which are highest priority, resources needed/available
and who will train them and when).
Draft a first week, second week, 30, 60, 90 day learning plan.
Plan goals and expectations that will be used in the performance planning (LEAD@) session for new
employees and can also be entered into LEAD@ (to be done within the first 30 days).
Ensure adequate and clean work space, and that equipment and supplies are available. Consider a special
touch to their office/desk area such as a plant or Health System accessory.
Draft introduction email about new employee (to send before or on first day).
Ensure you will be available when they arrive and schedule dedicated time on your calendar the first
day/week to spend with your new employee. Consider an end of the day wrap up each day to answer
Plan first day/first week schedule (department tour, introduction to other department members, lunch with
department members, location of equipment, supplies, kitchen, restroom, and other resources, etc.).
Plan for “down time” with resources for new employee to learn their new role, development, the University,
and any relevant areas that will expedite their onboarding (such as departmental files, manuals, publications,
shared drive files, online benefit modules, Development Resources Site, Employee Toolkit, Manager Toolkit (if
applicable), etc.
Contact Esther Davis to schedule 30 minutes with new employee on first day
Contact Lori Hanger to request or order equipment for the new employee
Contact Tyler Gallik to schedule 30 minutes during first week
Supervisor's Guide: Onboarding New Staff
First Week
Be available to greet your new employee when they arrive
Answer questions they may have from attending Grounds for Success Orientation or confirm when they will
attend Grounds for Success Orientation.
Review first day/first week schedule. Provide options for “downtime” (such as departmental files, manuals,
publications, HS Intranet, shared drive files, online benefit modules, Development Resources Site, Employee
Toolkit, Manager Toolkit (if applicable), etc.
Confirm when new employee will attend University Advancement New Hire Orientation. Explain how it is
different from UHR’s Grounds for Success Orientation.
Plan to send or escort new employee to the Health System ID Office to obtain an ID Card / be ID Proofed
Please note, in order to be set up on the computer system and email the new employee will need to obtain an ID
card and be “ID Proofed”. The Health System ID Card Office is located on the First Floor of the old Hospital. A
Hospital Drive parking pass is available from the receptionist. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday –
Friday. Consider escorting employee to ID office or have a teammate escort them. In addition, the employee must
visit the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library for ID Proofing on Tuesdays or Thursdays (please see Lori Hanger
for details).
Confirm new employee has met with or is scheduled to meet with:
Esther – Forms, Keys, Timekeeping
Lori – Computer access, Intranet info, training, org chart, phone lists, etc.
Tyler – Process I-9 within first 2 days, review budget, role of development services
Describe your department by explaining its name, purpose, position within the organization, staffing (e.g.,
organization chart), any special departmental rules or procedures, etc. Provide handouts when appropriate.
Be sure to identify special interests of the department, key staff, etc.
Conduct tour of work area and make introductions to other department members along the way. Remember to
identify restrooms, kitchen, refrigerators, supply room, etc.
Discuss new employee's job duties and responsibilities. (An excellent way to do this is to use the written job
description in Jobs@ as an outline.) Emphasize maintaining confidentiality, if it applies to his or her job. Be sure to
point out importance of the job to the department and the need to work as part of the department's "team".
Discuss goals and expectations. Explain LEAD
Review training plan (first week, second week, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day)
Outline the organization and from whom the new employee will take direction, if other than or in addition to
Explain work schedule of the department and of new employee (i.e., work hours, lunch times, overtime policy
(if applicable), procedures for notifying you in the event of tardiness or absence, Inclement Weather Policy, etc.).
Inform them of any standing meetings, upcoming meetings, networking events, training opportunities,
holidays, events, etc.
Explain dress code for the department and what is or is not acceptable. (See Intranet for specifics)
Explain what expected behavior is regarding office communication, including how to answer the phones,
transfer calls, take messages, computer and cell phone usage. (If cell phone is needed, please contact Tyler.)
Provide instruction, location, procedures for office equipment (phones, copier, scanner, fax, etc.)
Discuss emergency preparedness and procedures and discuss work environment safety issues (what to do if
injured on job, fire escape routes, location of fire extinguishers, fire safety plan, etc.).
Supervisor's Guide: Onboarding New Staff
Review timekeeping expectations with new employee based on employee classification (exempt/non-exempt –
such as overtime, reporting time out (15 minutes vs. 4 hours, etc.)
Process system access through E-Sharp (if applicable) (website:
ESHARP is a Web-based tool for requesting access to or removal from UVa Integrated Systems including:
HR/Finance (Integrated System)
Allow time for new employee to review online E-learning Modules (within first few weeks). The new employee
will be able to access the E-learning modules starting on the second day of employment. These modules are
required of all new employees and may be accessed online through SSTL (Learner). It will take approximately 1.5
hours to complete four modules:
Benefits & Leave (~ 45 minutes)
Getting Paid (~ 15 minutes)
Policies & Practices (~ 15 minutes)
Safety & Security (~15 minutes)
Allow time for new employee to enroll in benefits (within first few weeks). The new employee will be able to
enroll in benefits starting on the second day of employment. If they still have questions about benefits after
reviewing the online e-Learning module, they should contact UHR at 2-0123.
Contact Maria Heil to order business cards. (If applicable)
Begin “on-the-job” training.
At end of 1st day and the last day, meet with employee to discuss “first day/week on the job”. Ask questions.
The following provides an overview of the various human resource orientations:
Grounds for Success Orientation
Orientation begins with a half-day (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.) learning experience that focuses on the University’s rich history and culture, our current
mission and our future plans. Your new employee will also meet other new employees (both staff and faculty), and understand the importance of
their role in the University community.
At the heart of the program is a 60-75 minute experiential outing to the Academical Village and Rotunda. It will be important for them to wear or
bring comfortable walking shoes, umbrellas, and other appropriate weather gear to enjoy this outing.
Your new employee will also be given a packet of information with instructions to access four online modules and how to enroll in benefits. These
online modules should be completed within two weeks of attending the Grounds for Success orientation.
Meeting with Esther Davis
All new employees will meet with Esther/Tyler on their first day. During that time, they will process the I-9, have the new employee sign the Code of
Ethics, Whistleblower Policy and HS badge form. Keys will be provided to the building and suite. In addition, we will review the SSTL process.
Meeting with Lori Hanger
All new employees will meet with Lori Hanger on their first day. During that time, Lori will have the new employee sign the Nondisclosure form and
she willl go over network and access information. In addition, she will direct the new employee to familiarize themselves with HSD Intranet. Finally,
she will provide copies of org charts, phones lists, maps, etc.
Advancement Orientation
Advancement Human Resources conducts new employee orientation on a quarterly basis. It is two hours and will cover resources available to the
new employee, FAQs, LEAD@, Faculty and Employee Assistance Program (FEAP), Respect@, an overview of the development community, and our
Rewards & Recognition Program.
Supervisor's Guide: Onboarding New Staff
First Month
Continue to have dedicated time scheduled for you to meet with the new employee.
*Try not to reschedule these meetings – it conveys how important onboarding is and new employees come to rely
on these times for information and feedback.
Finalize goals within 30 days of hire date. Enter into LEAD@ as soon as possible, or when accessible.
Explain 6 month and 12 month Probationary Period
Actively manage new employee's training. Provide performance feedback to employee. Make your expectations
clear. To correct problems early, offer training and constructive criticism. Give your new employee positive
reinforcement for tasks that have been performed well. Provide an opportunity for them to attend relevant
training and development opportunities.
Ensure employee completes Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Training
(must take every two years)
Online and Classroom training options on EOP website:
Begin documenting employee's strengths and developmental opportunities. Maintain a supervisory file to
facilitate performance appraisal process and, if necessary, to take disciplinary action or document an
unsatisfactory probationary period.
3 Months
Schedule meeting – 3 month/90 day check in – review the 90 day learning plan.
Also consider discussing the following:
 Does the new employee have all of the tools/resources to do their job effectively?
 Is there anything they need?
 Are there areas of their job they have questions about or need information?
 Do they have a clear understanding of your expectations?
 Are they meeting those expectations?
 Have you communicated how they are doing in those areas?
 Are there clear strengths the new employee has already brought to the position?
 Are there developmental opportunities that you have identified?
 Are they fitting in? Have they established positive working relationships?
6 Months
Continue to meet with your new employee. The onboarding process is a yearlong process and regular
interactions with their manager will ensure long term success in the role.
Complete 6 Month Probationary Review (in LEAD@), documenting employee’s progress and performance.
Solicit input from the employee. If any work-related problems have surfaced, contact UA HR for assistance prior
to meeting with employee. UA HR will assist you in developing a strategy to address any performance
deficiencies and identifying corrective steps to be taken. Discuss training completed and training planned for
future. Ensure LEAD@ goals are being met.
If employee needs to improve any aspect of his/her performance, identify a development plan, review with
employee and amend as necessary. Successful development plans require support and follow through from both
you and employee.
If employee’s performance has been exemplary, consider possible recognition or rewards options. (i.e. CMAC
12 Months
Complete 12 Month Probationary Review (in LEAD@) to make a determination of whether to successfully end
probation period, extend probationary period or terminate employee. *****Note: there are very specific
guidelines for extending probationary periods. Please partner with UA HR before discussing any extensions with
Share Education Benefit information to employee for when he/she becomes eligible they may enroll in courses
that will prepare him or her to perform the job effectively and to maintain skills at a competitive level.
Supervisor's Guide: Onboarding New Staff